That's an excellent question! ATT doesn't offer those models, and I had no choice - it's a online process with Asurion, which takes you through some security questions, asks you what happened to your phone, then on the next screen announces "we will be sending you a Nokia Lumia 1520 as a replacement for your Nokia Lumia 920". No option to decline that I recall. I probably wouldn't have declined anyway, as all the reviews on the 1520 are glowing. It is certainly a very impressive device - fast, smooth, sleek, fantastic screen, fantastic camera, easily 2 day battery life. Unfortunately, it was the wrong size for my usage, and it proved to be unbelievably fragile. Now I'm stuck with the choice of paying a $199 insurance deductible and probably getting another 1520, a two yr upgrade on ATT which will lose me my $25/mth discount, going with ATT Next and paying full price for a new phone spread over 20mths, living with a completely erratic 1520, or picking up something used on ebay. I suppose I could get another 1520 on insurance, immediately sell it on ebay or Craigslist, and buy something else. That just doesn't feel right to me though.Why did they send you a 1520 rather than a 930? Or the 830?
Question: if I do get a used 920 on ebay, and it has not been upgraded to 8.1, can I decline that upgrade? Or will ATT/MSFT continually badger me into installing it, until I slip up and let it in? 8.1 killed my last 920, and it offers me literally nothing I want over 8. Cortana? Party trick. Greater cloud integration? No thanks, I like local, not cloud.