Internet Explorer on Xbox One Can't Play Flash Videos or Stream Full Episodes?!

FLASH IS DEAD. Out of touch, not by a mile. You keep saying "video streaming sites" and those are "closed viewing" sites really designed for a PC computer, mostly Windows. These sites already are plagued with issues, stuffed full of commercials, pop-ups, etc. If you want free, then the XBO is not for you or maybe a lot of people. I personally have no problem paying for a service that delivers the experience I expect and the XBO with a Gold subscription does that.

What happened to you whole Smart TV argument or did you bury that for convenience?

Flash is not dead. Not by a long shot. Don't be na?ve. Go on the World Wide Web. It's everywhere. It deserves to be dead, but it's very much alive. Most streaming sites use it and they'll continue to use it for years to come. Even when the 'big wig' sites move on, smaller sites with fewer resources will keep it alive for at least another half decade.

I watch these streamed videos online all the time on my PC and my Surface and, when I'm at her house, on the crappy web browser of my sister's smart TV. I've never had any problems: no crashing, no pop-ups, of course commercials, but a lot of convenience. This isn't about trying to bypass apps in the Xbox One app store: there aren't any that fulfill my wife's needs, nor will there ever be because the obscure, foreign television shows she watches on IE on her Surface will never have official apps on Xbox One so it's completely irrelevant to continue discussing the 'that's what the apps are for' argument. Apps can't cover everything, but a web browser can.

I am not sure what you are talking about when you accuse me of conveniently burying the Smart TV argument? What argument? That most smart TVs's crappy web browsers are better than Microsoft's--the king of web browsers--IE on Xbox? IE on Xbox is a very good web browser with really cool voice and gesture navigation, but it's missing an important feature that lesser web browsers have. That was my argument and it still stands.
Has nothing to do with control it has to do with money. If you don't think they have control why do you think USA can stop you from watching any of their shows anywhere except if you have programming that subscribes to that channel. Yes they have control over who gets access to their content. That being said like I said before its 50/50, flash is very VERY resource hungry, I'm not sure about Google TV having flash I would have to look that up, in fact I would have to look up any smart TV's also having it as I tend to doubt this most likely this is some type of work around, Most likely the browser that he's talking about is made by Google, and the TV actually runs a version of android which supports flash. This actually has nothing to do with the TV maker in the slightest it has everything to do with Google. So saying its a crappy browser with the TV is probably false. And its most likely an expensive TV. At any rate no the content providers do not stop you from using flash, but they can stop you from accessing it even if you have flash. Like I said USA doesn't matter if you have a PC, phone unless you subscribe to it with your actually TV programming you aren't allowed to view it, don't believe me go check. The only way to get them is through some black market site that throws up recordings someone took off their TV most likely. And anybody saying flash can be and would be implemented in an update is wrong. I know you wanna believe this. Microsoft could put flash in tomorrow if they wanted and it wouldn't take them a day to do it. They have reasons more than one why its not and I would bet money like I mentioned before that its not ever coming to Xbox. You may eventually see apps across the board that support all the shows sooner or later but flash probably won't make its way. And I would say the biggest reason is performance, it has terrible performance, if you wanted ANYTHING else running in the background flash would eat up all the memory. It has nothing to do with the capabilities of the CPU or GPU its the memory flash would just eats memory, and with an Xbox that runs up to 4 things at once and they want it to be able to switch in an INSTANT not 10 seconds later flash is out of the question and will stay that way. And yes flash is on its way out, and yes 90% TV show sites use flash but this doesn't mean its not on its way out, how long who knows but doesn't matter because apple and Microsoft both feel it has security issues and has major performance issues compared to what they wanna see in their product. I have never liked flash since day one, I remember when It first came out and some older PC's it would take 8 minutes to load one page and that's not an exaggeration I wish it was never made. Adobe likes to make resource hungry stuff look at PhotoShop that's just how its been. I'll eat my words if they put flash on, but your barking up the wrong tree because Microsoft doesn't want it, and did you try and look up the site I mentioned in my last ramble? I find every show on there. And it works on the Xbox problem solved. I do believe flash is dead like the other guy is saying but plagued with issues is probably not true, slow running yes, some security issues yes but with major websites these are probably perfectly fine but really slow and cumbersome. I'm saying right now flash will not make it to Xbox, if Microsoft had their way it wouldn't even be on surface. But you can't have the tablet does everything unless it actually does everything. And other guy is right the flash on the surface is custom built by Microsoft and has nothing to do with adobe. The flash you see on surface pro is done by adobe for the desktop version of IE the metro version of IE for pro uses the same one RT does which is done by Microsoft that's why certain websites to this day still don't work on your metro browser that have flash and yes they are out there its because Microsoft doesn't support 100% of flash websites on the surface its more like 80%, if you have a pro and you use the IE desktop version it supports full flash done by adobe which is slow as balls. Yes the 2 version of IE are completely different. Mark my words, no flash will come to Xbox.
Oh and one more quick note the flash that Google has or android phones was done by adobe originally but they no longer support this. So this also is not 100% compatible with all flash and will likely get worse over time cause adobe does not update or endorse it any longer so you will start to see less and less stuff work so IF You have TV that somehow runs flash its not supported and over the next couple years will probably stop working if adobe keeps updating its normal flash then your TV will be irrelevant anyway and same reason Microsoft won't touch flash as in 5 years flash will be probably be way less significant as it is right now. Xbox is meant to be future proof not backwards compatible to old technology. It supports the very newest web content not content from 15 years ago. Soon as these TV sites catch up to Microsoft the Xbox will runs smoother than any Google TV android phone. They design stuff for the big picture not what's going on right this second Microsoft has always done this. And there are no other gaming consoles that run flash fyi. At least I know sony doesn't.
you need to mirror your Surface tablet to the Xbox one using a mirroring device here is a link to some youtube videos that will explain how to do it and what you need to get, i dont have a surface and will never get one on principal so yeah i'll be looking for an Android work around and when i find one i will post it.

you need to mirror your Surface tablet to the Xbox one using a mirroring device here is a link to some youtube videos that will explain how to do it and what you need to get, i dont have a surface and will never get one on principal so yeah i'll be looking for an Android work around and when i find one i will post it.


Thanks for the link. Couple of questions:
1. Is the Surface RT capable of doing Miracast? The guy in the video says he is using a Surface 2, which is an RT device, but I read on Reddit that Miracast is not capable on the original Surface RT. Is that true? If the Surface 2 can handle it, it seems odd that the Surface RT cannot.

2. When the guy is using Miracast on Surface via Xbox One, that requires him to plug a Miracast HDMI dongle into the Xbox One's sole HDMI-in port, right? So, in that case, I would have to unplug the cable box from the Xbox One and thus lose the OneGuide features. (Of course, he uses Windows Media Center on his HTPC to bypass this, but...). Is that right?

3. What principle are you referring to when you say you won't buy a Surface? Personally, I would never get another Android tablet. That was the worst tablet experience I ever had. But, to each his own.
Generally i get annoyed by this more, because exactly the same site would work on an iPhone or iPad, which means the site just needs to redirect a WP or W8 RT browser to the iSite, rather than the PC version.

I've complained to a number of sites about this, not with much success though :(
You plug miracast into your TV not your Xbox one, the rest I don't know.

Okay, but for the way he had it set up in that video, he was using mirroring the Surface 2 to the Xbox One, via the Xbox One's TV app. And if the Xbox One TV app requires that you plug your TV signal source (i.e. from a set-top box), wouldn't that mean the Miracast needs to be plugged into the set-top box? If it's not somehow going through the Xbox One, the Xbox One wouldn't be able to display it, no? This also probably means that you can't watch live TV on Xbox One if you're using the Xbox One TV app to mirror the Surface. Or are you saying that I simply plug the Miracast into the back of the TV, have a separate TV signal source (i.e. set-top box) running to the Xbox One, and then the Xbox One can mirror the Surface, via the Miracast plugged directly into the TV? Sorry, I'm confused (><)
On the topic of Miracast, I would love for the Xbox to get Miracast receiver support. Mirroring from your surface to your xbox would be so convenient!
Not having Flash support on Xbox One is irrational.

Sorry, but when people are actively wondering "why the f***" something doesn't work, chances are you (as a supplier) 'blew it.' Having a great vision is fine... as long as the vision satisfies a need in an effective way without leaving the user without options (minus not using your product). Sure, iOS doesn't have Flash support, but it has streaming apps for practically every major television network out there. You're not going to miss out on your favourite shows (unless you entirely depend on the Methods Network). The Xbox One not having Flash when others (such as Smart TVs) do is ridiculous, it's a hindrance to the customer who actually bought into the idea that the X1 is their "ONE" entertainment solution. Just think about it (without overthinking it), this is a "come on, seriously?" issue.

It's not on Microsoft's neck to changing standards. Mobile and HTML5 has never been more ubiquitous or common (mobile outpacing PC market), but that has not yet resulted in mainstream content providers using those standards to let people stream catch-up episodes.
Microsoft boasts that the xbox one is an all round entertainment system, the fact that it doesn't support flash, that lets face it is used a lot, from simple web pages to browser games, is ridiculous.
All we heard from Microsoft was how the xbox one was the way of the future and how it will be all we need, an all-in-one machine, but in reality we need a pc to view flash sites and/or a hand held to use in conjunction with the xbox one.
I can't even get on UBISOFTs website because xbox don't support flash, but it supports the games we buy that ubisoft make, that we play on the xbox!
Maybe flash isn't supported because its more about being able to play free browser games and dl free tv programs, rather than paying through the nose getting them from Microsoft.
If you advertise that you can surf the web on the NEW xbox one then that's what you should be able to do, in its entirety, not just parts of it.
This is NOT a Licensing issue, it is a cripple that Microsoft has added to thier game consols and phones in order to force developers of websites to develop apps specifically for windows devices and remove universal standards. They are intentionally making it difficult for web developers to support multible devices with standard web tools. All because of the war between Google's android and Microsoft's windows OS.. They also are intentionally forcing developers to move to thier monthly subscription model Azure, in the past we wrote asp or php scripts to launch default video players to stream video. The first thing Microsoft did was remove all support (even the 199 version) of windows media encoder (free and pro), and force all compilations to use Azure at 19.95 a month. (soreenson media has a replacement for static videos at 599$ but nothing for live).. They used to and still do to an extent support a direct link to an mpg or mp4 file but that exposes copyrighted content to being downloaded easily..

I've been streaming video through the internet since 1992, and this is the worse form of gorilla moves to sell software i have ever encountered. Microsoft and google are strong arming everyone into buying or falling behind. And the worst part is they developed little if any of the technology they are selling it was mostly developed and supported by users to users hard work. It sucks they can get away with this.

1: download Vuze onto PC
2: go to Google chrome and add the extension Ad-block Plus from the chrome web store
3: navigate to thepiratebay(dot)se
4: search for obscure foreign show and download, make sure it is mp4.
5: drag finished download to the xbox folder on the left in the vuze program, do not trans-code.
6: navigate to system video player on the xbox and and select vuze on (computer name)
7: enjoy streaming over your wifi connection.
8: download avast onto PC to prevent viruses.

1: download Vuze onto PC
2: go to Google chrome and add the extension Ad-block Plus from the chrome web store
3: navigate to thepiratebay(dot)se
4: search for obscure foreign show and download, make sure it is mp4.
5: drag finished download to the xbox folder on the left in the vuze program, do not trans-code.
6: navigate to system video player on the xbox and and select vuze on (computer name)
7: enjoy streaming over your wifi connection.
8: download avast onto PC to prevent viruses.


By "obscure foreign show" I assume you mean a show that is in the public domain or for which the copyright owner has given broad, express consent to copy, share, and freely distribute.
By "obscure foreign show" I assume you mean a show that is in the public domain or for which the copyright owner has given broad, express consent to copy, share, and freely distribute.

Hey I like that suggestion more than suggesting we download Avast! lol
First off, thats a load of $&IT B/c xbox 360 internet explorer plays every video I've ever wanted to watch on there so I don't know where your getting your information from. Mine has always registered videos. The same videos that won't register on xbox one. It's pathetic

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