Hello everyone,
not completely fresh:wink:, started in august at your site, did not have the time yet to leave something here. I am Ferdinand from the Netherlands, an involved windows user that started working in the DOS era (4-6.2). Working as an engineer with a role in CAD/PLM application management I informally support the IT dept. in the company I work for, while not being part of it. In my private live I helped quite some people in my relations network with migrating to W10 and storage upgrades (SSD).
I have to admit that I found your site from a negative emotion, being frustrated about Microsoft's mobile policy. I found your site while trying to understand what was happening. In my few months of conscious visits (and a longer period of unconsciously lurking
) I have learned to value the comments on this site and the nuances they brought me. As being involved in IT related issues in my profession I can understand what Microsoft is trying to do, the eventual aim of moving towards a modular OS is a wise approach. The strategy how to come to that point can be questioned. With this last remark I do not state they do it in a wrong way. I fear
that reality is too complex for me to judge. The current IT landscape (thinking about what I experience in the company I work for) has become so tremendously complex that we cannot underestimate the amount of implications that any change can have, with all the repercussions on legacy data and software.
So please go on with commenting and interpreting what is happening in the Microsoft landscape. To my opinion your site is a valuable intermediary between Microsoft in this case and it's customers.