Join the WindowsCentral Developer Program!

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Hi all.....I'm a new to windows phone development and am working on my first app. I'm an IT Professional with three years of experience in UX,UI designing and a bit of experience in Android and iOS hybrid app development. Since I own a windows phone(L720) am really interested in developing apps and games for windows phone. Since am a newbie it would be great to get technical assistance from other developers. Am really inerested in joining this programme.

Awesome initiative, I would be very proud to be part of this!

My name is Nico Vermeir, I'm a Microsoft MVP Windows Platform dev. My main contribution would be helping out other devs where I can, discussing the Windows app platforms and everything surrounding them and just plain old socializing.

I'm actively working on updates for Library of Eorzea, a companion app for Final Fantasy XIV

next to that, I'm working on reviving two of my old, abandoned apps but that's just in concept phase at the moment.

I would like to join the program!

I'm the developer behind:
- DualShot
- App Promo
- App Spotlights
- SkyMotion
- Ubisoft UPlay
- Your Shape

All of these apps had WP Central articles.


S?bastien alias ArchieCoder
I'm the developer behind the M+ Apps suite, which include Theme+, Note+, Stopwatch+ and Count+. They focus on simplicity and user experience, and are strong on the Modern design language.

Thankfully, I've been featured on WPCentral and the Windows Phone Store before, and would like to participate on this program to keep learning and developing for Windows Phone.
I would love to join this awesome wpcentral developer program!

I'm a Doctor and don't have any developer certification..yet I've managed to develop Clipr with lot of efforts, but it's very difficult to promote Clipr and reach all the users in the world. Now I find this program as my golden chance to promote my app Clipr.

Clipr: With over 2500+ photo apps in Windows Phone store, Clipr stands out as the most innovative application featuring a unique concept of changing photo background or merging a photo with other friends photo.

Please add me to the program and help me :)
Hi I'd like to join the developer program because I'm developing apps for the Windows Phone full-time and need help getting noticed so I can pay my mortgage. One of my first efforts is "Here And Now", which has a small but positive user base in the UK. I'd like to connect with both developers and users to explore additional ideas.


Store link: Here and Now

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I am an Italian developer who currently can count on one, well developed, app. The app name is Wolfie Keyboardand you can find it on the store here: Wolfie Keyboard | Store di app e giochi per Windows Phone (Italia)
You can find it described in the WPCentral forums, right here:

Why am I interested into joining the dev program?
Well, obviously enough one reason is to gain more visibility together with boosting the capabilities of my app, via the feedback of the larger user pool I'd reach this way.
Also, as I am still 21 years old, I am willing to learn a lot more of Windows Phone programming, C# and XAML, and stuff is never enough. I hope I could get in touch with some cool and helpful developers who could help me boosting my knowledge about the subject!
Especially, as I am the founder of the Wimoso startup project (, I am willing to learn how to interact with some highly specific APIs, like Visual Studio Online and SharePoint ones, and I think this is the way to go!

Hi. I would like to be part of the WPCentral Developer Program. I have been publishing apps for the Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 for a year now and I have recently managed to hit one of my main goals in developing mobile apps - to start developing medical apps for the Windows plataform, since there is a huge gap in relation to the iOS platform in terms of medical apps.

However, since the Windows Phone platform does not have that many health professionals the number of potential users for my apps are not that much, so any kind of promotion is very welcome. Actually, my latest app, Ward Chores, which I am very proud of, has not got a single payed download and even the free version download count is almost non existent, which is quite sad since this app allows for something that is not available in either Android or iOS platforms.

The medical apps I develop come from ideas I get from personal experience/challenges when studying/working in the field of Medicine.

Here are all my games/apps:
--> Windows 8
- games: CoMath Blaster, Deep Tunnel Explorer

--> Windows Phone 8 and 8.1
- games: CoMath Blaster
- medical apps: Pratic GCS, Practic Apgar, Ward Chores, Ward Chores free

Thank you for your time.
I would love to be a part of the program for a number of reasons:

1) Exposure
2) Networking
3) I love Microsoft
4) I love Windows
5) I love Windows Phones
6) I love to develop for Windows and Windows Phone
7) I love to get other to develop for Windows and Windows Phone
8) I think it will be fun
9) I like rewards! :)
10) Cuz the cool guys are doing it! :P

Probably a number of other reasons too ...
I currently have 8 apps in the Windows Phone store with the most successful app (so far) being Good News! ( I am always looking for ways to improve how I build and market my apps. This program looks like a great step toward my goals.
First of all I really love this initiative from WPCentral. Its a great way to promote Developers.
I am a new developer and I took the help of App Studio Program with some basic skills on Visual Studio to create my first app that is a RSS reader. I am a learner and I have many ideas which I want to turn in reality. I am joining this program just to get more exposure from experienced devs, get more and more information on the app development and lastly to get some quality feedback on my app so that I can improve it more. My app name is Windows App Mania(Publisher Name: anmol12). Hope I get in for this.
Clock Plus - Customizable clock tile on your start screen

I am a student. I have published three apps. I am joining because I want to improve number of downloads for my app and receive more feedback to improve my app.
My best app is Clock Plus. This app is the clock run on Start screen(and in app) that updates every minute!!!!!
There are many skins for clock.
You can customize the clock.
Clock Plus | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Hi, I am a developer and already have a few apps on the Windows Store, primarily FloTiles (which is game) and Pixontal ( which is an innovative camera app).
Being a part of this program would surely help me learn from the experts, give me ideas for new apps and help me promote my apps.

​Please include me.
Windows Phone and Windows 8.1 video games developer here. At the moment i am creating new projects with the use of Unity3D. My goal is to create games and create some tutorials for popular game concepts or mechanics. Soon to provide more information.
Great initiative with the program! Would be great to join to stay in touch with the developer community.

Some references:
*) Published apps: e.g., NFC interactor (, also working as contract app developer
*) Open source NFC / NDEF library for Windows (Phone) developers -
*) Microsoft MVP for Windows Platform Development

Thanks a lot!
Hi, I would like to join this developer program, I'm an experienced developer, I'm currently working at IA Interactive in Mexico, I'm the head Windows Phone and Windows Store developer; I'm also an indie App and Game developer with some Apps on the Store, some of them have been featured on your site before (MirrorCam, Paramour and DevartApp).
I think the Quality of my Apps is enough good to be featured on your site.
Hi, I am a young game developer (only 15) and I would love to join. I have a couple apps in the store already and have a 3D maze game in beta right now. I would love to join to help get word about my apps to get funding for college and I could get some tips on marketing, design, etc from fellow WP Developers. Thanks.
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