Icon rebooting

How's the battery drainage going? Any noticeable decrease in battery life? Did you check your background tasks? Are there any that you have up there now that you didn't have before?

My Icon has only randomly rebooted twice. Both happened on the same day and were because I was in a location where a cell tower had recently gone down and the con was struggling to get a signal. Maybe consider that as an option for what's been happening to you - how's your reception?

I live in central NJ and reception has never been a problem with any phone I've had on Verizon. 4G pretty much everywhere and all that. Killing all of my apps is the first thing I did. I had noticed a few unexplained reboots since Feb.20 but on Wednesday night it just wigged out. To the best of my reasoning I've been consistent with the way I use the phone. The only new app I've added in while was a flashlight. Of course that wasn't on or in the background. I've had no complaints with the battery. I swapped it yesterday at the MS store. Love them guys. ---The only thing I didn't do that I probably should have tried was a factory reset. Duh... That might of helped...maybe. If this behavior repeats I will have to try that.
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Got my Icon first day it was available at Verizon. After several days I noticed it would reboot several times during the day when connected to my work's WiFi. This does not happen every day but I may miss reboots when I am focused on work. I do not notice reboots when connected to my WiFi at home. I will disconnect from the WiFi at work and see if the reboots continue to happen.
My replacement Icon is also rebooting but not with the frequency of the first one. I have restored it several times and it still continues. Guess I will call Verizon once again and have them send me another replacement
I've had a significant amount of reboots lately, usually when I'm waking it it instead reboots. Sometimes immediately after getting a text, which it loses during the reboot.

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