Idea's I wish Microsoft would steal


New member
Sep 18, 2016
So I have used several Linux distro's in the past and I go back and run a few in VM to see how things are over on that side of the fence. My daily driver needs to be a Windows PC because of Office mainly. There are a few lessons I think MS could learn from Linux, mainly the KDE neon distro. It is super good and it is a shame that more people don't pay attention to it, if only for the reason that the Dolphin file browser is the best I have ever seen. Genius. MS is back in the 90's, and even with Sets coming up, I think this is so much better to actually do work with. Not to mention it's smooth, everything woks well, and is beyond customizable.

What are some other ideas that MS needs to "steal"?
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I think what helps Linux the most is the fact it has a much smaller footprint than Windows. This comes at a disadvantage to non-powerusers because the most aggravating thing about Linux is getting it to work with hardware.

Microsoft needs to gut Windows more than they have. It already installs updates when you install it. Keep your basic mouse, keyboard, and monitor drivers but put everything else online. When you plug in a new device, download what you need from the Update servers. I know Windows is seen as more plug-and-play but I wonder how much of that overhead in Windows is unused drivers for hardware we will never use.
I agree with that. Windows is big. I think the purpose of the "S-mode" is suppose to address that and MS is on the road to making their OS more scale-able. Again, good direction, but I think Linux has a jump on them in some areas, and lags in others.

I don't necessarily see Linux as the "best" because being the "best" is so subjective. I actually do prefer Windows because it's easier than a hundred versions of the same kernel. Linux is too fragmented in my opinion and that's why it just can't reach the audience Windows does. Conversely, being customizable, is what allows Linux to innovate better in some areas. In the end, I think there should be more "stealing" of ideas on both side.
I disagree because average users font know how to download drivers, etc. All they manage to download is malware and viruses. Just because we're techies and advanced users here doesn't mean everyone is. If you're an IT person you should know by the help desk items you deal with daily.... trust me, it's ridiculous how little directors, administrative personnel, and other users really know how to do on computers and phones.
Honestly I think Microsoft should steal some of Apple and Google's marketing practices. They both have been able to very accurately tap into their target audience and expand from there (More Google than Apple). Yet Microsoft's marketing seems as if they don't even know who is buying their products, they should find their audience (Business minded individuals and Professionals), cater to them and provide them with good products.
In Linux, I like how programs can be sorted by categories, not just alphabetically. It would be easier to find applications and programs in Windows
Microsoft needs to deliver a minimal console only free windows server version. This version must support Ssh. This is, IMHO, the single greatest advantage Linux has over windows.
Without the above there is almost no reason to use windows in the cloud. Without the cloud, there are no developers. Without developers there are no users. Without users the platform will die.
Something I think Linux has over Windows is a free OS that can work on older hardware. Sure, it takes some know how to install it, but once you do, it relatively easy.

Something to take from a specific Linux distro would be the customizing that is in Ubuntu MATE. Where you can make the theme look like Windows or even Apple.
Microsoft needs to deliver a minimal console only free windows server version. This version must support Ssh. This is, IMHO, the single greatest advantage Linux has over windows.
Without the above there is almost no reason to use windows in the cloud. Without the cloud, there are no developers. Without developers there are no users. Without users the platform will die.

Have you heard of server core?
microsoft only need to ditch registry! i really like how applications infrastructure works. my daily driver is Windows and it will be forever. i also love Linux, for 10 years experience on server platform's, distros are nightmare!!! one app needs 3 different times to be compiled to work on ubuntu, centos or opensuse. plus to compile for every different version on each distro! compatibility is a disaster.
Most of what I've read here is not only possible in Windows, it was baked-in nearly from the beginning.

I think the most important thing Microsoft could do right now, is demand that manufacturers start distributing manuals with computers again. Clearly, people need them.

I know three people who are convinced that Windows can't be operated without a keyboard and a command prompt. Their minds couldn't be changed with a head transplant.

Windows is, and has always been an extremely flexible operating system. If you don't like the file manager, you can simply try another. There are hundreds available from which to choose.

How many people rely on Microsoft Paint for photograph editing? Perhaps a few, but in general it's not even entertained as a possibility. You buy or download more dedicated software for that.

Windows is an operating system. That's been the case for nearly two decades now. The programs and features that come prepackaged are not meant to be the beginning and end of your computing experience.

Even in the days when it wasn't a proper operating system, the intent was the same.

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