Joe Belfiore uses an iPhone

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You actually believe that story Joe told on the Verge? That was just damage control on his part. He obviously uses an iPhone as his daily driver.

That's exactly what I also think of all the whiners here, they do damage control, and act as if they hate the platform, but in fact are the real WM lovers!
Because how else can you explain that they are always the first to start a thread here?
Microsoft is really testing the innermost limits of the colective patience of the most diehard Windows fan base. CEO Nadella said before that he wants people to use Windows because they like to, not because they have to... but as time goes by, it just gets harder and harder to believe that, because I really do WANT to stay on Windows Mobile but they just won't do their part. Look at how long Windows 10 Mobile has been announced... and my Lumia 640 is still waiting. Unnacceptable. I mean, not that this situation is something we didn't know about... Nadella has proudly displayed his iPhone Pro packed with Microsoft apps in public and said multiple times that the situation on mobile is unsustainable. I wouldn't be surprised if even the heads of Windows have iPhones as daily drivers. Their only hope to preserve a foot in mobile segment seems to be a miracle from the hands of Panos Panay, to come out with an iPhone killer - the Surface Phone. Personally, I don't think that will suffice to save mobile. Compete for 10% of the market, specially in the higher-end spectrum? Sure... Become mainstream? Too little too late. To Windows Phone I came because of Nokia... and to Nokia I shall return.
I want to believe that Microsoft employees are not releasing a product that they themselves wont use daily.
Considering how WM10 sometimes works on L950 I can imagine Nadella and Joe throwing their phones out of the "Windows" from time to time :)
Guys, is it really so hard to think that in order to understand the competition - which is pretty crucial in every field of business - you really need to use the product for slightly more than an hour or two in a lab every now and then? [...]

Absolutely, but....
1. He isn't being honest, as I pointed already out.
2. MS MUST have such processes implemented, and I agree that it's not about using a phone an hour in the lab. So at least a small bunch of people has to do this work, from January 1st until December 31st. Assigned. Full time. And write reports about it, hold meetings, etc.
And it is not the Leader who has to do this, in such a big company.
The leader should expose himself proudly using the companys products, being totally convinced and convincing. And not only because of the customers, but also and especially because oft the many employees, as an ideal.

And again, he'd better help to debug the actual features, develop new ideas instead of looking for features on other phones.
What better time to develop new ideas if not in such a vacation?

Well, anyway, I think he'll not return to MS having the same job after his vacation. And looking at his track record, it's maybe better this way.
Not only joe using a iphone;) many people at ms using iphones. I think at ms nobody using windows mobile/phone....
He is a joke, as it has been said you don't see other leaders in other companies promoting their rivals. You don't have to go around with a competitors product to see where it is better than your own, Its business rule 101. What are competitors doing? How can we make it better! If he is only getting round to it now while on his holidays no wonder WP10 is so poor!!
Of course he uses competing products... How else would he know how to make his own products better?

ALL companies use products from competitors... It is how development works... You hear about something good in a competing product... You look it up, rip it off, makes it better and launches it in your own products.

Do you really think Google engineers didn't use Altavista when they were making Google? You think Apple doesn't use Windows computers/phones at their campus? You're ignorant.
Well,. They are getting paid millions and we are here fighting... After my icon I will buy something else. no more.....
Many here, I think, haven't read joe's comment on the verge's article on this. He says he did this primarily because it's important to know what you're up against when you are developing a mobile platform. He has to know what works and how it works on the competing platforms to make windows better. When's a better time to do that other than when you are on a year long break? And he might own an android as well.
Belifiore's comment is nothing more than damage control.

You seriously believe that Belfiore doesn't know how iPhones work after all this time? The guy who is responsible for the direction of Windows Phone is experimenting with iPhones NOW to find out what he's up against?

One of the greatest slams against iOS and iPhones is that nothing significantly changes. Pretty much the same thing year after year. The iPhone has been out for 9 years. If he doesn't know by now, he'll never know.

I know the corporate culture inside Microsoft. Belfiore's year long break isn't what Microsoft publicly announced. When Belfiore returns (if he does), he will not be in any decision-making position for Windows Phone.
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The apologist for Joe are quite amusing.

Let's see if I can put this into perspective for those of you missing the point.

There is nothing wrong with Joe or any other employee having a competitors device and using it to learn about it or even use it as a personal device. I don't think anyone would begrudge them of that.

However, it's very difficult if you're trying to sell your product to people and you're using a competitors device. If you are the face of Windows Mobile and you go on about how great it is, then you're using a different device in a public profile all it does it make you look like a fool and a liar. Perception! No one is buying that crap of 'learning ' about a competitive product. It's very obvious he knows already.

Why isn't Joe posting on a WM? The 950? Why tweet with an iPhone? He knows all the WM people are following him. What does that say to people interested in the platform?

If he's no longer a MS employee or counted as one so be it. Use whatever you want. However if your profile is still tied to MS and you're posting stuff on a competitor device then it's time for you to go anyway. You're not helping.

I see many years of WM being 3% if stuff like this continues... What reason does anyone see using a WM device other than it's interface?
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I use one as well. He should have no shame, MS just cant catch up, much less pass the competition.

Why should he get stuck with an inferior phone experience just because of where he works? If he did his job correctly, if WP was as good as we wanted to believe it was... his post wouldn't have been done while using an iphone.

I lost the expandable storage, the higher MP camera, the built-in radio and live tiles and Miracast, but they took all else away from me on their own. So take the hint, stop waiting, stop believing in the unbelievable and the unattainable... get a different phone and a different attitude.
Of course he uses competing products... How else would he know how to make his own products better?

ALL companies use products from competitors... It is how development works... You hear about something good in a competing product... You look it up, rip it off, makes it better and launches it in your own products.

Do you really think Google engineers didn't use Altavista when they were making Google? You think Apple doesn't use Windows computers/phones at their campus? You're ignorant.
And you are ignorant about what I wrote.
Of course they did and do. They must, as I wrote.

But NOT the LEADER of a product line. This is a No No.
Yup. It's like U.S. presidential candidates having to wear a lapel pin (U.S. flag), or risk being called unpatriotic. It's stupid and superficial BS, but as a candidate, you make sure you're wearing that pin regardless. Doing so is just simpler than being forced to waste time discussing fake scandals, when that time could be better used pushing your real message/agenda.

Anybody who represents anything should know this, incl. Joe Belfiore. Yes, this too is a stupid and fake scandal, and in a completely rational world it wouldn't be an issue, but Joe is the highly paid professional here, meaning he shouldn't repeatedly be stepping into these situations.

If Joe ever publicly uses a competitor's device, it should be to complain about it. For everything else, the public expects to see: "whatevered from my windows phone". Just like people expect to see presidential candidates wearing lapel pins.
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It is perfectly OK for them to use the products from competitors. What is my impression is that they don't use their own products enough. Would Nadella and Joe use L950 as their daily driver with all the existing software issues?
Not only joe using a iphone;) many people at ms using iphones. I think at ms nobody using windows mobile/phone....

True. When I worked at MS, I loved WM5 through WP8.1, but I was definitely in the minority of FTEs in my group.

At first about 60% of the team had iPhones, 40% Win. When I left a couple years ago, about 40% had iPhones, 40% Android, and 20% Win for their primary phone.

And worth W10M launching with an even bigger app gap than we had pre-Mango, even I recently switched. And if MS can't keep loyalists like me, they'll never convert outsiders.
MS on the mobile side needs to get its act together. The best advice I could give them is put Windows 10 on released Android phones. Dual OS release. Pay the phone manuafacture/distritributor what is fair. Release One flagship phone with tech that pushes the industry. Sorry 950/xl isn't anything special in the phone industry. Lumia brand is dead. If you can't beat them, join them.

As far as Joe - If a Pepsi employee drinks Coke they are fired on the spot. MS should have similiar requireements.
"I see many years of WM being 3% if stuff like this continues"

3% is being quite optimistic.
In the end it honestly doesn't matter what device he uses. I don't care, but I do find it careless that he didn't even stop to think about what he's using and how it'll appear.
I'll use the device I enjoy. Let him enjoy his. If you're that concerned about WM10 then you already know all the issues nd problems that are still out even after all the bug reports and years of waiting for this feature or that fix.
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