Joe Belfiore uses an iPhone

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Feb 13, 2015
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I'm not complaining. I'm stating facts. I'm disputing the acceptance of the given explanation as something needed by MS to 'know how to proceed'.

The iOS has been out something like 9 years and has barely changed. Does it really take a year-long vacation with an iPhone to understand what MS has to do or where to take the platform? No. It doesn't.
He should have just admitted that he uses the iPhone because WM doesn't do what he needs it to do, lacks apps, and isn't reliable anymore.

Anyone saying different... including Joe, is just blowing smoke into larger plumes of smoke.

I would wholeheartedly love, for one day, to be forced to eat my words and WM become the platform I (and many others) always hoped, wanted and waited for it to be. That's why I come back, read the news and as a prior user....understand why he uses Twitter for iPhone.

Stiv X

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Why? Supporting iPhone over Windows Mobile is perfectly in line with Microsoft's strategy.
This is funny, but also profound. Now, we know why MS gives better support to iOS than to WP/W10M.

I'm also not gullible enough to buy his excuse. Do you think you'd see Tim Cook tweeting from a 950 while on vacation?


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Aug 7, 2008
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To the OP. It?s called competitive analysis...every (smart) company/person does this? Hell - We've even had Apple order a computer from us (small gaming outfit). Won?t go into any details, but we were just as shocked about it too. Sure, maybe don?t go out and get caught, that I understand?but seriously, it?s not that big of a deal. Click bait if you ask me.
Competitive analysis? About the iPhone? In 2016?!


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Nov 3, 2015
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This thread is the reason why I believe that if the Surface Phone (or whatever they decide to call the next high end Windows phone) is not x86 compatible, and legacy software compatible then it will not be a success, and Windows Phone will not gain any market share.

Windows Phone will never compete against the iPhone or Android without a massively larger amount of developers making programs for it, and lets face it, the mass majority of developers simply ignore Windows Mobile, apparently including Microsoft.


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Dec 21, 2013
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The truth.. If Microsoft doesn't fire this guy, my next phone will be an iphone. How does using twitter for iphone helps in Microsoft strategy??? He thinks we are dumb asses. I've made some of my friends and colleague change to Windows, im out here pushing the platform so as Microsoft don't give up on Windows Phone and he is there enjoying his iphone. If the head of Windows Phone doesn't trust the platform what is the hope for its future?

Peter McNeill1

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Feb 2, 2014
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Man, I wish I had everyone's psychic ablilities in that you all know what Joe is doing and why, and why MS is doing everything wrong. Me, I'd use those powers to buy powerball tickets. :) As for the WP is bad, why, just because it doesn't have a few silly apps that are of interest to the 15-30yr old crowd? I don't selfie, snapchat... etc., pfffftttttt. It works great as a phone, Edge could be better but I can still surf, keep in contact with friends on facistbook, email, message, check weather, appointments on calendar, and Cortana doesn't do to bad on reminding me of things. Just because it doesn't have every app under the sun doesn't make it a bad phone IMHO.


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Feb 9, 2011
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totally agree - If Joe B doesnt know what iPhone offers over W10M by now he should just quit. The time to check the competition was before the rewrite to W10 NOT after. Its not like iPhone has been crazy adding lots of new stuff in the past year


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Mar 20, 2014
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Are we really talking about firing someone for what they do in their personal life? Even a meat-eater buy a salad sometime. Jesus, he wants to see what is up with other platforms, why is that a bad thing? Is this even a real problem?


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Oct 11, 2014
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Belfiore did a really poor job with WP7 and WP8. Maybe he was transfered to another division after the release of Windows 10 and then he decided to take a sabbatical year.


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Nov 3, 2015
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Man, I wish I had everyone's psychic ablilities in that you all know what Joe is doing and why, and why MS is doing everything wrong. Me, I'd use those powers to buy powerball tickets. :) As for the WP is bad, why, just because it doesn't have a few silly apps that are of interest to the 15-30yr old crowd? I don't selfie, snapchat... etc., pfffftttttt. It works great as a phone, Edge could be better but I can still surf, keep in contact with friends on facistbook, email, message, check weather, appointments on calendar, and Cortana doesn't do to bad on reminding me of things. Just because it doesn't have every app under the sun doesn't make it a bad phone IMHO.

The range of iPhone apps is faaaar broader than Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.


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Jul 12, 2015
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The fact everyone here is fighting over a marketing ploy just reeks of low functioning autism.

So, if you're fed up with Windows 10 Mobile, moved onto Android (those who did), and complain about some Hipster Joe using an iPhone then well... Maybe you should have bought an iPhone instead. Clearly a few made the wrong decision /twice/.
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Kram Sacul

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Mar 4, 2013
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Belfiore did a really poor job with WP7 and WP8. Maybe he was transfered to another division after the release of Windows 10 and then he decided to take a sabbatical year.

A really poor job how? If it wasn't for WP7 and 8 I wouldn't have given a crap about WP at all. NOT AT ALL. The problem was the lack of marketing and the lack of motivation from MS in getting this amazing OS out there. Now with W10M we can't even brag about having a rock solid OS with a great UI. A half-baked OS with a wannabe UI and an even shakier future isn't exciting anyone


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Oct 21, 2015
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Let's be realistic here...
  • Yes, Belfiore can use any phone he wants (he doesn't live in a oppressive police state), but...
  • It looks really, really bad. It's an admission that MS phones just don't cut it. The BS that he stated about checking out the competition's product is a pathetic excuse. There are many MS employees that do exactly that: measure up MS products vs the competition. All corporations do it. But for an important MS exec to be caught using an iPhone (and he is the one that is always stating that he "loves" MS products)... it's just sad :cry:


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Oct 18, 2013
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For me it makes me question his judgment no matter what he does, someone will remind of what he has done. It will make anyone second guess any decision he makes because he was to dumb to see this coming. MS will have to fire him to save face.

Varun Rajan

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Sep 24, 2015
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Nothing is wrong in it guys... .... There should be a difference between business life and personal life..... Its not necessary to promote your company 24x7 ... And at the end.. Its his life .. He can use what he wants... U cant expect a person to be a dog though he is a famous person and a part of a huge company... .. Life is once.. N he is taking his own decisions.. N enjoying it... Who knows what will happen tomorrow.. :)

The thing that worries most is that if windows phone had quality apps and consistency in UI and performance, would he be still using an iphone. I dont think so.


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Sep 14, 2013
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Good for him in evaluating the competition. Makes total sense to me.
But that choice of hair color: that's a smidge disturbing.
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