If Android users threw their phones off a bridge, would you throw yours after it?
Would you rather have a good update or a fast one? The pace of Windows Phone updates is fine. Have a bit of patience for crying in the mud. If you go to our sister sites you hear the exact same thing. When is my update? When is my update? When is my update? It's a universal complaint across all Operating Systems. At least with Windows Phone the vast majority gets the update. How many Android handsets get one update if lucky and then silence? Those OEMs have to push out new models like litters of kittens and they always let the runts starve to death. Apple drops a model off from support every upgrade cycle and ensures you overspend for hardware constantly.
Not a major update? The features change list between 8.1.1 and Denim when combined comprise a long list. Go and look at the articles here about the two again. AND it is going to implement all new APIs and leverage your chipset better for advances in efficiency, productivity and features possible. Not a major update? OK...
A watched pot never boils and you are actually waiting for a rich stew to finish simmering.