Issues with Windows 10 on Lumia 730

On 730 OS Build : 10.0.10581.0 , The internal Phone memory is not visible in Storage sense. As the size of internal phone storage grows with every build , i'm getting low memory Notification and not able to clear phone memory.
Any one of you facing this problem.
My lumia 730 is not connecting to pc, My pc says Windows can't recognized it. I tried it both on my desktop and laptop.
Problem started on build 10581 and remains the same problem in build 10586
Can anyone who has installed build 1511 or version 10586, are there NOKIA tones for mail,SMS & ringtone on this version. Are they being replaced by MS default ringtones.
I am also facing the same problem and moreover near contacts its being tooo late to search a name apps are not working properly they are forcebly shutting down
Yesterday installed Windows 10 build 10586 and Everything was running fine just a small bug in live tile of Cortana. I have directly updated from windows 8.1. So looking at it I reset the device. After the reset it has started creating problems.
Cortana stopped working. It doesn't search anymore. It also not listening.

Can anyone help?
I think this is a full build, because it used my internet data around 800 mb to download this build, so it should a full build...
I just ordered a 735 as my icon has finally gone squish.

Glancing at the last few posts, it seems as if folks here are able to run windows 10 well enough. How is the VoLTE support on the newer builds?
I am having the same issue as others have reported regarding the 735 not being detected by the PC when connected via USB. Tried all sorts of soft resets, WDRT, Nokia's version of the same, different USB ports. It does charge but isn't detected. Aside from that the latest build runs fairly well for me so far. A few odd quirks here and there but battery seems about the same. The Verizon visual voice mail app has an issue where the notification seems to show up as a weird text message and the app doesn't see the voice mail until you manually refresh it from inside the app but then it does get it.

- update - turns out the USB thing was literally just a cable issue. new cable and all works fine.
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I just ordered a 735 as my icon has finally gone squish.

Glancing at the last few posts, it seems as if folks here are able to run windows 10 well enough. How is the VoLTE support on the newer builds?

Why ordering 735 now!!!! Better wait for new flagship phone.. Like 750 or 850.. I heard it will be announced after the official w10 update..
Why ordering 735 now!!!! Better wait for new flagship phone.. Like 750 or 850.. I heard it will be announced after the official w10 update..

Because my previous phone has gone squish, and I really don't want my kid poking through my purse for a shattered piece of glass.

I'll manage. It's not exactly an expensive phone. If something comes up that I really really want, I'll pay it off and simply move on to the next one.
I am using Lumia 730 and running at latest build. Installed the windows 10 build 15 days before, find out few bugs. First the Cortana live tile stop working after few hours. Once you open the cortana, it starts working. It seems the background process is not running properly. I need to refresh to by opening to get the Live tile working and the same goes weather live tile. However, some of the live tiles are working properly. Done hard reset and soft reset many times. The navigation bar is also defective, when you hide the bar at start screen it shows the reflection of the background image when you swipe up to hide up. It show up for a very short second. It happens every time. Lock screen has also a bug, whenever i unlock the phone after a long time it fluctuates. I add the weather to show the updates and never come up until I open the weather app and after few hours the status of weather on lock screen goes off. It seems I need to refresh everything in a regular time interval. Waiting for the official upgrade. Also, If anyone know, let me know, how to install if the official windows 10 mobile comes up on the insider running windows 10. My windows device recovery tool is not installing getting error. I would not be able to roll back. Your help will be appreciated.
Anybody still using W10 TP?
How is the current build on L730?

And HOT question: Is there any chances that we will get W10 official this year :D??
Cortana crashes
Silence mode crashes
MSN Weather app can not be picked as a background for lock screen
Data transfer often does not work, only after hard reboot.
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Hello Sir.
I have also Nokia Lumia 730
But my mobile is don't install window 10.
I found Server Error & don't work Window Insider.
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