Is my ATIV S dead?

Found this - Any ideas where to get a copy of the software

I pressed vol up and camera and then power on. This gives you the download mode. Now you can reflash your phone. The only solution for now.
So what now?
Exactly. I've tipped Windows Central off about it, don't know if Samsung would cover this under warranty, might try flashing GDR3 back to it, but I'll wait a few days and see if another solution arises. Personally I think they are dead unless flashing works.
Found this - Any ideas where to get a copy of the software

I pressed vol up and camera and then power on. This gives you the download mode. Now you can reflash your phone. The only solution for now.
Yeah there's a thread on the ATIV S board regarding the download site and it gives you instructions on what to do; I'm currently downloading the files but think I might wait as I don't want to risk totally killing it.
So what now?

You can still access download mode - so a re-flash is still possible, and I think the only option really.

All the needed information is here:]-how-revert-back-wp8-gdr3-wp8-1-dp.html

My only MAJOR fear is the battery - I have no idea how much is it filled and if it is charging in download mode? If it dies halfway during OS flashing it might get completly bricked. :straight:

Well **** it, if it dies I'm gonna buy Luma 535 or something. :D :crying:
U cant flash your phone because the driver for wp 8.1 isnt available...
Already tried it^^
I have recovered flashing GDR2.
The USB drivers works also in Win8.1 . You only need to go in the recovery mode to install the drivers as they are not signed.
U cant flash your phone because the driver for wp 8.1 isnt available...
Already tried it^^

The old drivers are still working with the official Samsung 8.1.1 update - I have just managed to successfully install GDR2 firmware.

So I can confirm that it is possible to stop the reboot loop and recover to a old firmware.
Could you confirm which software you downloaded? Any GDR2??

SamsungUSBDriver.msi -> instal first!!
WP8 SMD binary USB Downloader Ver. 3.47.exe (run as administrator)

The firmware I chose was:

This 100% works.

Follow instructions here:]-how-revert-back-wp8-gdr3-wp8-1-dp.html

But you might choose GDR3, the one Satan suggests, as there are less updates needed then - but I read somewhere that there might be problems going from GDR3 to 8.1 so I went with GDR2 that works without problems.

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