Lumia 1020 backlight wont turn off, camera issues

you did so much thing ,admire your patience and perseverance why not just go to a repair store and get some guide
I am a technician in real life. It has always been my job to figure out what is wrong with things and fix them. I have learned in my experience that no one actually knows any better, if I took it to a repair shop, they would just be stumped instead of me. Unfortunately, troubleshooting is a recorded memory of chasing a rabbit down a hole.
..that being said, I think I am just going to put a piece of black tape over the light and wait for news of a software patch or virus. Everything else works. It does seem odd that when I do the factory reset it still says "Lumia Black" on one screen, when the phone came with "Lumia Amber," but it's probably not worth the trouble of trying to re-flash it with virgin software from Nokia suite.
thats because factory reset doesnt wipe it to "from the factory" condition. It simply wipes it to "fresh install" status

For example if you had a windows 7 computer you updated to windows 8, then reinstalled windows 8, youd still have a windows 8 computer but with a fresh install if that makes sense.

New devices ARE coming with lumia black from the factory

Im starting to think the Black update caused this as well. my fiance had auto-update turned on. Is it possible to downgrade to amber?
I drained my battery and focus flash is off... :) secondly my camera was not opening. I tried every possible thing and at end decided to take it to nokia care. Few minutes ago i picked up my phone for call and was surprise to see that camera was running. i stopped it and launched again. It is working well now. I am still wondering what actually happened. Its very strange behavior. anyway i am happy at last its working. Hopefully it will not cause any problems. Can anyone figure it out what actually stopped my camera and than after 2 days of tension and struggle it just launched by its own and now working well ?
thats odd Rashid.

I have run the camera multiple times, though initially it wouldnt open either. i have tried using the video feature with recording light with no success. I have downloaded and used multiple flashlight apps to no avail.

Im either going to try to update to the 8.1 or DOWNGRADE to Amber

can anyone point me to an amber firmware?
For anyone else who is having this issue, it started for me after I dropped my 1020 into my spa. I replaced the xenon flash module with a unit purchased from eBay and the phone is working fine now. While the light was on constantly, I was able to take pictures but I was getting glitches and freezing with anything that used the focus assist light including the flashlight app I was using.

Quite a bit of water got into the back of the case (camera side) and I had to clean off some corrosion from the aluminum inside with alcohol and a Q-tip. But all seems to be working well, including the screen, all the buttons, speaker, microphone, and headphone port, thankfully! The phone is surprisingly easy to take apart.
i have the same problem too...i tried soft reset and nothing happend...factory reset din t worked too...what can i say i m dissappointed, i hope nokia service solve my problem, but im really dissapointed
I am trying the battery drain trick now to see if it fixes the assist lamp stuck on issue. Only thing is it's been 15 hours since my phone dies and the thing is still on! I will post an update here on how it goes, failing that I will try soft then hard reset
my device is in warranty but they are saying its a liquid damage, Can any one tell how they got their device repaired ?

I have same problem, small LED at camera is always on. Camera is not working with error code: 0x000003EA, Soft reset, hard reset, Windows phone recovery to W 8.1 didn't work. Updated to W 10 in July-2015 and camera worked smoothly for 03 months. Any idea to get rid off this issue.
I've had a similar story to others on this list. Overnight, for no apparent reason, the focus assist light is stuck on and the camera doesn't work. Reseting the phone doesn't fix anything.

Has anyone had any resolution to this problem other then hardware fixes? and if not, how hard is it to fix this yourself? Or where is a good place to get it fixed?

The phone is about 2 years old now. It's time for a replacement but the new lumias don't come out until November.


Did someone managed to fix this?

received one phone today in my shop with this issue and I have no idea how to fix it or workaround.

the light is always on, I have dismantled the whole phone, disconnected the battery, and as soon as you just plug the battery connector, the light goes on.

evidently showing something is shorted.
Well, after 2 years without any issue at all, today, while listening to an audio on WhatsApp, my LED Focus turned On and nothing to do then..
So, only method is to procure the spare part and replace? REGARDS!
Did anyone solve this problem? And how?
Same thing happened to me last week and I've tried anything ( hard and soft rested, drain battery, FA manually off) and I guess is a hardware problem. I was using whatsup when I noticed the light...
I am in Thailand right now and I don't know where I can find a Nokia service. Please advice

PS: no warranty and 2 different service shops tried to fix this and it cost a lot and did nothing. Someone told me that I need to change the flash module and try to charge me 100$ for it( I've google it and it cost maximum 10$) and I really need an fair advice.
Thank you!
Hello, I'll give you a solution that worked without even opening the phone nor doing any hard reset.

This problem started to happen me today. I observed that not only the led light was constantly on, I also found that the lens internal shutter cover was opened, like if I were taking a photo or video.
Remember that the led light is always on when you're recording a video and it's like this function would have been stuck or hanged and that's why you can't use any camera function while this annoying issue hapens.
But remember also that this is a phone with Windows on it, and how do you fix most of problems in Windows? yes! rebooting it. The problem here is that it also involved a hardware component, so in this case you need to turn it off. But how? the shutdown button doesn't really do a real shutdown... so? well the answer is clear letting the battery drain to make a real shutdown.
Before starting with "buah! I also tried that and it doesn't work" I will tell to all that people that it didn't worked for you because you really didn't drained the battery completelly to 0%.

When you discharge this phone with this problem, it will go through some phases till it's completelly discharged:

- First phase: the phone is turned off but that light still remains. This is a proof that the battery still has some charge. You must continue discharging it by trying to power on again the phone constantly.
- Second phase: because of doing the manual discharge, you keep trying to power the phone constantly. It'll try to start vibrating, showing the operator logo and finally it will power off showing a red battery indicator. In this phase, the led light will get off after many startup trials.
- Third phase: in this phase the led backlight is off and the phone won't try to boot even if you press the power button some seconds, but if you try it about half an hour or an hour, the battery memory will give it enough power to let it try to boot again. You must keep trying to boot it each hour and after that hour the phone doesn't try to boot, leave it 1 half a day and try it again. Continue doing that till you see that leaving it a complete day without trying to boot and you see that even trying again doesn't try to boot... YOU GOT IT!!! the battery is completelly discharged.

Now, you can connect and charge the phone normally, the light won't keep on constantly.
To close the shutter camera cover, just open the camera app (yes, it'll work again) and close it. The lens cover will be closed.

And that's all folks!!! I hope it also work for you.
This may help someone out there. I had issues with my Nokia 1020 after it got wet, long story short. I got the phone to boot up and recovered everything from it, but the autofocus light was always on even if the phone was off. None of the camera apps would work either. I trawled the internet looking for answers but nothing really helped.

I had replaced the flash unit on the phone as I thought maybe the water had done something to the capacitor on the flash unit. So I had tried everything from soft reset, software reset, hard reset run the battery down nothing worked.

I then approached the supplier of the flash unit and had a replacement unit sent out. I fitted it and everything is back to normal and exactly how it should be.

So it would appear that my first thought was correct and I was right to replace the flash unit had I not been supplied a defective unit all my problems would've been dealt with by a simple replacement and not all the hassle of backing up and resetting multiple times.

Hope this helps anybody that refuses to give up using a 1020

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