Lets get the Snapchat situation trending

Come on people. Show support. WCentral has more than enough users to make this petition get noticed. I don't use Snapchat but I signed it.
Come on people. Show support. WCentral has more than enough users to make this petition get noticed. I don't use Snapchat but I signed it.

Same with me.. I signed even though I've never used it Come on guys.. Just put in your name and email.. That's it!
Disclaimer- I don't understand snap chat when the service is literally a dumbed down MMS protocol. Also it's less secure, and MISLEADINGLY less secure and then there's the privacy policy, and the main gimmick is that you ruin pictures by super imposing low quality text on them rather than making a caption for the picture. I'll never understand how this took off.

Why would anyone want to continue using the service after the stance they have taken? Use #dumpingsnapchat or something to express your disgust and never use the service again.
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Disclaimer- I don't understand snap chat when the service is literally a dumbed down MMS protocol. Also it's less secure, and MISLEADINGLY less secure and then there's the privacy policy, and the main gimmick is that you ruin pictures by super imposing low quality text on them rather than making a caption for the picture. I'll never understand how this took off.

Why would anyone want to continue using the service after the stance they have taken? Use #dumpingsnapchat or something to express your disgust and never use the service again.

I don't use Snapchat either, but you'll see I'm a major supporter of making SnapChat for Windows Phone. They'll never take us seriously if we don't show that we should be. Without those official apps, most of the teens that try out a Windows Phone won't stay. They'll just upgrade to an iPhone whenever they get the chance. However, if they get used to the WP OS and like it, and it has all the apps they need, then maybe they won't switch to iPhone?
I don't use Snapchat either, but you'll see I'm a major supporter of making SnapChat for Windows Phone. They'll never take us seriously if we don't show that we should be. Without those official apps, most of the teens that try out a Windows Phone won't stay. They'll just upgrade to an iPhone whenever they get the chance. However, if they get used to the WP OS and like it, and it has all the apps they need, then maybe they won't switch to iPhone?

I have no invested interest in making the smartphone I use more "hip with the teen scene."

Nor do I think anyone should promote the snap chat service- with their "security", privacy policy, and general policy (eg shutting down your account for using the only app available to you) everyone should just steer clear. Adopt a competing service, or just use MMS...
...Why would anyone want to continue using the service after the stance they have taken? Use #dumpingsnapchat or something to express your disgust and never use the service again.

I tried getting people moving in that direction. I was dissuaded by the argument it is like asking a crack addict to give up crack since the dealer doesn't live in his neighborhood. He'd rather move than go through withdrawal.

Microsoft itself does have a replacement service https://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/windup/b436b584-514d-4a56-ad7c-1e81b8b01789 but I don't see the outraged rushing to join that.
Not a Snapchat fan to start with, In my opinion (and it is just my opinion). We Windows phone users should band Snapchat. While it might not mean much to them now it will in time. I also use a Android phone and I erased Snapchat from it also.There are alternatives.
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

Snapchat is already working on a WP app, and has stated so several times. I fail to understand why all the people who are wanting snapchat are ignoring this fact. Creating and signing a petition won't get it here any faster. It will be released when the app is completed.

This isn't the only service available. And, as far as I'm concerned, is a service which is very unwise to even use. Thinking you can send a picture of anything you want because it will be deleted from another person's phone is a ludicrous idea, because if the other person wants to keep the picture, they just do a screenshot, then share it on the web for all to see. Do you really think you're being sneaky?

I'm not signing, because I would personally rather see all of these services go away. I won't sign something that's basically condoning porn, because we all know that's most likely what 97% of its users are using it for. I say 97%, because we all know the 3% that are WP users wouldn't even think about using it that way, because we're better than that. Right?
Not if all your friends use Snapchat. Good luck getting everybody to switch!

Just to be clear, you're saying that getting a faceless and rather evil company to actually do something pro consumer so you too can join your friends in transmitting [frequently] personal images under their "privacy" policy (images forever stored in a loosely secured server long after you've thought them erased) is easier than trying to leave the service? Or, more preferable than not seeing that picture of your friend's cat?
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

I don't need the app as none of my friends use it, but did not hesitate to sign the petition for WP users who actually need this app :-)
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Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

Snapchat is already working on a WP app, and has stated so several times. I fail to understand why all the people who are wanting snapchat are ignoring this fact. Creating and signing a petition won't get it here any faster. It will be released when the app is completed.

This isn't the only service available. And, as far as I'm concerned, is a service which is very unwise to even use. Thinking you can send a picture of anything you want because it will be deleted from another person's phone is a ludicrous idea, because if the other person wants to keep the picture, they just do a screenshot, then share it on the web for all to see. Do you really think you're being sneaky?

I'm not signing, because I would personally rather see all of these services go away. I won't sign something that's basically condoning porn, because we all know that's most likely what 97% of its users are using it for. I say 97%, because we all know the 3% that are WP users wouldn't even think about using it that way, because we're better than that. Right?

Alright, this post is so full of failed rhetoric I can't tell if it's serious or not. It is not a known fact that snapchat is developing a WP app as they actually haven't said anything about it at all. If they have please post a source link proving their (Snapchat) statement.

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