OK. Silly question for you.. Have you heard about the court cases between Nokia and Microsoft? No, you probably haven't. That's because there are none. Still, with updates before Cyan, Nokia was always LAST to provide updates/firmware. This time, Nokia is first, for the first time actually in WP 8 history, and oh wow, Samsung doesn't get the firmware update first - it must be because of all the lawsuit issues..!
It might be me, but that just doesn't make any sense at all and is just pure speculation.
Also, regarding lawsuits.. Check out Apple. Lawsuits seem to be normal nowadays in the mobile markets. Usually something regarding patents. The only ones winning are the patent trolls. And since Nokia is now Microsoft.. You can just wait for them to get in trouble with Apple and Samsung over and over about futile things like the way a button looks.. It's just the way the industry work right now.