Lumia 1020: Yellow or Black

I have the yellow 1020. LOVE it, though my gf hates it (she hates the color yellow - no I didn't get it to annoy her). I would have opted for a green, if they'd made one like HTC has, but they didn't, so I went with the next best thing. No regrets.
Yellow on the 1020 is seriously awesome. The black buttons (and the camera bump) really contrast nicely with the colour. I am a big fan of cyan and red, but even if I was given the choice to turn my yellow 1020 in, I'd probably stick with it. Also, select Amber as your accent colour to get the perfect experience!
this! The black accents really look slick! From buttons to USB port to camera hump. Love this thing.
I got yellow with the yellow camera grip. Love it. I'm amazed how many people ask me if it's the one from the "play" commercial! 😁

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