Thanks, Daniel for the AMA weekend stint.
Two (unrelated) questions:
1. Do live tiles for people groups update with notifications for members from the group on the L950? I've loaded the last three fast ring updates on my L920 daily driver, and while I get the rotating pictures on the people group tiles, I don't get the live tile updates when I receive communication from group members. Is this feature deprecated in W10M? I manage staff, client projects, and participate on two professional boards, across four email accounts. I depend on multiple people group live tile w/updates to keep up; the prospect of having to plow through notification center, no matter how improved in W10M, is a real motivator to stay with 8.1.
2. Does the continuum hardware have the capability to accept an input network connection? My organization is transitioning to a hosted virtual desktop model in early 2016. With a dedicated network connection (compared to WiFi) and a Windows universal app to run the HVD, it would present a scenario where a 950 or 950XL could approach an all-in-one device. Thoughts?