I have EXACTLY the same situation as the OP. Replaced my 920 on insurance plan and they sent me a 1520. OK, but I dropped it 4 inches onto pavement the first damn day I had it, and cracked the screen. Just one crack across it and a couple right down in the bottom left corner, but it has become erratic, phantom presses, constantly going to Bing Voice Search, freezes, etc. I filed an insurance claim on the 920 after downloading 8.1 on to it - it virtually disabled it. Now I'm looking at used 920s on Ebay while waiting for a more usable replacement for the 1520 to be introduced. It's irritating that there's not a better option than the 1520, which just doesn't fit my lifestyle. 920 did, so I'm hoping getting a used one for sub-$100 and leaving it on WP8 will be workable.