Lte on 930 in US?


New member
Sep 12, 2014
I am new to Windows phone. Just switched from iPhone and I'm rocking the Lumia 630. I want a more powerful phone and was considering getting something like a 930 but whatever it is it needs to run on ATT. Any advice. I heard that the 930 can't access LTE att?


Active member
Nov 12, 2012
Can I get a 930 for US and ATT?

There is no 930 for AT&T and its a Verizon exclusive (dubbed the Icon) - the Lumia Icon won't get LTE either.
You could always spring for another phone such as the 1020, 925, 1520. But its not optimal considering the size of the 1520 and the relative age of the others.


New member
Sep 12, 2014
There is no 930 for AT&T and its a Verizon exclusive (dubbed the Icon) - the Lumia Icon won't get LTE either.
You could always spring for another phone such as the 1020, 925, 1520. But its not optimal considering the size of the 1520 and the relative age of the others.

So what does a X iPhone user buy that provides a flagship experience? The 830 looks great but it has the same processor as the free 630 I'm using now. I think Microsoft needs to offer a standard sized flagship for the users who would prefer to use one


Active member
Nov 12, 2012
It may have the same processor, but I'd reserve judgement until we see some real-world performance. The 1 GB of RAM, MUCH nicer hardware and additional features will be a great step up regardless. (I don't think I'd mind having one, I have a 920)
but is LTE that important? I soft-bricked my 920's LTE radio (stuck on 3/3.5G - H/H+ data) and I've gotten by with no issues.

Sadly I don't think they have the power to tell carriers how things are going to play out.


New member
Sep 12, 2014
Ya I agree the gig of ram should help and I agree the 1.2 ghz is decent I'm just saying Microsoft could just sell phones directly or Nokia for that matter. I would like to buy a phone full price and be able to take it to the carrier of my choice. I don't see that as being something that the carriers can mess with. As for LTE I have never had a phone with it personally and I am used to HSPA*. With that said my wife's iPhone 5s gets LTE with straight talk and hits 15mbs and that's fast and yes you notice a big difference over 4mbs. All I'm saying is give power users an option to buy modern technology. Don't get me wron I'm such a fan of WP now that I've lived with it for a month that I'm willing to live with a phone that is Dow on specs co.pared to my old iPhone but I wish I could show my friends something impressive or at least something I wouldn't have to explain why its "just fine". Ne way thanks for your feedback I was hoping there was something out there. I guess ill wait until there is one.


Active member
Nov 12, 2012
Worth noting in the US, people are used to subsidized phones, meaning carriers have immense power in the success of a phone.
Google has power as well in mobile, helping the Nexii along, but MS doesn't have that clout in mobile, so they have to play ball.

Of course there's an ublocked super variant of the 1520 with bands for T-Mo, ATT, etc. IIRC so that's something.

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