Android,Google android is at the top because of freedom
This is the best thing you said here. 100% right on the target. That is why people buy into Android; a perception of freedom. But it's freedom with risk... See all the other replies to your post for why. Freedom also entails consequences. One of the consequences of unbridled freedom is anarchy. Libertine attitudes often hide themselves in attractive, even romantic, guise in order to lull suspicion and deceive.
The vast majority of Android users are operating their handsets stock in any event... The notion that most Android users hack and mod is a misperception. People on these forums tend to forget we here are the minority. If you go to Android Central or iMore and ask, many will say they root or jailbreak. But this is a concentration of those types who are more likely to modify their device due to tech being seen as a major component in their lifestyle. Move that back out to the larger population and the percent of persons rooting or jailbreaking declines tremendously. People want their phone to "just work" without a lot of time spent tinkering and tweaking. The general public has a perception that rooting and jailbreaking will damage their device, void the warranty and decrease the value while increasing the risk that their device will cease functioning the way it should.
nelson Mandela fought because of freedom, world war,frech revolution were all because of no freedom, iOS and WP have no freedom,you have to fight in terms of jail breaking to get freedom,why don't Microsoft and apple ask themselves why people are jail breaking?
You are looking at this part backwards. By and large, the hacks and mods of Android come from outside the OS and 100% of jailbreaking technique and aftermarket Apps for jailbroken devices is outside of Apple. The OS maker isn't the one to accomplish this - it's outsiders literally "breaking in."
Apple is notorious for fighting jailbreaking. They regularly either reverse the jailbreak on the next update or lock the devices out of the update cycle. Apple doesn't want jailbreaking. Android has tolerated and even encouraged rooting and hacking, but even they will state that you are going it alone and no one is responsible for damage done to your device and its security except you.
To ask Microsoft to loosen security in Windows phone is to blow into the wind. You won't make any headway. It is against their philosophy of what the device is for, how it should be designed and how that functionality must be protected so that you and your data are safe from libertines.
apple which made the first real smartphone has 12% market share after all this time of serving the world, android which has just debuted has taken over the world because it gives freedom,if anyone wants to complete with android they have got to give freedom!
Palm, Microsoft and Nokia (along with some few others) pioneered the first smartphones. Apple did not invent the thing. They put it into slab form and made it hip with some brilliant marketing. They didn't start the concept by a long number of years. Please read a bit about Palm, Nokia and Windows Mobile... Android has not "just debuted" as it is almost as old as iPhone.
The first gen iPhone was released in June 2007.
The first commercial Android release was September 2008.
Palm OS, Windows Mobile and Symbian all predate these two by a good many years.