Yeah you guys are definitely all missing the point here, and whoever said flash came to surface 5 months later that's a lie, I've had surface since day 1 I also own a surface pro 2 currently, it had flash always, it had some of it turned off due to performance issues with the tablet flash is so resource hungry it would literally bring entire tablet to a crawl, this is exactly why it is not supported on iPad or iPhone, and they might be removing it from actually mac laptops. At ANY rate the Xbox could easily handle this compared to a tablet but this is not the only issue, the issue is these streaming sites do not want it streamed to an Xbox, it has nothing to do with Microsoft wanting you to pay because you buying a subscription to Netflix, Microsoft doesn't get any of that money that goes for the rest of those. Now I know what your saying your saying its free on your PC, well yes but these sites also know that nobody really wants to watch all their shows on their PC so they are banking you will pay for it elsewhere, and a lot of these sites it has been changing a lot lately REQUIRE you to have some sort of paid TV programming like cable or satellite before they allow you to watch any TV shows on their site for free even if it is flash. So you have performance and you have licensing. I would say its 50/50 for the reasons, and I would be willing to bet money Xbox never sees flash. Because its. Almost useless on it except the one thing your claiming. But I actually happen to subscribe to Hulu and Netflix and yes their are certain shows you cannot get on them and I can't even get them on the website because they require you to have a login for some sort of satellite or cable saying you subscribe to this channel with your programming. One that comes to mine is USA you will not find USA on Hulu or Netflix unless the show is like 2 years old then you will find 2 year old episodes on Netflix Hulu specifically says it does not have licensing for USA. That's because USA is one of the biggest networks if not the biggest around and what they say goes. Absolutely none of this has to do with Microsoft what so ever. As far as the media center stuff that should be added in shortly I assume that will only get better with update as a lot of stuff was not added because they were rushing to compete with sony and left stuff out that has not been test fully and will implement it later I would also bet money on that. I CAN tell you of a website that doesn't use flash and works on the Xbox one and has just about any show you can think of as far as I've seen. And its the only one I know of, it even has brand new episodes. The only downside is the best quality you will get is 720p sometimes its as low as 480 depending. I don't know the exact address but if you Google something to that effect it should pop up and it has a lot of advertisements saying download you don't need to download ANYTHING just search the show click episodes and click play. I watch all my USA stuff on there not sure if they have licensing but so far nobody has shut them down. I pay too many different subscriptions to not be able to watch a couple shows on my Xbox so I could careless about legality. But I can tell you complaining to Microsoft won't help because its not them, yes every company wants to make money and yes they do make you pay for gold to use Netflix, but its like 8 dollars a month and includes a lot of other stuff besides using just Netflix. Obviously Microsoft can't give everything away free as they already lose money on the console itself how else could they fund the state of the art software and hardware that goes into it without collecting somewhere. But I assure flash doesn't matter to Microsoft if they didn't have all kinds of licensing people breathing down their neck plus the performance set backs it would be in there. Too many negatives for it to happen. But check out that website Ive been using it since I got my Xbox. Just click play and I believe you can tell the Kinect to "show full screen video" and it blows it up full screen its not HD but its watchable. Sorry for ramble.