Is it just me or does anyone else get tired of WP bashing?


New member
Aug 14, 2011
In the "papers," in the mindless iPhone/android user comments in articles and pretty much people who've never used it. Drives me nUtS.

It's a great platform, awesome OS, I like mY handset a ton and it's just fun to use. But. O, some d-head ****** wanker tosser bollock eater (that was for WeeBear) has to bash just for the sake of bashing.

WP May go down as the best thing ever, or crash and burn (although pretty unlikely), but either way, my choice, your choice, our choice. Why fo people have to suck?


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Yeah but I pick up my phone and forget all about them cause in the end I'm happy. Might sound cliche but I'm not searching the web all day for workarounds


Active member
Aug 1, 2011
I don't mind someone that has picked it up and played with it for a while saying they don't like it, but I don't care for someone that has never touched it reading a spec sheet saying it sucks or doesn't perform. I know not everyone is going to like the same thing, but if you haven't tried it keep the criticism to yourself.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
This is one of the reasons I have stopped using XDA despite being a member since 2005, the place is overrun by android fan boys now and every positive post on WP7 is immediately flooded with BS posts saying the OS is crap. The mods there do nothing about it and they don't even create new sub forums for WP7 devices any more. They should really change the name to android developers now because that is what it is


New member
Jun 21, 2011
This is one of the reasons I have stopped using XDA despite being a member since 2005, the place is overrun by android fan boys now and every positive post on WP7 is immediately flooded with BS posts saying the OS is crap. The mods there do nothing about it and they don't even create new sub forums for WP7 devices any more. They should really change the name to android developers now because that is what it is

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed it


On some of the tech blogs, it's sure annoying. Much like the XDA atmosphere, you actually have Android fanboys who are mods and back up their trash-talkers in Windows Phone articles. It's insane, but heck - I've got plenty of ammunition to chuck back their way, ESPECIALLY against Android. WinMo experience lets me know exactly what they suffer and deny.

In the real world, ha. Have a friend who is very, very pro-Apple. Tried out a GS2 and found it lame after he had handled my Omnia. What he basically said was that he wanted Windows Phone with the App Store.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Some people are not willing to try something else. I have a friend who is ready for an upgrade. He was like me, a long time BB user and afraid to try something else. I suggested the Radar to him since T-Mobile will have it on sale for $99.
Worse case I told him, you can return it and get something else. I also gave him the link to this website, and told him everyone here will help out with any questions.
I had the first generation iPhone and did not like it. I didn't like the bulk of most of the Androids either.
Last week I helped my Godchild with some adjustments on her BB Bold. While it is a nice solid device, I also realized how dated the BB is.
That made me feel even more that my HTC Trophy was a good choice, and a little over a month later, I still love it.
And Like I said in a past post, nobody's phone is better than the next person's. It's what you need to decide what is and isn't a dealbreaker. :)
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New member
Sep 26, 2011
I'm certainly getting bored of it. I agree this is the internet generally, but I was glad to find this site after XDA seemed to change so much over the past few months. I just want to discuss the phone that for me is the right choice, and how to get the most of it, alongside those who feel the same. It amazes me that people are bored enough to venture into forums for a phone they don't own and often haven't even used to insult it. It's like wandering into a strangers wedding and telling the groom he made the wrong choice.

I came from using Android. There's some things I miss, but there's something elegant I can't quite put my finger on about WP7 that gives me a little sense of delight when I use it. There's some really nice apps on Android (and some terrible ones too), but for me I felt too much like I was having to rely on installing apps to get round deficiencies (and some ugliness) in the base OS. I could replace lots of the pieces I wasn't happy with, and some of them looked great, but putting them together never quite looked finished... so I was always fiddling with it trying to get it 'right'.

I've not felt any of that with WP7/Mango - it's been a much calmer feeling where I've been able to just let the phone do what I wanted it to do in the first place. It's also still suprising me; lots of well thought out little touches that I'm still getting to know. My girlfriend is sticking with Android and that's great too - I get excited seeing the development of both technologies; but WP7 is definitely the right one for me and using her phone now feels a little 'disjointed' to me. I love the fact I notice friends posting photos more on my WP7, the way it presents social updates is so accessible and cleanly presented, and the whole thing just feels a lot more fun.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
There's a handful of things I'm tired of people complaining about.

Comparing WP7 to WinMo. There's a reason the world didn't want WinMo, it's poorly designed, inefficient, and hard to use for most people. It's not surprising that when a better WinMo came out (Android) that people jumped ship in hordes. WinMo is dead. Get over it.

Full Office functionality. If you're that reliant on editing Excel worksheets on the go just man up and get a notebook/netbook. I have little sympathy for you if you're upset that you can't get full blown Office on a 3.5 inch screen.

Not enough apps. 35K apps in less than a year is an amazing number. Truly it's staggering and shows how good MS is at bringing in developers. Yes, Android and iOS have 400 thousand plus apps but they also had a head start on MS by several years. MS won't catch up for a while but that doesn't mean there aren't some great apps already.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
The problem guys is the numbers. Around here I try to help when I can but I spend most of my time cleaning and checking the numbers in the forums. Around six months ago this forum was averaging about 12 members on line at any given time today we are averaging around sixty these days. The Andy and Fruit guys know they can feel it coming we have started the invasion and they know and they can see that there is nothing they can do about it. It won't be long till we start hearing WP talked about when news sources are talking tech gadgets we are soon to be number three then two then I'm going to say it one. Bottom line guys they are scared and they should be. MHO



New member
Jun 22, 2011
I don't like undeserved bashing of anything. I have a WP7 phone, and my next phone will more than likely be another WP7 phone. I'm in the system, supporting it, and I suggest it as an alternative to my friends and family. Heck, I think I even may have converted one former Android user who was fed up having a battery life of about 48 minutes and having to shut down every other task to stop his phone juddering to a halt with a task killer. However, I don't like a lack of objectivity either, or massive oversensitivity/blind loyalty.

I also have an iPad and a Mac, and I don't need to hear crap about how anyone who owns an iOS device is a mindless sheep (hey, guess what? We're not!) just as much as I don't need to hear that WP7 is a format that's dead before it's even started when that's clearly not the case. On the whole this site isn't too bad for that.

So, er, well done everyone! Carry on!


New member
Apr 20, 2011
Most WP bashing tells the true and I'm not ******. I want Microsoft to see all those negatives and take them to heart. I'm not going to pretend this OS is the last Coca Cola in the desert and the peons ruled by King Pepsi are just trying to make false accusations in order to finally hang him.

WP7 can't go the way of webOS. I love it too much, it will drive me crazy.


New member
Aug 14, 2011
I own an iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, all great devices in my opinion worthy of the popularity for sure. If you are an informed consumer, did your research/due diligence (spent well over 20 hours looking to WP kicking the tires from every angle possible) then you are definitely not a sheep. What you are is a person who found what works for you, makes you happy and is something you'll like long term. Fist bump for you if that's how you did it.

Blind fanboys who bash something without ever having tried it are the ones that make me nuts. I'm now a WP ******, but I don't tell my Droid/iOS friends they're dumb or their phones suck because I use WP. It what they like, cool by me.

The reason I switched over was to try something new, I was a little bored and I have a scorching case of OSADD (Operating System Attention Deficit Disorder!) and I like new shiny objects.

I like to try things that I think will be a hit before they get big (own my own business, so I love to be a riverboat gambler!). From what I've seen from WP so far, I think I've got my sawbuck on the right pony.

Not in the near term, but in the homestretch on the last lap, I see WP by a nose. The iPad goes on ebay as soon as there is a COMPARABLE WP tablet. If it functions like the phone, it will be functioning like the phone in my house.


Active member
Nov 14, 2008
This is one of the reasons I have stopped using XDA despite being a member since 2005, the place is overrun by android fan boys now and every positive post on WP7 is immediately flooded with BS posts saying the OS is crap. The mods there do nothing about it and they don't even create new sub forums for WP7 devices any more. They should really change the name to android developers now because that is what it is

Glad I'm not the only one who sees that about xda. And its so obvious, the Amazon Fire got a forum the same day it was announced, but last time I looked the Titan still didnt have one. Now I stick mostly to posting in the DVP forum but occasionally I respond to something really outrageous in the general forum. All the hate wont make much difference though, WP7 isnt going anywhere and looks to be getting some real buzz now with Nokia finally in the game. Fun to watch the fanboys squirm though. :)


New member
Oct 14, 2011
I think it's starting to get a better rep, even at work today, an avid iPhone user heard me say I had a WP7, he said he heard it was dope, but he just never got a chance to see it, and I was actually the only person he knows who said they got one

when word gets out, they will see


Nov 11, 2010
People become emotionally invested in the things that they like. It's not just phones, it's gaming consoles, beers, auto manufacturers, football teams, music genres, blah blah blah. Seems like somebody's arguing with someone else every time I turn around.

Although, I wonder if this is mostly a guy thing.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
What's worse is that these are grown men/women acting like children. I mean probably somebody's parent arguing about a mobile operating system. LOL. Really?


Nov 11, 2010
Holy carp, I just looked at HTC's Facebook, to see if I could find release info about the Titan, and the amount of absolutely hateful ignorance in the comments is just surreal. I'm like sheesh people, it's just a phone.

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