Is MS giving up?

I don't want it to be true, but it is. Everyone agrees apps are a key issue. The iOS bridge should be a top priority for addressing this issue. But check out the graphs on the iOS bridge on GitHub see how active development has been recently. It's pretty sad. (I'd link but WC won't let me, not enough posts)
The newest issue posted on GitHub also illustrative:
"Is microsoft really serious about this?"
"I'm sorry but, I expected a little bit more after waiting many months before trying my project again. There's still tons of missing features and I can't even run my project after commenting out half of my functionality, since crucial core functionality is still missing (aka UIPopover). I'm getting close to abandoning my Win10 port of this app since this project was announced LAST YEAR and we're well into 2016 without a decent ObjC SDK. Honestly, MS should either abandon this effort and stop leading us along, or put some serious effort into it."

If MS doesn't give a crap why should I or any of us? I've been a fan since WP7 (having owned L900, L925, L521, L640XL). WP7 was so beautiful it actually made me believe in the future of Microsoft and buy in to the whole ecosystem. But with the loss of polish and stability in W10M (in exchange for a few nice features) and the apparent disinterest in the platform it's hard to justify sticking around much longer.
Love my 950 & the OS, but I've been using an iPhone 6 for a week and it's great having apps... everything else about the iPhone sucks though. With the attitudes of the community, Windows Central and Microsoft itself, it may be time to give up - because without that mindshare what else is there?

As a long time fan, developer, and owner of about a dozen Windows phones, that's really hard to say but I'm tired of being a second class citizen. I can handle not having the latest apps, that's nothing new, what pisses me off the most is Microsoft's own apps being better on iOS. Despicable.
As a long time fan, developer, and owner of about a dozen Windows phones, that's really hard to say but I'm tired of being a second class citizen. I can handle not having the latest apps, that's nothing new, what pisses me off the most is Microsoft's own apps being better on iOS. Despicable.

Same here. I understand other people saying MS, at the end of the day, is a software company hence they will sell apps/software no matter the platform but why not give the same attention to the same apps on their own platform? They're Microsoft, they could hire thousands of developers if they wanted to but they choose not to bother with their apps on their own platform. What are they thinking?
Microsoft app on iOS are wonderful, especially Outlook. It's the best email app especially when integrating into an Exchange system.

MS really gives first class treatment to iOS users, meow!
Same here. I understand other people saying MS, at the end of the day, is a software company hence they will sell apps/software no matter the platform but why not give the same attention to the same apps on their own platform? They're Microsoft, they could hire thousands of developers if they wanted to but they choose not to bother with their apps on their own platform. What are they thinking?

Because Nadella never claimed to be MS-first. By definition in 2016, "Mobile first" means iOS then Android. MS is putting the bare minimum into W10 Mobile just for appearance sake at this point. Just looking at the quality or lack-off the first-party apps is evidence of this. Shouldn't Groove Music be excellent instead of the **** pile it is?
Microsoft app on iOS are wonderful, especially Outlook. It's the best email app especially when integrating into an Exchange system.

MS really gives first class treatment to iOS users, meow!

Have you tried updating contacts in Outlook? You can't.
I've been on Android as my daily driver for about a week and a half.
For reference:
I purchased a Moto X Pure for $439 at Amazon.
32GB of storage, 5.7 1440p Quad HD, 21MP camera. 3GB of RAM. TurboPower Charging. Micro SD Card slot.
AND it is unlocked. I can use it with ATT, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint.

What I like
1) The App Gap that we have in WP is not there
2) When my customers ask for a mobile app for the business solution I'm developing for them, I already have a device I can use for that. I even added a second account to my device that I call my "Dev" account. That way I don't have to mess with my every day account.
3) Customization. If I don't like the SMS App that comes with it, I can change it. If I don't like the driver I can change it. The same is true with just about everything.
4) I can make it due just about anything based on Events or States using something like Tasker. I have it to perform actions when I leave my house. I have it perform actions when I get a phone call.

Now, I'm a MS ****** and my life is basically in MS. I have two Gmail accounts. One it is tied to the main user for the phone, the other is tied to the development user on the phone. The use I have for them is to download apps from the play store. That's it.
So since my life is all with MS I downloaded the MS apps for Android. And here is what I've found out.
Cortana. Not fully integrated. Also it is not very accurate with reminders. I have one reminder that it is always about 40 minutes late on my phone but not my computer. (I deleted it and trying again).
Skype. I love how fast it is on Android. There is no wait screen.
Outlook. Okay. I think this is the worst app in Android. The reason is that I cannot update my contacts within it. I don't know who thought that would be a great feature to have (not being able to update contacts.) The suggestion from support is to use the browser and log in to my accounts and update (or add) the contacts from there.
So I had to setup an Exchange Sync with the stock app so I could update my contacts on the phone.
OneDrive. It works. However, when updating a contact, if you want to use a phone from your OneDrive, the Contact App will be killed. This only happens with OneDrive. I can update the photo from my local gallery and it works.

So basically, I'm enjoying my life in Android so far.
I don't miss the loading screen on my Windows 10 Mobile.
I don't miss always wondering if the App will be available for my phone.

What I do miss from WP:
I miss Live Tiles (I HATE the lifeless tiles on Android)
I miss the elegance of a Windows phone

Some people say that in order to get a good experience as far as performance on an Android is to get a very expensive highend phone. I don’t see as being the case. The unlocked phone that I’m using is reasonably priced.
But, before I got this phone I got a much cheaper Moto. I got the Moto G 3rd Gen for $180. That phone was much smoother than my W10M phone. But it didn’t have NFC and it only had 8GB of storage. I only bought it to try Android out with the intention of returning for a higherend phone if I liked it.

Will I ever go back to Windows 10 as my daily driver? I would in a heartbeat if there was no App Gap and I knew that MS really cared about its own mobile platform.
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- The financial results obtained by the Company in the Windows Phone business is just normal considering the big changes it has faced in the recent years in its effort to build a solid new environment based in a platform that supports all kind of devices, giving users unlimited access to their contents no matter when and where they run its applications and programs. It would not have valid explanation leaving away the phone business after the big investment made in Nokia`s acquisition, that implies not just money, but the ?Know-How? of one of the most remarkable companies in this matter. I just hope Microsoft to react quickly to this warnings by making users to feel more confident with its Windows hardware acquisitions. I think the problem here is not the handset`s name or the handheld itself, the problem is how the Company promote it. Working to make handhelds available for people at all levels in the market is the clue. Manufacture only High-End devices is a classy style established by Apple that we need to avoid. We all fans of Windows devices need to feel we are not alone and that every purchase we make is guaranteed. Microsoft`s statements and comments have to be more clear and frequently delivered through its official channels. I miss more events through the year available to internet user`s request. I enjoyed last events because those made me feel more confident as I saw confidence and enthusiasm by the people who gave the presentation. I regret Belfiore`s incident and hope people working at the Company to use only Microsoft`s Windows Phones as part of their fidelity and trust in the Company.
IMO, that is not a problem for Microsoft, Why?, because even with an alpha prototype preview called Windows 10 Mobile burying itself, Microsoft rely on their services (OneDrive, Azure, Office, ...), I have my iPhone running some of those services, the so called iPhone Pro as Satya once said. Once I had my device I forgot completely about the Windows Platform. I just keep my Lumia 1020 because nothing can beat that camera (being as slow as it is).

Giving the chances for upselling once you are in an ecosystem it would be risky from Microsoft to not have Windows. Apple might not be able to really upsell but Google is in an awesome position to upsell their services once you are in Android. Windows is the barrier to upselling or vertical integration.
Have you tried updating contacts in Outlook? You can't.

It doesn't even hook in well with iOS's contact system anyway.

I did Outlook for email and calendar, an Exchange account to handle contacts. It worked well, but I did miss the People hub. iOS's contact app kinda sucks still.

Well, it doesn't suck, it's just spartan.
I'm just gonna say it, I'm disappointed in the 950, and I think Microsoft are giving up.

So I'm a huge WP fan, owning 5-6 devices over the last few years, and proud of it. But I feel like the time is fast approaching for this to end. As I'm sure we all were, I was dead excited by the 950 at launch, but having used one for the first time today, I was severely disappointed. The only thing I could think of while using it was how my 930 feels far superior in terms of build quality. Maybe it was the slightly bland design, the lack of dedicated start/back touch buttons, or the fatter bezels particularly above the screen, I dont know.

I'd been counting the days until VAIO released their now Win 10 mobile device, but i was perhaps unsurprisingly underwhelmed, just like every Windows 10 Mobile device on the market.

I love the feel of the OS, and feel like I'd be stepping into the past switching to android. But with the greater range of more 'interesting' devices (like the Blackberry Priv which reminds me a lot of my old Dell Venue Pro) you cant blame me for getting tempted. I mean, maybe if Windows had secured a Snapchat app by now it might have just been enough, but no.

It feels like Microsoft are giving up with Windows Phones which really sucks, but what can I do?

I think this is a cry for help. I'm forever looking for a was to install WP on an android device, or a duel boot device to solve my problems. I'm running out of motivation and patience on this. I'm so close to giving in. Someone tell me what to do, please! Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on the matter too.
Re: I'm just gonna say it, I'm disappointed in the 950, and I think Microsoft are giving up.

I think the old crew gave up along time ago. No one should really give up with Panos stepping in. The guys has brought excitement to everything he has touched so far. He may be the best thing Microsoft has had going for them in a looong time.
Re: I'm just gonna say it, I'm disappointed in the 950, and I think Microsoft are giving up.

What you can do is just accept things and get on with your life. There's more important things in life than phones, after all.

Have a good think about why you feel you have to change phones and what's making you unhappy and try to judge just how important those details are.
What you can do is just accept things and get on with your life. There's more important things in life than phones, after all.

Have a good think about why you feel you have to change phones and what's making you unhappy and try to judge just how important those details are.

Really? Its a site about phones and what not. That is like going to a finance site and telling everyone to quit talking about money. What did you think you were going to be reading about when looking at these posts? "get on with your life" :p ha
Re: I'm just gonna say it, I'm disappointed in the 950, and I think Microsoft are giving up.

So I'm a huge WP fan, owning 5-6 devices over the last few years, and proud of it. But I feel like the time is fast approaching for this to end. As I'm sure we all were, I was dead excited by the 950 at launch, but having used one for the first time today, I was severely disappointed. The only thing I could think of while using it was how my 930 feels far superior in terms of build quality. Maybe it was the slightly bland design, the lack of dedicated start/back touch buttons, or the fatter bezels particularly above the screen, I dont know.

I'd been counting the days until VAIO released their now Win 10 mobile device, but i was perhaps unsurprisingly underwhelmed, just like every Windows 10 Mobile device on the market.

I love the feel of the OS, and feel like I'd be stepping into the past switching to android. But with the greater range of more 'interesting' devices (like the Blackberry Priv which reminds me a lot of my old Dell Venue Pro) you cant blame me for getting tempted. I mean, maybe if Windows had secured a Snapchat app by now it might have just been enough, but no.

It feels like Microsoft are giving up with Windows Phones which really sucks, but what can I do?

I think this is a cry for help. I'm forever looking for a was to install WP on an android device, or a duel boot device to solve my problems. I'm running out of motivation and patience on this. I'm so close to giving in. Someone tell me what to do, please! Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on the matter too.

I would say just wait it out until Microsoft releases their surface phone or whatever the new phone will be called. If you really love the OS, hang in there then.

No one will ostracize you if you switch platforms. You have a right to spend your money on what best suits you. After all it is just a phone, so have the freedom to go where you wish. I think windows will be here for quite awhile.
Re: I'm just gonna say it, I'm disappointed in the 950, and I think Microsoft are giving up.

I do not understand people who complain about the 950 build quality.

The removable back means that you can swap your battery easily if your battery deteriorates and does not hold the charge anymore, so that you can keep the phone for longer.

The removable back cover in plastic is also rugged as hell. I would take the plastic back cover over some fragile glass back or metal. People obsess over metal finish on phones these days, but the metal is so thin that it gets scuffed and dented easily, and you have to live with them. Dents are not signs of high quality. Whereas, with the 950, you can just get another cover for $3 if you ever damage the cover.

So yes,the hardware build quality is fine on the 950, better than most phones sold right now.

Posted via the Windows Central App for BlackBerry 10
I do not understand people who complain about the 950 build quality.

The removable back means that you can swap your battery easily if your battery deteriorates and does not hold the charge anymore, so that you can keep the phone for longer.

The removable back cover in plastic is also rugged as hell. I would take the plastic back cover over some fragile glass back or metal. People obsess over metal finish on phones these days, but the metal is so thin that it gets scuffed and dented easily, and you have to live with them. Dents are not signs of high quality. Whereas, with the 950, you can just get another cover for $3 if you ever damage the cover.

So yes,the hardware build quality is fine on the 950, better than most phones sold right now.

Posted via the Windows Central App for BlackBerry 10

I agree, my 950 is a quality, well built phone and with the leather Mozo back replacement, it looks more premium than this iPhone 6 in my other pocket.
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