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- Apr 27, 2012
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no issues, and I know for a fact they have had very low return rate. either every person with a problem posts on these forums, or half of these posts are 12 year old owners of other phones acting like morons.
I think its just high concentration on these forums. I owned a Lumia 800 before I got the 920 and can tell you the 920 does not live up to the 800 in build quality. The 800 was the cleanest, most solid built phone I've ever owned. It had a couple issues but nothing blatantly wrong like I have had with the several 920s I've gone through.
The flexing of the polycarbonate body and the dust under the FFC are inexcusable issues for a phone just a couple months old. These phones should rightfully be replaced by Nokia. I'm about to send my 3rd 920 back to Nokia. I'm a huge fan of WP and Nokia, but this falls launch event I was severely disappointed. If the 950 or whatever the call it comes out this fall and is significantly better in built quality, I will definitely be forking over the cash to upgrade.