Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or is it dead?

Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

It really doesn't matter what it is like. It's still a fact. Windows Phone/mobile is a flop while iOS and Android rule the market. And this will never change. Even a Surface Phone wouldn't change this. Sadly.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

I liked how you analyzed it , Windows 10m is Windows 10m , in fact the early ( short time ) success of Windows Phone I think it was according to the user interface because at that time both ios and android were looking ugly but the revolutionary start screen has changed the way people use their smartphone.
But in my opinion, even with the now a days good looking ios and android I'm still seeing Windows 10 mobile not just only looks fantastic, the way you use it , how to unlock screen , how to navigate throw action center, how to even pin some favorites to the home screen as tiles and many many features I like about w10m , and if it will keep staying that way I don't have any problem with it , actually I'm thinking to replace my 730 with 950xl real soon .
So if by any chance there will be no more support or my current apps are not working properly then I might consider move to android , but it's not that real soon
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

windows phone are not everyone's cup of tea as android or ios phones are but i find them very useful for my use
I sit here, right now, on an iPhone 5C that was handed down to me, having used a mobile web browser to make an account on this forum to say: YES, i will absolutely buy another windows phone. Im currently running with a 650, and even as a budget phone it still is much nicer than any iphone or android phone ive used.

"Why are you on an iphone if you have a WP?" It was in closer reach (and ive been using for snapchat and Mortal Kombat). But the lack of swipe is killing me right now.

Like others have said, the UI blows the competition out of the water. The "lack of app support" argument holds less and less water every day, and the seamless integration between PC and Phone gets closer to reality with each update.

Contrary to popular belief, no phone is perfect (not even iPhone zomg heresy). Bluetooth connectivity plagues all platforms. Battery life could always be improved. But my cheap budget WP does 90% of what every other phone does but cost 80% less. Theres no arguing the sheer value. The numbers speak for themselves but most people refuse to listen.
My husband and I just switched to iPhones last weekend from our Lumia 928's, which we've had for 4 years, and have been miserable since. I thought with all the cult like hype of Apple products I would be happier but certain things are just dumb and inefficient. If Windows does another phone like the Lumia we will be on board! The only positive thing I can say for the iPhone is app availability is better. FYI: On my Lumia 928 posting this.
I am using iOS for a long time and found it to be easier than Windows OS phone. But, it comes to personal preference when choosing a phone. But on iOS you won't get the freedom of functionality, for example, saving files to different folders or accessing the explorer. You would have to rely solely on iTunes.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

I am a Windows Developer. I've developed several apps for Windows. What kind of apps are you using? What kind of apps would you like to see in the store?
I switch a week ago from my Lumia 950 XL to a OnePlus 5. I couldn't stay on the platform anymore, as much as I wanted to stay loyal. I still have my 950 XL as a backup, but it wasn't easy for me to go back to Android, as I love Windows Phone so much.
Lack of support from the parent company - Microsoft.

Lack of support from developers.

Lack of support from blog sites/reviewers.

Lack of support from fans and users.

Lack of support from other companies (though MS supports their OS with tall the zest).

Now you decide if it has a future or not.

Also, to all those who read this and think MS is cooking the "ultimate device", logic says, even if they do, it will take time for the market to warm up to it. Biggest example - Surface. Everyone mocked it, but now even Apple takes a clue or two from it.

Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

Well, I'm enjoying my Windows 10 Mobile device, and as far as I can go we are getting more apps coming in then leaving. Windows Phone 8.1 has been abandoned for good and is never coming back, but Windows 10 Mobile is actually in a really good shape right now. It can stand toe-to-toe with Android and iOS and come out on top in most areas except, of course, the app store. The only question we have is if we're going to have continued support. Microsoft hasn't told us anything, and even though we are certain that they are in fact working on something behind the scenes, we have no idea if any of us will reap the benefits or if it will require another pointless reboot and us spending more money on buying a new device that may or may not be supported in the future.

I love my Lumia 950/XL. But I don't know if I can really recommend a Windows 10 Mobile device to anyone without being able to tell them for sure if they're going to be supported. It's an important question and we really don't have any answers right now.

To be honest I have been using my 950 for more than 1 year. It's pretty frustrating! Especially that I every time I use facebook and Twitter the phone become HOT. This issue is on going and does not have a cure! WP cannot manage the heat issue and cannot fix it. I am using my 950 as a second phone for calls and email only. My iPhone 7 is much better and does not heat up and is extremely fast.
I think WP has no future and cannot compete with IOS! I am a Nokia user and a Microsoft user and been for a while. Always facing heat issues and app issues.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

To be honest I have been using my 950 for more than 1 year. It's pretty frustrating! Especially that I every time I use facebook and Twitter the phone become HOT. This issue is on going and does not have a cure! WP cannot manage the heat issue and cannot fix it. I am using my 950 as a second phone for calls and email only. My iPhone 7 is much better and does not heat up and is extremely fast.
I think WP has no future and cannot compete with IOS! I am a Nokia user and a Microsoft user and been for a while. Always facing heat issues and app issues.
I once believed it was the SD808 chip because my Priv used to heat up as well. Then I got a pair of Acer Liquid Primos and saw that the problem is elsewhere. Either Acer knows something about optimizing firmware the others don't or the others didn't bother to put any effort. I'm inclined to believe the latter but the end result is that the Primo is the best Windows 10 phone nobody ever heard of.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

To be honest I have been using my 950 for more than 1 year. It's pretty frustrating! Especially that I every time I use facebook and Twitter the phone become HOT. This issue is on going and does not have a cure! WP cannot manage the heat issue and cannot fix it. I am using my 950 as a second phone for calls and email only. My iPhone 7 is much better and does not heat up and is extremely fast.
I think WP has no future and cannot compete with IOS! I am a Nokia user and a Microsoft user and been for a while. Always facing heat issues and app issues.

Honestly, I've never experienced those heating issues on my 950 or my 950 XL except when simultaneously charging and doing something GPU intensive. But, then again, I've been using Mozo cases on my phones for a long while so maybe that helps mitigate the effects. And, let's be honest here, that's less a problem of Windows 10 Mobile and more of an issue of those two specific processors being troublemakers. They're powerful and effective, but as far as efficiency goes they're the most disappointing flagship processor launch in recent years.
I agree that Windows 10 Mobile isn't for everyone. In fact, it's not for most people. But if you are using it, and you take care of your phone, then Windows 10 Mobile can treat you good. And man it still looks beautiful. But, honestly, I'm planning to buy an Android phone at the end of the year and use my Windows phone as a secondary device. Not because I don't love Windows 10 Mobile, but because hardware-wise my 950 XL has just a few too many problems, and because I'm tired of not having the apps that I need (banking and finance apps more specifically). I'm looking at picking up a OnePlus 5 or a Pixel XL 2 if I can get enough saved up.

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