Instead of saying At&t for cellular my phone says"maritim". Any ideas why?

I noticed that my phone used the strange "Maritim" designation today, observed while I was investigating how my phone managed to burn through over three gigs of cellular data in two days while I barely used it. Restarted the phone, and now it's back to saying AT&T.
Hmmm. Luckily I have unlimited. Could "maritim" be a scam using our service? Cannot wait for the answer to this.
I'm in the Chicago suburbs and had the same thing. Restarted my phone and it switched back to AT&T. Running the latest insider version (slow ring) of W10 on a 640 and my phone has been burning thru data. On WiFi almost all the time and never hit half a gig in a month. Says I've used 4gb this month.
Yes it indeed does continue.

I think I shall contact ATT customer support tomorrow and ask them what it means. I'm seeing the same thing that ShannonKB posted in the screenshot.
Probably not a stingray since people across the country are seeing the same thing

Multiple Stingrays #moretinfoil
I'm in the middle of Georgia, so I know it wasn't from a ship. Has anyone else been getting a crap ton of notifications stating they were near their data limit? I couldn't take it any longer so I disabled my data sense. Alerting me after I utilize less than 1/2 of my data is just ridiculously cautious I'd say.
Side note to my last side note, I now notice my Glance moving the time up the screen all the time. Never once witnessed it on my 950 before I had posted about it lol.
i thought Stingray tech, at least a while ago - the only indicator was a suspicious drop to 2G.

Not sure what's at play here though.
Same here. I had it too.
Seems to be gone now. I checked today, first time since .107
I am in the Hartford CT area. Hotspot connect and roaming are off.
My 950 said 'MARITIM' until I re-booted it and now it shows AT&T. I am in a suburb of Detroit and even though cruise ships do stop in at Detroit (go figure) I am way too far away from them to have that be a factor.
Stingrays are set up everywhere all over the world for spying on cellular data.

I've had the same "MARITIM" show up several times and it prevented me from downloading some small updates because my phone thought I was roaming. I had to reboot to re-aquire my own carrier's tower.

Don't you think if it was the government hacking your phones, they wouldn't make it so obvious?

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S
Someone please find out what maritim is? Why does no one know? My phone shows it today. My location icon goes on and off for no reason also. Hmmm.......
Someone please find out what maritim is? Why does no one know? My phone shows it today. My location icon goes on and off for no reason also. Hmmm.......

Its maritime, and if you do a Google search there's comments about it going back to 2013.
I believe it is their service for cruise ships. Perhaps you are roaming and its using that as a placeholder because it isn't sure what network you are roaming on? Is it affecting your service? Call AT&T and see if they can help. I doubt the government is spying on you, unless you're a secret agent or something.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

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