I'm getting the 822, who's coming with me?


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Sep 28, 2011
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Ok nerdy fellas and voluptuous women. I've been hee hawin around the last couple months nit pickin and analyzing. The WP8 for me is indeed the 822, white of course since the black is beyond hideous. It really has everything I need with the only downfall being the screen but that said, the screen is more than good enough for me. Not seeing much love for this phone on here and I'm wondering why. Could I be the only one wanting the 822? If so, I would love for someone to set me straight on this. lol


Apr 4, 2012
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I think the 810 is the most attractive option of all the 820 variants personally.

I considered it because I wasn't too sure about the size of the 920, but I decided I would be more likely to regret not getting the higher resolution and all the other extra nice features.

Besides, I figure if I get the 920 and it seems like too much of a beast, I can always switch to an 820 within my return period.

If they had just made the 920 with exactly the same specs, but the size of the 820, my choice would have been easier.


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Nov 5, 2012
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I'm seriously considering getting the 822 rather than the 8X since the overall package of the 822 might actually have more things that are of more importance to me than the 8X. For example, the SD card support is a big one for me whereas a lower res screen isn't that critical. Pricing will also certainly be a factor (will be interesting to see how VZW prices their WP8 phones now that AT&T seems to have come out swinging, on their Nokia devices anyway). I suspect I'll ultimately want to handle and play with both the 822 and the 8X at a VZW store before deciding, but the 822 certainly has some competitive appeal that prevents the 8X from being a no-brainer.


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Oct 4, 2012
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I'm on T-Mobile and literally just became eligible for a full upgrade today. I'll be getting the 810 a week from now and can't wait. Amazing device, and ditto for the 822 since it's got all the same features. :cool:


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Sep 27, 2011
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Was sold on the 8X until I heard about some of the issues people are having... Going with the 822.

As I said in another thread, same size battery (1800mAh), expandable memory slot, wireless charging like the 8X. The only downer is the resolution is smaller but I can deal with that.


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Was sold on the 8X until I heard about some of the issues people are having... Going with the 822.

As I said in another thread, same size battery (1800mAh), expandable memory slot, wireless charging like the 8X. The only downer is the resolution is smaller but I can deal with that.

822 has wireless charging, but you will need to buy a new cover for it I think. Not a big deal.

I love to talk about the pluses and minuses of phones, but I'm always hesitant to push anybody towards one or the other because I support our mobile technologies at work and it allows me to switch phones way more quicker then most folks. This means what is good for me, might not be good for somebody who will have a phone for 20 months.

I'm starting to think that if I was a person who WOULD keep a phone for 20 months, I would do one of two things. Get the 822 (I still can't believe I'm saying this) or wait until December and check out the ATIV. Both the 822 and ATIV have a removable battery. I think that is a big plus if you are going to keep a phone for 20 months or longer. Us power users will burn the heck out of those batteries playing. :)

Finally, for once in my life, i will have a phone that I can use my XBOX music pass on. I'm gonna load up the heck out of a WP8 device with music. Again the 822 and ATIV allow me to do this.

My plan was to go with the 8X then maybe trade it in for the ATIV. I'm now starting to think I might do that with the 822. I know that is not an option for a lot of people and I know how hard it would be to wait for more ATIV info. So I don't know...


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Aug 1, 2011
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I am seriously considering the 822 also. The main advantages the 8X have are the high resolution screen and the camera, and I'm not sure how much better if any the 8X camera is. Decisions, decisions...


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Jul 19, 2011
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I'm with you. Getting a grey 822. I think it's a good looking phone. It appeals to more than the 8X which just seems like a "me too" phone. But I think the HTC 8S is the best looking WP8 phone of the bunch.


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I've been to the at&t store today and found out their network is way better than it was 5 years ago when I had them. A switch was tempting until I reminisced about their crappy customer service and wonky ways. I got home and started reading the 920 launch debacle and decided I'm still on the 822 train. At&t is just too sub par in so many areas.


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Oct 22, 2012
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I think I've settled on the 822 as well after reading that the soft touch finish on the 8X can flake and peel off. I also believe that the 822 will get better battery life due to the lower resolution screen. Considering that I almost never watch movies on my phone, the WVGA screen won't affect me too much. Add in the Nokia apps and it's almost a no-brainer. Only 32 more minutes to go and I'll be able to place my order.

EDIT: I went ahead and ordered a black Lumia 822 and a black Nokia Charging Plate. The only problem is that from what I read, the backplate that allows you to charge the phone wirelessly is sold separately and I didn't see anywhere to buy it. I'm hoping that it either comes standard with the phone or is available shortly. PS Verizon is offering the charging plate for $37.49 right now, for a savings of 25%.
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Feb 3, 2011
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I went today to the AT&T store today to try and solidify my decision for my next WP device, and succeeded in only confusing myself even more thouroughly. The 920 is an absolutely beautiful device. It is just a sexy beast, and beast it is. It's got heft! Being a Verizon long timer, the 920 is obviously out. The 820 (I know it's not the 822, but I wanted to get some perspective...) is equally spectacular (speaking strictly with regards to my experience with it's build quality). It (the 820) is a solid hefty device with a beautiful screen. Then there is the 8X. When I picked it up, I first noticed the weight. It is no where near the weight of the Lumias. That said, something about the device drew me in. It's a spectacular phone. Build is superb, and the complaint I have heard of the buttons are a mystery to me. Perhaps not as pronounced as on the Nokias, but MORE than adequate nontheless. All three devices are simply brilliant. I left the store honestly not sure which I would prefer...save for the 920 (alas Verizon). The expandable slot on the Nokia is indeed enticing as well as the solid feel of it. In the end, I think I will lean towards the HTC. I DO watch a lot of Netflix on my Trophy now, and the screen on the 8X should prove a noticeable difference. In my opinion, one simply can not go wrong no matter the choice between the fine devices.


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Mar 28, 2012
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I went today to the AT&T store today to try and solidify my decision for my next WP device, and succeeded in only confusing myself even more thouroughly. The 920 is an absolutely beautiful device. It is just a sexy beast, and beast it is. It's got heft! Being a Verizon long timer, the 920 is obviously out. The 820 (I know it's not the 822, but I wanted to get some perspective...) is equally spectacular (speaking strictly with regards to my experience with it's build quality). It (the 820) is a solid hefty device with a beautiful screen. Then there is the 8X. When I picked it up, I first noticed the weight. It is no where near the weight of the Lumias. That said, something about the device drew me in. It's a spectacular phone. Build is superb, and the complaint I have heard of the buttons are a mystery to me. Perhaps not as pronounced as on the Nokias, but MORE than adequate nontheless. All three devices are simply brilliant. I left the store honestly not sure which I would prefer...save for the 920 (alas Verizon). The expandable slot on the Nokia is indeed enticing as well as the solid feel of it. In the end, I think I will lean towards the HTC. I DO watch a lot of Netflix on my Trophy now, and the screen on the 8X should prove a noticeable difference. In my opinion, one simply can not go wrong no matter the choice between the fine devices.

I went to an AT&T store today as well. I really wanted to switch to them but my pesky ETF is keeping from doing it. But I had fun anyway there handling the Lumias. The 920 is spectacular phone and it handles well. To me, it didn't seem as heavy as all the critics are saying. In fact I compared the size and weight to my old Droid X and found them very similar to each other. I was surprised the 920 was just as thin if not a hair thinner than the thin part of my old X. I think the images we all have seen of the 920 make it look more portly than it is. It is big don't get me wrong, but not as bad as it's reputation has it. As for the 820, great device for the money. Nice and slim, feels good in hand. I like it a lot also.

I demoed the high contrast setting on the white 920 to the AT&T rep as well as a guy that was buying a red 920 and they were just floored by it! I think the AT&T manager wanted to hire me on the spot as he didn't even know about it. And the guy buying the red 920 just started salivating! lol

Anyways, after lusting over those Lumias at AT&T I have resolved to myself that I will go ahead and get a white 822 on Verizon. I need a phone now and can't wait till my contract ends to avoid paying the ETF. So 822, here I come. I'm sure I wont be disappointed especially coming off of my crappy Droid X.

Eric Hon

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Nov 9, 2012
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I was ready to pull the trigger on the red 8x at VZW, but it sounds like there might be quality issues from other threads. I might have to go with the 822 off contract, but man I'm jealous people at AT&T are paying the same!


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Oct 5, 2011
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I thought about switching to ATT for the 920 but am going with the 822 and not looking back. I have unlimited with Verizon and do not want to give it up. Plus I do not text a lot and use the 5.00 Verizon plan for 250 messages a month. ATT has no similar plan and would actually cost me more monthly than Verizon.

The only thing I wish the 822 had from the 920 is the screen but it's not that big of a deal. I know the camera is better too but not a big deal either. Plus I like the removable battery, micro sd card and size of the 822.
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Daniel Ratcliffe

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Dec 5, 2011
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I demoed the high contrast setting on the white 920 to the AT&T rep as well as a guy that was buying a red 920 and they were just floored by it! I think the AT&T manager wanted to hire me on the spot as he didn't even know about it. And the guy buying the red 920 just started salivating! lol

I remember when I was going into a Phones4U and started talking about the phones to my friend that was with me. Going through the features, how each one works, etc. I could hear thuds all around me... one member of staff even promised to put a good word in for me if I applied for a job with them. I did, and I got an interview as well... Shame I lost it there though :(

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