It's late November, where's denim?!!!!

who cares about Denim....nothing new there ..unless they are including passive voice activation. but that is only for the phones with s 800 processor. How about making a new high end phone...that will actually run the entire update and the ones to come in the future

Well denim will also fix a few issues on the 930 and help extend the battery life so that's a pretty big thing im waiting for
If Android users threw their phones off a bridge, would you throw yours after it?

Would you rather have a good update or a fast one? The pace of Windows Phone updates is fine. Have a bit of patience for crying in the mud. If you go to our sister sites you hear the exact same thing. When is my update? When is my update? When is my update? It's a universal complaint across all Operating Systems. At least with Windows Phone the vast majority gets the update. How many Android handsets get one update if lucky and then silence? Those OEMs have to push out new models like litters of kittens and they always let the runts starve to death. Apple drops a model off from support every upgrade cycle and ensures you overspend for hardware constantly.

Not a major update? The features change list between 8.1.1 and Denim when combined comprise a long list. Go and look at the articles here about the two again. AND it is going to implement all new APIs and leverage your chipset better for advances in efficiency, productivity and features possible. Not a major update? OK...

A watched pot never boils and you are actually waiting for a rich stew to finish simmering.

No I wouldn't throw it in fact :p
The thing is all you said its absolutely right, and don't ever think the update thing is gonna make switch , but I guess it would've been a real nice touch from Microsoft if the update date was specified instead of giving a 3-month time for the update
Well denim will also fix a few issues on the 930 and help extend the battery life so that's a pretty big thing im waiting for
I'm waiting for it for l1520 , the same reason , since it has some stability issues some times when I open calendar or battery saver I'm stick on the slash screen, can do nothing then the device reboots itself
I'm really sick of it, we're always waiting 4 months to get the update!! And much longer in the US , now android lollipop is out and some OEM are sharing it out , and we're still waiting for a minor OS update , I mean it's not that big or major update!!

Surprise it's on Black Friday :P While everyone is trying to kill themselves for saving a few bucks, they'll be rolling out the update, it's the ultimate evil plan.
I've been on dev preview for as long as I can remember, All the things that made us love WP Nokia pushed for them, and sometimes fought for them, if Nokia saw that we are mad at something, they went out of their way to create a backdoor or a loophole and this is what Cyan/Black/Amber was. Denim was made during Microsoft reign and as you can see it's featureless because Microsoft doesn't care about our ******* problems nor does it operate under any kind of urgency to solve them, user voice complaints were answered in 3 years time! and half assed too.
I'm really sick of it, we're always waiting 4 months to get the update!! And much longer in the US , now android lollipop is out and some OEM are sharing it out , and we're still waiting for a minor OS update , I mean it's not that big or major update!!

If you don't want to be disappointed then don't treat rumors as being more than rumors. Same goes for idle speculation from people who know nothing more than a person on a street corner. The statement was roll out would begin in Quarter 4 of 2014 following partner testing and approval. The quarter runs to 12/31 - enough said.
the whining remains the same

it's just a minor update, people. It'll come eventually. Get a glass of water and relax for now.
How long do you think people have waited for the next Android update? That's right...

Denim is a firmware update... If you want, they could rush it and brick your phone.
It seems like "NO OFFICIAL" Denim Update, instead it'll be WP10. I think so....

Except all the new devices are being sold with Denim pre-installed.

I am in no hurry, they just released 8.1 / cyan. it will come when its ready. They obviously are trying to solve the issues that involve Verizon and Cyan.
Bored of waiting another minor update. WP have no surprise in this 2014. Ok we have 8.1 in 2014, but still the lowest market share since wp 8 in 2012. So that's mean nothing major until right now, NOTHING.
Why don't you all switch to Android then? Experience the wonders of Android for a while... Then come back and say you enjoyed it... I dare you.

Listen... The pace Microsoft is doing things in is the reason why we don't have a bloated, slow, resource hog. Android is a living example of where we would be today if Microsoft had just raced through and hadn't given a crap.

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