Going to android?
Then your list would probably longer than this one.
Not to mention the privacy you talked about.
Okay now back to the 1320.
The lockscreen.
Do you have used the lockscreenapp beta? Yes try the kiddycorner trick.
No. Bummer, do a hard reset if a soft reset didn't help.
About your account name, you should have known better. The accountadress ( name ) shows always up no matter witch application you use, it has nothing to do with privacy or with windowsphone.
So that's no bug, but common knowledge.
The use of wifi is standard in windowsphone, its to prevent overusing data limits.
But yes it was better if that was a option so that people could choose.
For the software glitches you can always try the nokia care suit to flash a new firmware ( because you told that a reset didn't work before ).