Lumia 630 on spinning gears whilst updating to GDR1

Ryan ODonnell

New member
Feb 14, 2014
I was running official release "Cyan" with all the latest "CV" updates until I installed PfD to get onto GDR1 (Update 1).

It downloaded the updates and prepared to install, which went okay and showed around 7 updates, including
  • Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 Preview for Developers Update
  • Developer Preview Configuration Update

I tapped install and the phone rebooted as normal and started the spinning gears process.
FOUR HOURS LATER, it is still on the spinning gears with a very low progress indicator (to put it this way, the indicator is showing a white shape as thin as a sharpened pencil).

How to I initiate a factory reset process as this is taking way too long for something which should be relatively simple.

Any help is appreciated :)


New member
Aug 8, 2014
FACTORY RESET (This deletes everything) Disconnect the charger. Press and hold the Power and Volume Down keys simultaneously. Release the pressed keys when phone vibrates and then immediately press and hold the volume down button until the phone displays an exclamation mark (!) on the screen. Release the volume down key. b. Then press the volume and power keys in the following order: volume up, volume down, power, and volume down. I got this off Microsoft's website.

Ryan ODonnell

New member
Feb 14, 2014
FACTORY RESET (This deletes everything) Disconnect the charger. Press and hold the Power and Volume Down keys simultaneously. Release the pressed keys when phone vibrates and then immediately press and hold the volume down button until the phone displays an exclamation mark (!) on the screen. Release the volume down key. b. Then press the volume and power keys in the following order: volume up, volume down, power, and volume down. I got this off Microsoft's website.

I tried this, but it just keeps soft resetting the phone and looping "NOKIA" on the boot screen. It's rather annoying, I may try my luck again with NSU for Retail!

Michalis BB

New member
Nov 1, 2014
I have exactly the same issue (same update - GDR1), but with Lumia 635. I popped out the SD card and after a couple of soft resets (volume down + power) it failed to install the update and then the phone booted normally.

Trying to reinstall the update, fails again the same way - so I advise not to try it, wasted more than 20 hours on this.


New member
Sep 18, 2011
Happened to my 635. I took the sdcard out, gave it another go and waited 20-30 min and it worked. I think you have the system to "download to sd card" anything via web that's why its taking too long. Fortunately taking it off will default to DL on the phone.
Take it off and do it again.

Michalis BB

New member
Nov 1, 2014
Downloading & installing without the SD card, doesn't seem to work either - but this time I had no way to make it fail. I had to restore the phone using the 'Nokia Software Recovery Tool' (not a big issue, its a developer phone anyway).

But in all cases the update cog screen stays for a while with the progress bar at 0%. Then after 15-20 minutes it will move a bit (maybe) ~2% and remain there for about two hours, at which point I stopped it again. I don't have any weird settings and most of the storage is free, since there are no apps installed, its very puzzling - I think I will wait for a later update, I have wasted too much time on this.

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