I'm a Pro Photographer. Got the 1020. Wow I'm impressed! A few samples inside. =)

Great clicks man... bravo : )

One thing I noticed is that the corners are very soft. This is no big deal to me (My Canon 10-22 and 50L suffer from the same thing) but to pixel peeper and measurebators, I'm sure it will be a point of much complaint. But really, I could care less for what I shoot.

I am still puzzled as to why they didn't just use the optical system from the 808 .. that thing is sharp from end to end on most units.
I am still puzzled as to why they didn't just use the optical system from the 808 .. that thing is sharp from end to end on most units.

Probably to save on some combination of cost/size/weight.
It amazes me how people can convince themselves that images that can be replicated by a $99 point and shoot are somehow stunning and impressive since they are from a Lumina 1020, or iPhone, or high end Android phone. I am sorry but I simply don't see what is impressive about any of the shots. They are garden variety point and shoot images. The colors appear to be just passable, detail looks like that from any other high resolution small sensor, white balance is mediocre, and exposure//light/shadow control is quite unimpressive. I am also surprised that a photographer would wax poetic about this stuff. As most photographers I know will attest, number of pixels is meaningless and is even more the case with tiny digital sensors. It is smoke and mirrors - people will convince themselves of whatever they want to see. BTW, I am an archaeologist who has been doing photography as part of my profession for 20+ years and learned using the original Nikon F.

To each their own but to date I have yet to see any 1020 images that have impressed me as being anything more than shots from an overpriced point and shoot for which people are making a two to three year commitment. Leaving all other issues aside, and whether one person's subjective impression of images are more valid than another's, in the length of time someone might be tied to a contract, digital imaging technology will probably leapfrog at least twice. I simply do not see the fascination and obsession with this (or any other) camera phone.
Oooooh, them's fightin' words round here. You'd best prepare yourself.

You know though, you might've had a shred of credibility if you hadn't complained about megapixels and detail. Given that the OP only gave us 0.5MP versions of the photos to look at, it seems rather impossible to perform any evaluation of detail. Unless you're saying you would expect to see better detail from a superior camera's image which has been also resized down to 0.5MP?
It amazes me how people can convince themselves that images that can be replicated by a $99 point and shoot are somehow stunning and impressive since they are from a Lumina 1020, or iPhone, or high end Android phone. I am sorry but I simply don't see what is impressive about any of the shots. They are garden variety point and shoot images. The colors appear to be just passable, detail looks like that from any other high resolution small sensor, white balance is mediocre, and exposure//light/shadow control is quite unimpressive. I am also surprised that a photographer would wax poetic about this stuff. As most photographers I know will attest, number of pixels is meaningless and is even more the case with tiny digital sensors. It is smoke and mirrors - people will convince themselves of whatever they want to see. BTW, I am an archaeologist who has been doing photography as part of my profession for 20+ years and learned using the original Nikon F.

To each their own but to date I have yet to see any 1020 images that have impressed me as being anything more than shots from an overpriced point and shoot for which people are making a two to three year commitment. Leaving all other issues aside, and whether one person's subjective impression of images are more valid than another's, in the length of time someone might be tied to a contract, digital imaging technology will probably leapfrog at least twice. I simply do not see the fascination and obsession with this (or any other) camera phone.

I think that the main point is it takes pics similar to a point and shoot, but it is a smartphone In a sleek form factor. Since it is a phone, it's always with you. I only bring my dslr and lens when I go traveling and for special occasions.
absolutely wonderful pictures if your going to do a serious series i look forward to it.
The pictures are beautiful . Since I got my 1020 I am always looking to take pictures now. I can see me having the phone for a while. I cant wait to see what nokia does with the next firmware update for this phone if what they did with the 920 is any indication.
Nice writeup, Lloyd. I'm neither a real photographer, nor a 1020 owner (yet?), but I've yet to see a DSLR, or a decent point and shooter that fits in my pocket as well as a 1020. As my signature says...
It amazes me how people can convince themselves that images that can be replicated by a $99 point and shoot are somehow stunning and impressive since they are from a Lumina 1020, or iPhone, or high end Android phone. I am sorry but I simply don't see what is impressive about any of the shots. They are garden variety point and shoot images. The colors appear to be just passable, detail looks like that from any other high resolution small sensor, white balance is mediocre, and exposure//light/shadow control is quite unimpressive. I am also surprised that a photographer would wax poetic about this stuff. As most photographers I know will attest, number of pixels is meaningless and is even more the case with tiny digital sensors. It is smoke and mirrors - people will convince themselves of whatever they want to see. BTW, I am an archaeologist who has been doing photography as part of my profession for 20+ years and learned using the original Nikon F.

To each their own but to date I have yet to see any 1020 images that have impressed me as being anything more than shots from an overpriced point and shoot for which people are making a two to three year commitment. Leaving all other issues aside, and whether one person's subjective impression of images are more valid than another's, in the length of time someone might be tied to a contract, digital imaging technology will probably leapfrog at least twice. I simply do not see the fascination and obsession with this (or any other) camera phone.

But here's the thing...it's a phone. I don't think you get that point. It's not a Nikon F or DSLR, it's a phone. It's not a $99 point and shoot that you have to remember to carry and have a battery charged for with a separate memory card, where the photos are "locked up" until you get home and download them. It's ON YOUR PHONE.

If you don't get it, you don't get it. No worries.
But here's the thing...it's a phone. I don't think you get that point. It's not a Nikon F or DSLR, it's a phone. It's not a $99 point and shoot that you have to remember to carry and have a battery charged for with a separate memory card, where the photos are "locked up" until you get home and download them. It's ON YOUR PHONE.

If you don't get it, you don't get it. No worries.

I agree you simply don't understand my friend and that is okay. This is PHONE!! For a phone it is a truly impressive feat wouldn't you say? Anyhow love my 1020 and will continue to leave my Canon at home unless on vaca...
I have to ask, do you use a tripod, or just a very steady hand? My worries are cause I have shaky hands I wont be able to get the most out of mine when it arrives. Any tips for people with SHS (Shaky Hand Syndrome)?
I am bookmarking this page now. Next time I come across one of those tabloid/shock blog writers posting headline attention getters like "iPhone camera beats the L1020 in side by side photos" I am going to post a link to this page and tell that writer "Your holding it wrong"...lol
It amazes me how people can convince themselves that images that can be replicated by a $99 point and shoot are somehow stunning and impressive since they are from a Lumina 1020, or iPhone, or high end Android phone. I am sorry but I simply don't see what is impressive about any of the shots. They are garden variety point and shoot images. The colors appear to be just passable, detail looks like that from any other high resolution small sensor, white balance is mediocre, and exposure//light/shadow control is quite unimpressive. I am also surprised that a photographer would wax poetic about this stuff. As most photographers I know will attest, number of pixels is meaningless and is even more the case with tiny digital sensors. It is smoke and mirrors - people will convince themselves of whatever they want to see. BTW, I am an archaeologist who has been doing photography as part of my profession for 20+ years and learned using the original Nikon F.

To each their own but to date I have yet to see any 1020 images that have impressed me as being anything more than shots from an overpriced point and shoot for which people are making a two to three year commitment. Leaving all other issues aside, and whether one person's subjective impression of images are more valid than another's, in the length of time someone might be tied to a contract, digital imaging technology will probably leapfrog at least twice. I simply do not see the fascination and obsession with this (or any other) camera phone.

If that was the case you would know that this is meant to replace a point and shoot and not a dslr. Also if you where a professional photographer you would know that the best camera is the one you have on you. Having the 1020 on you at ALL time opens up a lot of things.
Amazing!! Beside having a good camera, the skills of the photographer are very important too. Great photos!
But here's the thing...it's a phone. I don't think you get that point. It's not a Nikon F or DSLR, it's a phone. It's not a $99 point and shoot that you have to remember to carry and have a battery charged for with a separate memory card, where the photos are "locked up" until you get home and download them. It's ON YOUR PHONE.

If you don't get it, you don't get it. No worries.

He doesn't or he's a hater. If he read the OP, he states that this wasn't even something he was taking serious. I think he's the latter.
Nice pics! Those lake pics reminded me of Emerald Lake.
very beautiful pictures bro, Im also very good in photographing, but more as a hobby. ur pictures are incredible!
8 - this lake looks so pure, where is this place?

You know, I actually don't know the name of the Lake, but it's the long lake right by the David Thompson Resort by Nordegg, Alberta. It's gorgeous!

Did you use a tripod for most of those shots? Coz w/ my 920, the pics come out a bit hazy and not sharp, could be because of my hands being unstable. Please do share some settings we could use on our phones fir different real life scenarios. BTW all the pics look awesome!

Tripod only for the night shot. Actually, I didn't even have a tripod, I screwed it onto my lightstand. hahaha it worked. The blurred flowing water picture was just placed on top of a rock for stability during the slow shutter. The grip is great for that! It can sit up on it's own like a real camera.

May I use these as my desktop wallpapers? They are, without a doubt, amazing shots! :wink:

Sure, if you want. PM me if you want a higher resolution version.

Nice writeup, Lloyd. I'm neither a real photographer, nor a 1020 owner (yet?), but I've yet to see a DSLR, or a decent point and shooter that fits in my pocket as well as a 1020. As my signature says...

That's the whole point! It's not a DSLR replacement, it's just something that I can now feel is GOOD ENOUGH that I no longer feel the need to lug around my $8000 DSLR, my mirrorless, or my compact Point and shoot.

But here's the thing...it's a phone. I don't think you get that point. It's not a Nikon F or DSLR, it's a phone. It's not a $99 point and shoot that you have to remember to carry and have a battery charged for with a separate memory card, where the photos are "locked up" until you get home and download them. It's ON YOUR PHONE.

If you don't get it, you don't get it. No worries.

hahaha his response made me laugh. He doesn't seem to get it. Digital has impressed me very much with it's fast progress. I've been shooting for 23 years and I shot with the same camera and lens setup for the first 15 years. Since I switched to digital in 2005, I think I've had over 25 different cameras.

I have to ask, do you use a tripod, or just a very steady hand? My worries are cause I have shaky hands I wont be able to get the most out of mine when it arrives. Any tips for people with SHS (Shaky Hand Syndrome)?

Hold with both hands, dig your left elbow into your midsection to triangulate support, and click the shutter on a slow exhale. That's the basics.

My future photo series I will post, as I mentioned earlier, will be taking the Lumia 1020 to the next level beyond where 99.999% of owners would. I'm sure STEPHEN_AZ will still bash it, but haha, I really couldn't possibly care minutely less. I'm using my 1020 how *I* want to, and that's all that really matters. I only share with you guys because some of you might enjoy it alongside with me. I feel like us WP people are like brothers (and sisters too).
It amazes me how people can convince themselves that images that can be replicated by a $99 point and shoot are somehow stunning and impressive since they are from a Lumina 1020, or iPhone, or high end Android phone. I am sorry but I simply don't see what is impressive about any of the shots. They are garden variety point and shoot images. The colors appear to be just passable, detail looks like that from any other high resolution small sensor, white balance is mediocre, and exposure//light/shadow control is quite unimpressive. I am also surprised that a photographer would wax poetic about this stuff. As most photographers I know will attest, number of pixels is meaningless and is even more the case with tiny digital sensors. It is smoke and mirrors - people will convince themselves of whatever they want to see. BTW, I am an archaeologist who has been doing photography as part of my profession for 20+ years and learned using the original Nikon F.

To each their own but to date I have yet to see any 1020 images that have impressed me as being anything more than shots from an overpriced point and shoot for which people are making a two to three year commitment. Leaving all other issues aside, and whether one person's subjective impression of images are more valid than another's, in the length of time someone might be tied to a contract, digital imaging technology will probably leapfrog at least twice. I simply do not see the fascination and obsession with this (or any other) camera phone.

Dude, I totally get you. Just like you, I too enjoy spending my days trawling Sony RX100 fan pages mocking at the photos they snapped with their puny 1" sensors. I've spent more than $10k on expensive, REAL camera gear. Full-frame stuff... and I have to suffer an eye-sore viewing those shared photos coming from a tiny 1" sensor? Bah! I'm surprised anyone would wax poetic about their photos not taken with professional-grade cameras like mine. Like you, I too am an egologist with 20+ years in photography. With my trained egologist eyes, I can see details even from a 0.5MP image to make inferences about its original 5MP/41MP.

Making fun of other people's photos/cameras gives such a tremendous ego-boost and raises my self-esteem like nothing else can. Great way to spend time. I'm so glad to find another fellow trawl like you here. But seriously dude, WPcentral is not the right pond for you to fish in, you should target those M43, mirrorless systems... you know, those cameras that are less worthy than your expensive equipment. We should catch up one day, see you at the RX100 pages?

Oh by the way, I have a new project! You know, those photos at Harlem taken by Bruce Weber and David Bailey using the LumiNa 1020? How dare they share photos from a small camera like the LumiNa 1020. Oh man, can't sleep just thinking about this ultimate ego trip insulting those photography legends! Care to join me?


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