Re: I'm just gonna say it, I'm disappointed in the 950, and I think Microsoft are giving up.
What you can do is just accept things and get on with your life. There's more important things in life than phones, after all.
Have a good think about why you feel you have to change phones and what's making you unhappy and try to judge just how important those details are.
Really? Its a site about phones and what not. That is like going to a finance site and telling everyone to quit talking about money. What did you think you were going to be reading about when looking at these posts? "get on with your life"

What would like for us to discuss on a WINDOWS PHONE FORUM then?
libra89 gets it:
I don't think Pete was trying to be condescending. I think he is just saying that the OP should really go with what would work best for him, and that it isn't worth the anguish.
Also Windows Central =/= WP Central, but you probably know that already.
Let me say here that this is just my personal opinion. Take it or leave it. Love it or hate it. Also note:
I am not addressing any particular user or replying directly to those quoted above. The mini conversation is shown above to provide a springboard for what I am going to say. I repeat:
I am NOT singling anyone out. This is a general observation.
There are a lot of posts on this board that are OCD on the topics of Windows Phone Is Dying / Windows Phone Failed / App Gap / Microsoft Is Going The Wrong Way / Fix It Now / Do It MY Way / I Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda / MICROSOFT IS MAKING ME GET AN ANDROID, iPHONE, TWO TIN CANS AND A PIECE OF STRING / Windows Phone Ran Over My Dog, Ate My Baby, Spit In My Eye And Laughed At Me While Driving Me Off A Cliff After Framing Me For Murder...
OK. Snarkiness over (no guarantees).
I left webOS and eventually settled into Android. I left Android and eventually settled into Windows Phone. I may, one day (the time is not yet), leave Windows Phone for... something. I don't see any compelling need to leave or any "greener pastures."
Check my post histories at webOS Nation and Android Central. I've not once went on a bender of posting how an OS failed me. Too many users here, IMHO, are doing just that. Post after post that reads like Tribulation. Ye and verily there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
I don't understand it. It's diametrically opposed to how I think to post repeatedly how I am "taking my ball and going home." It's not attractive. It's not a conversation. Some users don't want to talk about it, they want to talk AT the forum and lecture, blame, shame, scold...
If, in your heart, you really feel you need to move to another platform listing all the reasons why might be legitimate. (It's not my style, I just move on down the highway. But hey, some people need to justify it to themselves to get up the momentum and go.) What becomes objectionable and tiresome is
spamming the board with post after post on your negative experience. I read so many posts that may as well be copy/paste. "Mae ff?n Windows demon y bydd yn ei fwyta eich enaid. Rhedeg i ffwrdd gyflym ag y gallwch."
Certainly there is room and
need for constructive dialog. No one is saying there cannot be dissent and debate. What is not needed is relentless and gleeful doomsaying. What is not appreciated is standing on the sidelines cheerleading for all current users to leave the platform now so we can collectively make sure to drive the last nail into the coffin and hurry up it can't happen fast enough. I, for one, am still using and enjoying my Windows Phone.
Imagine: you are in a restaurant enjoying your meal. Or trying to. But for every diner that is seated there is a person standing in the aisles. Individually they are all stating why your meal is no good or how you need to move to another restaurant across town. It's just a huge cacophony of negativity about the meal you would otherwise enjoy without all the din.
I'm still enjoying MY meal. YMMV. You may feel you've been given ptomaine. You may feel you're providing a public service by warning one and all to push back from the plate. But in the end it's my choice. One word should suffice, then I can make up my own mind. No restaurant in the world would condone someone standing in the midst of their service expounding the negative ad nauseam.
It's not about censorship. It's about reasonable use.
I'm starting to see posts from Windows Central Users stating that they can't enjoy coming to the forum any longer because the amount of negativity is becoming the majority of what they read here. The end result of all the cheerleading is not to put people off Windows Phone, it is to make them no longer want to participate here. The name of the place is Windows Central, not Hate On Windows Central.
Absolutely it is YOUR phone and YOUR choice. Right on and power to the people. However, it is not true that YOUR choice must become MY choice and you jawing at me until I capitulate isn't really going to work.
Every user has the power to vote with their dollars. Every user has the right to use the device they most want. Every forum member has the right to enter into discussion. No users have the right to decide what device someone else uses and how they should spend their money. No forum user should be trying to disrupt the forum by spamming the same message over and over. Doesn't matter if that message is "buy bathroom tiles cheap online" or "Windows Phone ate my baby dingo."
The repetition is objectionable, not necessarily the message per se. If your goal is to have a dialog, carry on. If your goal is to convince everyone yours is the most valid opinion, never going to happen. If your goal is to create strife and warp every thread to your agenda, please don't. In fact, just knock it off.