Is Windows Phone really dead

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New member
Jun 12, 2015
It's not dead until Microsoft says it is. As long as they keep selling phones, it's alive. People can speculate and make all of the pronouncements about it being dead that they want, but as long as MS continues to sell phones and some people keep buying, it's alive. Tech bloggers don't run MS (thank goodness. If they did, the Surface would have been history after the first generation).


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Aug 5, 2014
Hence the importance of making your own mind up based on what you read and not be led by sensationalistic journalism. You can take your point of view, I can take mine. I'm just not going to push my point of view to excess. I just point it out here in a vain attempt at a balanced point of view.

Accusing authors of articles of click bait headlines and sensationalistic journalism is not a 'balanced point of view'. While I agree Thurrott is a bit negative in his assessments, that's his opinion, and I don't think he's putting up articles as click bait. And on the subject of Windows Phone, his predictions have actually been spot on.


New member
Jan 31, 2013
Chicken and the egg. You have to have user to get app development. The app thing is worse now than it was 2 years ago. Why? Microsoft abandon wp for some reason. I switched to android and a lot of apps definitely. If I fell like ms is ready to get serious about wp I'm back on board no problem. It's a better os in my opinion, I just wish Microsoft felt that way.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


New member
Jan 7, 2013
I don't know if it's necessarily dead but I do think MS needs to get out there and say something. Even if it's just something like "Yes, sales are horrible but we are committed to WM10 for the next XX years/moths."

The fact that there is such speculation about WM being on life support can only speed up it's demise. Who, outside of hardcore fans, is going to drop $500+ on a phone you don't know is going to be supported for very long.

I must not be a hardcore fan because even though I love WM I'm not willing to buy a new phone until I feel confident MS will support it for the next 2 years.


New member
Feb 10, 2013
Yeah, I know people don't want to say its dead. But right now its pretty dead. They may come out with a Surface Phone that changes the game, but what we have now isn't going to cut it.

Yeah, we all generally like WP. But normal consumers don't care. They want the devices that every app is released for. They want the devices that their friends have. Yeah, WP has a bunch of apps, but its not just about that. When you see an ad for a company's mobile offerings, it also says Android and iOS. Rarely ever WP. Most popular apps don't make it on the WP until they are on the downturn of their popularity. There are hardly any bank apps for WP. Restaurants with bonus programs like Dunkin Donuts don't have a WP app.

What does WP do RIGHT NOW that no other device can do AND that people are actually interested in? Continuum is cool, but it doesn't really address a need that anyone is waiting for. Hello is nice, but it doesn't work properly. Most of the office and MS specific apps not only exist on iOS, but they are BETTER on iOS.

The live tiles are mostly just eye candy. They rarely display anything useful that I cant see in my notification center. Anyone who has been using an Android or iOS service for a long time is so used to the interface that they last thing that is going to draw them away is a totally different interface. They like to be comfortable and they know how to navigate their phones.

MS may rebound and succeed in the mobile marketplace, but it wont be with WP.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Probably but I personally do not care, I literally hate the static row of icon crap for IOS and equally static crap from Android but Android has the pleasure of needing constant tweaks to run smoothly like it's Windows 95. Both OS's are either useless app launchers or in Android case useless app launchers that get slower a buggier over time

I simply can't use either OS as my phone, I do not care how many apps they have, the OS for both is useless, it does not relay info to you, I don't want to launch 5 different apps to give me the quick info that WP gives me by just looking at my start screen.

I think regardless of sales MS will have a mobile OS and phone just a presence in the field. I don't care what is popular I only care what works for my needs.

Tim Stone

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Jul 29, 2014
I will continue to keep my Icon updated as Microsoft continues to evolve the OS. I appreciate what it can do, and how it works.
Unfortunately my specific app needs required me to move to an iPhone 6+. I believe Microsoft will continue to evolve the Win Phone and it certainly is not a problem for me to let mine continue to be improved. Should we see the necessary apps show up in Win 10 Mobile, I'd be happy to go back. Until then, I'll sit back and get my work done and see what they can accomplish over time.

siah hakim

New member
Feb 1, 2016
on the one hand, visual studio is the most used language in the world and it is a microsoft product, it is a complete link tool which is developed year trimmed year,.

There's a big difference in the basis of programming between windows 7 and windows 10.

on the other side, Android does that changed versions, but there is no difference between kitkat and Lollipop, it's a language limited as well as iphone ios.

people prefer the android because the menu is all.


New member
Apr 15, 2015
"It isn't only merely dead, it's really most sincerely dead!" Eh, I'll still use it.

Srenia Ia

New member
Aug 31, 2015
Yes Windows 10 mobile is dead. 550 & 650 is 3 year old tech. 950/xl is last years tech. Software wise the OneCore is good, but MS hasn't released 1st or 3rd party hardware that's anything special.


New member
Apr 15, 2015
Windows Phone must let the world think it is dead until it can control the raging beast that dwells within it!
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