So went to the store to have my 928 looked at. The flash stopped working and after trying every setting I could, I decided to go have it looked at. Didn't realize the Icon came out today. So, the salesperson tries all the settings on my 928 and agrees that the flash is gone. I tell him to go ahead and order a replacement 928 (still have warranty on it). He goes "Have you seen the new Icon?" This was a surprise to me in a couple of ways, first, this store is usually completely clueless to Windows Phone. I had to let them know when the 928 was coming out. The salesperson was genuinely excited about the Icon and assured me I'd like it. He knew all about it not having Glance, but knew about the upgraded processor, screen resolution, etc. I had to look around and make sure I was in the right store.
Secondly, they had it in stock and in both colors. Totally out of character. Anyway, after playing with the store model and seeing both the gorgeous screen and the butter smoothness (my 928 seemed butter smooth, didn't think it could get much smoother, but I was wrong), I walked out with a new Icon (black). The final price was essentially an extra $3/month and I can upgrade to the newest thing in a year. Very nice phone.
The only thing that really sucks is no Glance, but that's already been beaten to death and that WP8 backup won't backup app data, so my son and I lose our progress in most games. Curious to see how well the battery does. My 928 was actually pretty good, so I'm expecting to be happy with this.