there even PMA chargers available to the consumer?
I too am annoyed by the lack of built in Qi but I am more pissed about the 16GB. I can't think of any excuse for the drop in storage and 16GB doesn't cut it for me. At least we can still add Qi or PMA with a nice cover.
August 24, 2013
Each of these standards is approaching adoption of their format differently. Qi has been utilizing a push strategy and trying to get as many manufacturers to adopt their standard. Simply getting numerous devices in the market place will leader to greater adoption of the standard. They have been quite successful at this approach compared to the other two. If we had to place a bet on a single standard winning, we would choose Qi at this stage.
PMA on the other hand has been focusing on branding and developing a pull strategy by trying to build momentum through consumers. They recently gained significant traction when they partnered with Starbucks on launching a test for PMA chargers in numerous stores. With virtually no devices actually developed that will work on PMA chargers, we're not sure how successful this will be. There are some limited offerings of cell phone cases that work with PMA. In addition, most major manufacturers such as Samsung have joined all the standards boards to cover themselves. They have yet to launch product offering with PMA though. Starbucks also serves on the board so this relationship should likely grow.
We haven't ruled out A4WP yet but they are well behind Qi and PMA in terms of adoption. Intel recently joined which gives the organization body significant credibility and greater resources.
Here is my email to att I hope more does similar.
Dear Sir,
I just want to let you know that as a customer I am very upset with you dumbing down the LUMIA 1520 to a lesser phone than it was intended by Nokia. Reducing the memory to 16gb on a phone of this caliber and replacing QI with something you just decided you could profit from is not acceptable. One day ATT will pay for not trying to provide good products for it's customers instead of trying to find 100 ways to steal from them. Please show some integrity and sell the phone in the state it is suppose to be and not a dumbed down version of it.
This is a great phone and could actually win you many new customers, why do you want to mess around and cause it to lose you customers?
"Don Mooers, Director, Device Product Marketing at AT&T responded to a question about the change, and confirmed it was due to AT&T being a member of the Power Matters Alliance, which is a rival wireless charging standard also supported by companies such as Starbucks and Duracell. Starbucks has in fact started rolling out charging pads in their restaurants in USA with PMA support."
AT&T Nokia Lumia 1520 will not have Qi because AT&T supports rival PMA | WMPoweruser
So according to the ATT page we won't even get a qi case? Are we just confined to getting a PMA case? That would seriously suck!
Do not forget about MSFT & Nokia. Maybe, the WPCcommunity can persuade them to sell the international/Global variant (RM-937) or the Latin America variant(RM-938) unlocked from there websites.