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- Aug 10, 2013
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You can manually set the APN.MMS capability back (8.1 DP screwed all apns)
You can manually set the APN.MMS capability back (8.1 DP screwed all apns)
You can manually set the APN.
I'm VERY well aware of that and attempted to do that myself. The problem was not necessarily the 8.1 DP update, but if you FACTORY RESET the phone after installing the update. It wiped out internet and MMS apn (completely blank). Not a problem. I entered the internet apn, and brought interwebz back online, but all of the MMS apns refused to cooperate. Took it to my ATT store and the guy who helped me (who was a WP fanatic, awesomely enough. Used a 1520 as his in-store phone) could not get the MMS apn to work. NONE that are known to the ATT network worked at all. Checking the forums, this was actually a known problem. I'm only hoping that the official update will allow the apns to work again.
wow dont get me wrong but I sent only 1MMS in my life back in 2010 when it was announced in my country
Official 8.1 update PROBABLY spotted on a portuguese (Europe, not Brazil, so trolling chances immediately go down 99%) ATIV S:
View attachment 82163
Spotted on Windows Phone Portugal facebook group, currently trying to confirm it's not a DP version (the guy mentioned he updated through the "update my phone" option)
Official 8.1 update PROBABLY spotted on a portuguese (Europe, not Brazil, so trolling chances immediately go down 99%) ATIV S:
View attachment 82163
Spotted on Windows Phone Portugal facebook group, currently trying to confirm it's not a DP version (the guy mentioned he updated through the "update my phone" option)
Edit 2: Appears to be non-dev preview, with german CSC (DBT or similar)
I just checked the phone update and it seems that one update is available, 8.10.14176.243
I will let it update.
If you have developer preview enabled, that's the new update that was reported today. Nothing new, though I'm curious if it fixes anything.