Large Battery Drain


Jun 10, 2014
On waking my 1020 this morning, I found that the battery had dropped from 99% to 34% overnight. 34%! You've got to admit, that is a good one. There were no obvious culprits under Battery Usage, nothing obvious going on that I was aware of that might account for it. No apparent sync problems etc. Phone is seven months old, battery not abused, etc. Charge was dropping quite rapidly as I looked, and by the time I got the charger plugged in, it was at 27%. Uninstalled a few unneeded apps as a precaution. She seems all right now, charged to 100% and apparently holding it.
A failing battery perhaps?

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
On waking my 1020 this morning, I found that the battery had dropped from 99% to 34% overnight. 34%! You've got to admit, that is a good one. There were no obvious culprits under Battery Usage, nothing obvious going on that I was aware of that might account for it. No apparent sync problems etc. Phone is seven months old, battery not abused, etc. Charge was dropping quite rapidly as I looked, and by the time I got the charger plugged in, it was at 27%. Uninstalled a few unneeded apps as a precaution. She seems all right now, charged to 100% and apparently holding it.
A failing battery perhaps?

Posted via Windows Phone Central App

My L1020 is 9 months old and we both haven't been abusing the battery (I've avoided huge battery drain-charge cycles as much as I can), so in the meantime we can rule out a "failing battery" as a probably cause. I suspect it's related to a random increase in network activity, i.e. your phone antenna trying to establish connections to cellular sites repeatedly due to an unstable network coverage.

See how your battery performs in the succeeding days, and try to eliminate the "network suspect" by turning data connection off and replacing that with WiFi (if available) overnight. Let us know your observations... but I'm strongly hoping it's not a failing battery this soon!:cool:
^^^I think your diagnosis is probably right. I ought to have mentioned that I rebooted before the charging I referred to in my first post, to stop anything that might have been going on, and also turned the mobile radio off. After the charging, I decided to leave the radio on (and wifi off, as it normally is), to see what would happen. Here I am about 4h later and on waking the phone after not using during that time she's only dropped to 99%. So yes, last night's drain could well have been some dubious nocturnal activity of which I was unaware.
I'll post any interesting developments.

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gpo: Back to normal I think, about 20h after last post. Hopefully just one of those one-off things that sometimes occur.

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Glad to hear, belodion. I guess this thread is now "Solved". I hope it lasts... not looking forward to replacing my L1020 anytime soon (not even with the purported 50-MP L1030). :wink:

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