1. The background program do no close - no program closes with 'back' key. It keeps the tiles open program running!
2. The battery is drained heavily
3. every program needs closing multiple times, at least three times
4. my L1320 getting heated which was not the case with w8.1 update2
5. browsing for files, say photos or media on SD card has become extremely slow, even crashing some times.
6. every program is starting very slow.
7. Net connection over wifi has become much much better.
8. USB connection is also very fast but blue tooth connection with w10 is fine, with w8 it fails authentication.
9. sensitivity of the screen needed readjusted to at least medium for normal operation,
--- till date this is the status of my lumia. Though getting frustrated but not yet going back. Want to test for some more days b4 going back, if necessary at all.

see attached images. Settings-->System---->If I click on "Phone" it crashes and come back to desktop/start screen
If I choose "Data Sense" - it never completes the updating. I have 32GB SD card
See the image with start screen and bacground running system when pressed back button.
May 13, 2015:
I am frustrated today with w10. I got blusted left and right by office, friends family members as I missed so many calls in last 12 hours. The phone is so hot and stone like - the screen does not respond, calls going on I could not receive them, reset it several time, it got reset by itself several times.
Now decided to go back to w8.1.
My patient failed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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