Lumia 1320 Bugs and Defects

My phone sometimes resets the clock. I once put it on a table, and I saw it restart itself, and the clock and date was reset. I think it is a software bug, but I am not sure. I am on Cyan and 8.1 official.
Help Help Help !!!!

just updated my Lumia 1320 to Cyan. All the apps that i used to have ( Drive+ , Viber etc... ) have disappeared. Tried re-installing the same but the phone freezes after 70% of download. I have done hard reset ( couple of times ) but the same problem exist. Also tried installing my previous apps from the laptop into my phone but does not work.

A quick response would be much appreciated. Please advise.

If a hardreset doesnt help you anny further than its time for other measures.
Make a list of all your apps.
Instal the Nokia software recovery tool and reflash a new windowsinstallation.
Now when thats done, set up your phone and DON'T use the backup of the previous installation.
Just use your list instead.
My phone sometimes resets the clock. I once put it on a table, and I saw it restart itself, and the clock and date was reset. I think it is a software bug, but I am not sure. I am on Cyan and 8.1 official.
Same for you, first a soft reset, don't work.....hard reset.

Somehow something is not adding up quite as good as it supposed to do.
I have seen since the release of wp8.1/cyan a lot of strange issues.
Even after a hard reset some of those issues just came back................but NOT when i ignore the previous backupoption.
sometimes when i turn on the phone the wifi is on and cant be switched off cuz its greyed out i then switch the phone off n back on and its back to normal whats up with that ?
help!!! Help!!!

Guys, my rear camera of my L1320 got something has white visible vertical and horizontal lines on capturing and on the captured photo even video..its weird cause when I'm using front cam it's normal..
This just happened after a week of update on WP8,1 official..

Is there anybody got the same issue?
I did soft and hard reset and Nokia recovery tool but nothing change..

Hope you can help me!!
My 1320 is burning so damn hot whenever i open any game especially Asphalt 8. the top part of the phone gets too damn hot. Is this the same for everyone using 1320? or should I get it changed in NC? It even killed my mobile charger..

Many gameloft games drain a lot of battery! There are still many other games which drain the battery even more & phone gets heated so much that you think its going to melt! So sit tight, its completely normal, nothing to worry about! Its not a phone issue, but that's due to heavy games!
I have a problem with my phone. Apps that were recently installed went crashing and cant open. Have opened it but in some time, my apps randomly crashes and cant be opened. I have the current windows phone 8.1 preview.

Another problem is the touchscreen. Sometimes, when i hold the screen longer, it responses randomly on the screen. For example i touch the "i" on the keyboard, it touches a, z, b ,d etc. But this happens rarely but still an issue.

I also have problem installing on large file games/apps such as asphalt 8, nova 3, modern combat 4. The download was finished but when installing, it always say retry because we found an error. The worst is, it will start downloading the 1gb file. I gave up on downloading it when it downloaded on the 6th time.

Free up enough space, If your installation is not getting completed, I have asphalt 8, & many huge sized games, no issues while installing on my 1320! Some apps & games expand to 5 times its download size but that's not the case with all! Asphalt 8's installation size is around 2gb! For apps & games whose size you are not sure how much will it expand, make sure you have 5 times the download size space!
sometimes when i turn on the phone the wifi is on and cant be switched off cuz its greyed out i then switch the phone off n back on and its back to normal whats up with that ?
Have patience, I had the same issue, when a phone is turned on, give it some time! Keep the phone ideal for a few seconds & then use it!
When watching videos from sd card, and the sound is muted, there will be a clicking noise whenever I skip ahead in the video. Anyone else experiencing the same problem?
I bought a 1320 today. Top part of the phone near camera gets heated up very quickly. Anyone facing this issue. Any remedy for it?
I am on WP 8.0

to anyone experiencing "heat on top" it is because ALL of the electronics are only on the top of the phone(the motherboard), rest of the phone from ~2cm below the camera is battery and plastic filler/mics/buttons.
here's the Lumia 1320 teardown video where you can see that Nokia Lumia 1320 disassembly - YouTube

edit: that teardown vid should go into the "all about 1320" thread:
I have been having the same problem since I purchased it, the phone reboots itself at random and very often now. Now the mic is not working at all! Very frustrating and apparently no fix for it except wait for the next update!
I have been having the same problem since I purchased it, the phone reboots itself at random and very often now. Now the mic is not working at all! Very frustrating and apparently no fix for it except wait for the next update!

If soft and hard reset and reinstalling the firmware with nokia software recovery don't fix it, then it's a hardware issue.
Don't waste your time here and send it in for warranty repair.
In my 1320 I have two problems.
One is when a call comes i have to press the lock screen everytime to answer it. the slider stops responding.
Second is sometimes my main screen totally stops responding.the touch totally dont work. I hv this phne for two months only.when i preas the lockscreen it wrks again.

Heating problem i am habituated with it.
Your first problem is simple, when a call comes, there should not be anything(your hand) near to your proximity sensor, otherwise your screen will go off, proximity sensor is near your front camera. Second problem might be due to some storage issues like, when you move an app from your phone to sd card or vice versa, it takes time to move it, if you use it at that time, sometimes your phone will become unresponsive. Heating problem is due to the fact that some games drain more battery, even while charging if you are playing games, browsing etc, your phone will get heated. Even I have 1320, it only overheats, when I overplay a game from a long time.
1. scan and fix error dialogue pops up whenever I restart the phone
result:apps become unresponsive and are greyed out(which are in sd card)
every file in sd card changes to 32kb size
2 while installing an app before finalising phone lags and becomes unresponsive

I use l1320 I'm thinking that these problems are caused becoz of sdcard (16 gb uhs-1 sandisk)
when I changed the sd card i.e. frm uhs-1 to cls-4 everything is fine, again I changed to strontium 32gb uhs-1 nitro phone got hanged all the time and sd card didn't work properly (mp3,photos,videos...,etc.everything were not detected) but phone showed the space and asked everytime for scan and fix errors and hangs the phone
I think the whole thing is becoz of sdcard speed
if anyone has solution for this plz reply
Luckily W.P.8.1 solved some Nokia Lumia 1320's bugs, nevertheless one time i faced to calender error , it shifted to 3-4 months before. But new problem is Battery Saver app , that installed by new version. (Attention Required ,Tap Here ) but after tap nothing changed. is there any way to solve this problem .
Today I bought 1320 and I was updating it all day 'til now. But now I have a little problem, I can't install apps. It's starting to install the app and then will just stuck on installing. :(
Have you checked that its still not busy re installing apps? & have you checked that apps go to your SD? Is the phone on charge also?

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