Is Daniel Rubino an embarrassment to Windows Central?

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One thing I'll say is that every community says that about themselves. You're in the community, so you see everything bad. On the outside, you don't see the dirty laundry until someone shows it.
They just need to respect each others, as a Reader I visit both sites and sometimes get news first on WMPU... So, everyone should be doing they Job and let the others to be!
I consider both sites reliable. Even though wmp could use some proof reading and some articles get debunked time and time again, still no bad blood here. They shouldn't be rivals though, with the predicament WP is in right now, it can use all the press it can get without all the useless back and forth.
So true.
Daniel is not able to digest other sites he is always being against them... For eg.. Before going wpu he wrote comments about site nokiapoweruser... Like wc I follow npu also that posts almost 60 % genuine news... It's bad for the two blogs to attack themselves bad 👎 👎
Daniel is not able to digest other sites he is always being against them... For eg.. Before going wpu he wrote comments about site nokiapoweruser... Like wc I follow npu also that posts almost 60 % genuine news... It's bad for the two blogs to attack themselves bad 👎 👎

Lets be fair here and say that the things he does criticize them for are legitimate. Remember the 1520v? How did that pan out? You can argue about his tone, but he usually has a legitimate point when he criticizes someone.
Lets be fair here and say that the things he does criticize them for are legitimate. Remember the 1520v? How did that pan out? You can argue about his tone, but he usually has a legitimate point when he criticizes someone.
But that is not Daniel Rubino responsibility to police other blogs on right or wrong. Let the audience be the judge and jury and choose. Oh wait they did. They chose wc, so there is no legitimate reason for Daniel to be an *** because look at it another way it looks highly unprofessional for him vs wmpoweruser since most hold him to a higher caliber than they do him.
Let them be the bottom feeders they are. It's almost as if he enjoys ripping them apart. And of course the cheerleaders on twitter are sitting their encouraging this tasteless behavior. SMH. Only in the windows phone community do you see such pathetic behaviors.

Um... I see just as much of this behavior from the Android community. I used to be part of the Android community just a little more than a year ago, they were almost the same. Only difference is... since their OS of choice controls the mobile market, they got to push that around in people's faces.
If anyone aware of that website then you know its a tr*LL website.

Most of article they post are stupid and unprofessional.(I can post the link if anyone want)

Daniel Rubino is great person

Though I doubt the source. WMPU is the least trusted website or least reliable source
Um... I see just as much of this behavior from the Android community. I used to be part of the Android community just a little more than a year ago, they were almost the same. Only difference is... since their OS of choice controls the mobile market, they got to push that around in people's faces.

To be honest, I see the same thing in all of them. But Windows Phone users, especially writers such as us, really don't need to be at each other's throats. Granted, I use Windows Central as a source way more than I use WMPU but I get my own information directly from developers and make sure everything is verified before publishing it on 1800Pocket/PC just like they do here.

I think what Daniel was trying to portray (not that I'm defending any particular behavior) is that WMPU needs to focus on providing more accurate information. I'm not one to call out a competitor, but then I don't have bad blood with Windows Central, WMPU or any other site because I actually cite my sources and I like to keep things professional on both of my websites.

Daniel and I have chatted on Twitter, and if he was to say anything like that about 1800Pocket/PC, I would take his remarks more as "feedback" rather than any particular attitude. I certainly wouldn't publish an entire article about it. It's completely blowing things farther out of proportion that it really should be. We should all be focused on one thing: making the Windows Phone community bigger, stronger, and more dynamic.
I consider both sites reliable. Even though wmp and some articles get debunked time and time again.

So you're saying WMPU has, time and time again, written articles that required debunking, but you consider them reliable regardless? Makes sense... not.

Anyway, as long as we refrain from claiming that aliens flying Android powered spaceships are abducting WP users, any one of us could setup a WP blog with fictional content and get WMPU to link to our articles as a source. That's not journalism. That's just spewing nonsense for the sake of clicks, accuracy be damned (they amusingly call it "supporting the little guy").

It shouldn't take much brain matter to see how that regularly detracts from WC's ability to provide the WP community with more content of the kind that is actually valuable. That's why I consider such sites detrimental to the WP community as a whole. Those who care more about speed and clicks than truth and accuracy shouldn't be reporting on anything.

Is Daniel always politically correct? No. Does it really matter? No. Those who can only earn a reporter's wage by being fast, but view truthfulness and correctness as necessary sacrifices (and leave others to clean up the mess), deserve to be treated much more harshly than Daniel has ever treated WMPU.
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I can't speak for the situation at hand. I will say I have witnessed Daniel Rubino's responses to innocent (and admittedly redundant) questions here on this site and have been taken aback by how aggressive and condescending the tone of the responses have been. I don't know the guy personally and he's probably generally a nice guy. But it comes off as a bit put offish to see such responses from someone the person who actually runs the site. But then again, I don't frequent many sites where the EIC actively participates in the discussion with its readers. So maybe that's standard on the web for some.
I can't speak for the situation at hand. I will say I have witnessed Daniel Rubino's responses to innocent (and admittedly redundant) questions here on this site and have been taken aback by how aggressive and condescending the tone of the responses have been. I don't know the guy personally and he's probably generally a nice guy. But it comes off as a bit put offish to see such responses from someone the person who actually runs the site. But then again, I don't frequent many sites where the EIC actively participates in the discussion with its readers. So maybe that's standard on the web for some.
I am on a few sites where the editor in chief or in the case of a product CEO or owner actually partakes in discussions and at worse they may be a little sarcastic but not usually to bad or anything to bat an eye over. Daniel is still my favorite at wc follows by Sam but you can always tell dan from others as his articles usually have a condescendence towards them tbh.
I can't believe WMPU has an article on this. Wow. If you had any balls you'd just be a better site. The fact that Daniels occasional abrasiveness warranted an article just shows how petty of a site wmpu can be. With that said...Daniel, knock it off! Geez...I really do sound like my dad now...
I've been following news on both sites for a while now and while I prefer and trust WC a lot more, I do frequently see news posts from WMPU way before I see them here. And more often than not they are accurate. Just saying.
Eh, I don't like getting too much in the drama stuff as I'd rather be writing something more interesting but I'll just chime in and say this:

1. I 100% stand behind everything I said and I will continue to call them (and any other site) out when they do a poor job. It's not personal, it's professional. I only criticize them when they write terrible, speculatory articles. Notice I never criticize 1800PocketPC, WinBeta, Windows Phone Daily,, Windows Phone Italy, etc. There's a reason for that as they are not an embarrassment to the Windows Phone community.

2. I never use the front page in articles to attack other sites (although I have done editorial responses). What I do in comments and my own Twitter feed is my business and my opinions. I won't apologize for those comments as I too, like yourselves, are entitled to them.

3. WMPU has often flat out stolen content from us and other sites (like Neowin a few weeks ago), which is why I consider them trash.

3. Part of living in a free society (or a close approximation) is sometimes you hear things you do not like, find offensive, are in bad taste, etc. All I can say is deal with it. I realize that is a tad harsh, but I am not sure how else to state it.

4. For people who think I am arrogant, brash, ego, a bad example, etc. I am fine with that. I am not here to be the most likable person on the planet (although if you ever met me, you would probably think I was rather polite and easy to talk to). Also, one man's arrogance is another's confidence. Just saying, this is all perception. I mean I get it, people don't like my tone sometimes, that's fine.

5. I happened to think all of this was rather funny, to be honest. Having said that, there are more serious matters in the world that I am concerned with these days, so I would rather not spend any more time on this faux drama. Of course, you are more than welcome to continue with this thread, criticize me, etc.

Edit: I hadn't realized this thread was closed, so my apologies on that. I am generally okay if people want to criticize me, however, I think you folks have other talents for contributions to our forums. Feel free to PM me with the hate though, I probably deserve it on occasion ;)
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