Looks Like My Phone Was Hacked. Lumia 520

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Mar 21, 2014
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Yes same problem! We use our 520 (new around 4 weeks ago) just for the internet sharing. Tonight it started playing music on its own. When we went over to look what was going on (thinking its was an incoming call or something) the music app was being accessed and the keyboard was up and typing all by itself.

Has scared the crap out of us. Manage to hold down the power button and it 'fought' to bring the slide up to shut down option, eventually we won!

Rang three mobile and they said it cannot be hacked. What we saw was the phone being controlled in an extremely logical way (not like it was going crazy or flipping out or anything).

Crazy - unless I saw it I just would not believe it possible - until now!


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Dec 31, 2012
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Yes same problem! We use our 520 (new around 4 weeks ago) just for the internet sharing. Tonight it started playing music on its own. When we went over to look what was going on (thinking its was an incoming call or something) the music app was being accessed and the keyboard was up and typing all by itself.

Has scared the crap out of us. Manage to hold down the power button and it 'fought' to bring the slide up to shut down option, eventually we won!

Rang three mobile and they said it cannot be hacked. What we saw was the phone being controlled in an extremely logical way (not like it was going crazy or flipping out or anything).

Crazy - unless I saw it I just would not believe it possible - until now!

Sure thing Mr. 1st post troll.

As has been pointed out, due to many security features it is not happening. People cannot even jailbreak a phone they're holding (with the exception of editing a few resource files) let alone some remote control exploit...

Citizen X

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May 11, 2013
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Lol. Someone with no posts shows up and says their 520 was hacked. All long time forum members say no way and then what do ya know another person with zero posting history shows up to corroborate the first guy's story.

Just a hint if you have zero posting history and your first post is going to be my windows phone got hacked save yourself the effort. No one believes you.

Citizen X

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May 11, 2013
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Allthough a WP is less likely and probable to be hacked, as shown in that report, the reality is that WP also has some vulnerabilities that hackers COULD exploit. The OS does have less of them than iPhoam and Androth, and so it really isn't very likely to be hacked, no doubt.
But saying it is "impossible" is getting a little too far ahead of yourself ;-)

Saying you are going to hear about it from some guy with no posting history is "getting a little too far ahead of yourself ;-)."


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Feb 18, 2014
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Lol. Someone with no posts shows up and says their 520 was hacked. All long time forum members say no way and then what do ya know another person with zero posting history shows up to corroborate the first guy's story.

Just a hint if you have zero posting history and your first post is going to be my windows phone got hacked save yourself the effort. No one believes you.

Rather than discussing whether the phone was hacked or not let's focus our attention towards what the alleged hacker meant by typing "vwowvwowv". :p
P.S Here comes a reply from another one with zero postig history :p
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Jun 8, 2012
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there might be loopholes, but none which can allow someone to use your phone remotely, and then even click a screenshot of it (I'm beginning to understand what he had mentioned in the first post. My explanation: he was drunk one night, and was typing anything and everything, and was pressing all buttons (or maybe had some reason to press power+win) and got a hangover in the morning.
P.s. Please dont get offended if you dont drink.

Lol. It does sound more plausible, you know ;-)


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Jun 8, 2012
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Saying you are going to hear about it from some guy with no posting history is "getting a little too far ahead of yourself ;-)."

Just to be clear, I have no affiliation with that guy ;-)

Just saying hacking is "possible" if someone tried hard enough. I have no doubt actually. Not saying it's "likely" though. There is simply very little interest in the OS.

Android though is the preferred target for most blackhat hackers because that system is wide open...and I do mean WIDE open ;-)
Also iPhone is very popular since firstly those are usually the ones with the money, and because it has been jail-breaked in any possible way, so the loop-holes are mostly VERY well known...

(the whities (whitehats) are not to be feared cause they mostly do harmless stuff like develop jail breaks etc...but the blackhat community is simply out for your valuable data and your money, and that is why they will mostly target the EASIEST systems to hack, which for mobile devices is Android and iPhone).

Remote control...well, you can't even say that is truly "impossible" for WP in the true sense of the word, but it is lightly said very very unlikely. Blackhat hackers are extremely inventive though, and they pulled a lot of sh** in the past that was deemed "impossible", so I'm just saying not to get ahead of ourselves in simply stating it is truly "impossible"...

Being drunk and mess up your own sh** though, that is not only very possible, but very "likely" too ;-)
Oct 23, 2013
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I think the most plausible answer is the OP has an app that he was playing with and typed randomly got saved, as I have seen many apps do without a real warning, and more than likely gave permission to change the lock screen image.
Oct 23, 2013
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Sure thing Mr. 1st post troll.

As has been pointed out, due to many security features it is not happening. People cannot even jailbreak a phone they're holding (with the exception of editing a few resource files) let alone some remote control exploit...

I do agree that the posters comment was more to just spread fud than fact but, I will say, my now dead HTC Surround W7.8 did do something similar.

Was laying on table and all of a sudden screen lit up, lock screen flicked and a few tiles were clicked before it settled on the outlook app and entered a gibberish email address and message before trying to send it a hundred times as we watched. Pulled battery to stop it.

I can say for certain it wasn't anyone doing it. Had no service on it, used WiFi only, and at the time I had WiFi turned off. Chalked it up to a serious OS malfunction. Was hilarious to watch though.

Not too long after that incident the internal SD card went bad.


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Feb 24, 2013
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Oh the things these 1-Posters come up with sometimes.

Still, he didn't do the '!!!!!!!!!!!' and '???????????' thing they all seem to love while being overly dramatic. So there's that.


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Sep 13, 2013
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I'd probably agree with what others have said and say that he's put the phone in his pocket, the screen (being super-sensitive and all) has gone and done it's own thing in reaction to his leg through the pocket and done all that. Similar things have happened on my 1020 before....like once my phone actually tweeted for me, made a pocket call and nearly got to sending a text before I pulled it out of my pocket and realised :p


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Aug 5, 2013
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I'd probably agree with what others have said and say that he's put the phone in his pocket, the screen (being super-sensitive and all) has gone and done it's own thing in reaction to his leg through the pocket and done all that. Similar things have happened on my 1020 before....like once my phone actually tweeted for me, made a pocket call and nearly got to sending a text before I pulled it out of my pocket and realised :p

ditto , double tap tends to unlock my phone while driving or walking due to leg movement , recently lady gaga was turned on hehe


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Mar 19, 2014
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Remote control...well, you can't even say that is truly "impossible"

I have been programming for 40+ years and if it is software it can be hacked. It comes down to how much time and resources one wants to spend ri has to spend. Take the recent NSA stuff, they have cracked stuff we (the programming world et al) thought was close to impossible to do. And. I am not talking just about the dubious/possible RSA-back-door stuff. They have shown they can break into SSL and just today a group of researchers have found a "simple" method to get past WPA2 wifi security. Something formerly deemed to be impossible.

Let's move on from this rambling. Hacking is real, it has been with us since almost day-one of general computer use and will continue. Oh, and the guy that said Android is wide open, is not even close to being accurate, it is very secure, but as I have mentioned, "if it is software... :)

Karthik Naik

Jan 17, 2014
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I have been programming for 40+ years and if it is software it can be hacked. It comes down to how much time and resources one wants to spend ri has to spend. Take the recent NSA stuff, they have cracked stuff we (the programming world et al) thought was close to impossible to do. And. I am not talking just about the dubious/possible RSA-back-door stuff. They have shown they can break into SSL and just today a group of researchers have found a "simple" method to get past WPA2 wifi security. Something formerly deemed to be impossible.

Let's move on from this rambling. Hacking is real, it has been with us since almost day-one of general computer use and will continue. Oh, and the guy that said Android is wide open, is not even close to being accurate, it is very secure, but as I have mentioned, "if it is software... :)
actually android is pretty easy to unlock and wipe if ur phone is stolen
last week my friend forgot his note 2 password ,he asked my advice and all i did was connect it to my pc and run an adb unlock command and bam it unlocked
so its not quite secure just like the normal linux on pcs
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