Let's get Real MS!

I use Edge daily on my AMD machine at work, Intel workstation at home, and XPS 13 laptop. No problems at all, and I'm well pleased with it. Was very happy to leave Chrome behind in the XP / Windows 7 realm.
@holdum trying not to make it too obvious xd
Sorry friend! We have a lot of unhappy WC members and I believe in telling it like it is!:grin: I'll be good now!:wink:
Thanks for all you do here! You are appreciated!
Edge is garbage. Period. It's actually worse than IE11 at this point in time and I'm not being extreme or dramatic.

I have explained why it is many times but I'm just over it now and too lazy.
I use Edge as my default browser and I am not a fan. It routinely stops working and needs to recover. Someday I will get off my *** and change browsers.

Twitter: @PhotographyET
I use Edge as my default browser and I am not a fan. It routinely stops working and needs to recover. Someday I will get off my *** and change browsers.

Twitter: @PhotographyET

Maybe by that day it will be running smoothly and you won't have to
Maybe by that day it will be running smoothly and you won't have to

thats what I do, now my plan is to wait for RS2 to fix my current issues, but if they stop providing upgrades as they've been doing since forever(full build install, then data migration) via .iso files, I may have to start making fully bootable OS disk backups

I see no end to this steady stream of problems, as this guy states here https://youtu.be/wgKJMsJ-6XU the customer is no longer the target, I remember nadella saying "we want people to love windows" oh how ironic, actions speak so much louder...

btw I only agree with him on the customer's satisfaction not being top priority nowadays, the rest can be a bunch of valid -albeit misfired- points, he should know better
Barnacules!!!!!!!!! love him :p watch all his vids.. yes saw this one, even downloaded the program he was talking about lol not that I'm going to use it, but wanted to see it.

Yea one of my fellow ambassadors said it well 'windows 10 has moods'
All Os's are going cloud now. You think that when Google creates hybrid OS it won't have default apps and other stuff on the laptops too? MS may end up making their own chips that tablets/phones, etc to rival Apple. These chips will have hardware level emulation support for running x86 apps. It will be the replacement of general computing PC's. These will run on phones/tablets/laptops/2-in-1's, pretty much anything considered mobile. . OEMs will use these new chips and it will be enhanced for windows 10. PC's and intel chipsets are going to become premium for specialized purpose focusing on people like Gamers or artists. There will still be premium laptops/2-in-1''s etc, but these will be more aimed at the business world and the other at the consumer world.. Windows mobile in continuum mode will look so much like the desktop version no one will really be able to tell it apart unless they want to start doing some hardcore stuff in local policy groups or anything of that nature, it will not be a professional version therefore won't have it.

At least that's how things are happening in the new science fiction novel i'm writing.

And his comments on in-app purchasing and money are not that accurate. Sure MS likely gets something from it and it's good for them. They have more stats to show to partners and show that it's a viable business model to keep investing in UWP. It's not just about money it's about popularizing the use of UWP apps. If something they put on there is popular on all platforms then this could make people go search the store for other popular things and start using the store. They want people associating UWP with everything they need. Whether it be apps or gaming. They need to build these habits. Those who complain don't matter to MS because those people who adopt are their future. The complainers are usually really old dudes who have been in the PC game for a while. Honestly, do you think your typical Apple teen cares?
I am a Chrome user. My only big complaint about it is that it sometimes lags, even on my Surface Book. Today I started using Edge. I want to test it for a few days and then make a decision about my main browser.
The things I like are the clean design, the font rendering and the Scrolling smoothness.
What I do not like is the lack of advanced options, the lack of extensions (1Password, hide my adblocker, send page by email, etc). Edge Looks pretty primitive, but it is also fast and I like that. I will give it a day or two more, but currently I am thinking that I will probably go back to Chrome for the time.

Update: I am back to Chrome for now. The reason is the lack of functionality of the Edge browser. I will revisit Edge when there are more extensions and some basic options are available.
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i consider edge to be the fastest among any other 3rd party browsers. But it hangs and freezes a lot , so once in a while browsing is fine but migrating all my stuff and work to edge could be a nightmare.
I don't have any problem with edge except if I don't follow the monthly update then it become laggy
I decided to give Edge one more chance. I have started using it since yesterday and for the moment it works ok. I am not sure if I will use it as my standard browser. I want to test it for a couple of days and see how performance and stability is.
Edge has been perfect for me except for two websites. Windowscentral and Autodesk. Both of them lag heavily and crash quite often. No other websites cause issues though. :/
Edge has been perfect for me except for two websites. Windowscentral and Autodesk. Both of them lag heavily and crash quite often. No other websites cause issues though. :/
Interesting. I do not have any issues with Windowscentral when using Edge.
I am now on my second week with Edge and I can see why many people do not use it. Edge is not always stable, and there are websites that do not work correctly (Engadget, AndroidAuthority, etc). Despite that I continue my testing with it and am not returning to Chrome (which currently is indeed the better browser). The uBlock Origin extension has improved Edge considerably. When Edge is working, it is a beautiful browser. Sometimes though it hangs, or it causes high cpu utilization.
Edge is an absolute mess on my Surface. Going to certain websites will ask if I want to save the htm to my pc and won't allow me to visit. Happens to WC all the time. It freezes, crashes, and overall just works horribly!
I don't use it for WC, I use mTalk, but I use it for general browsing on my laptop and SP4. Nothing special but no problems either. All my bookmarks are there and I easily go from one site to another. Also use it for school.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

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