Lumia 720 Wireless Charging Shell


New member
Oct 10, 2012
Ive had the Lumia 720 for a week now and generally very pleased with it, the major negative for me is the screen resolution. Held against the Lumia 820 and Ativ S the colours really look washed out. One of the reasons for getting this phone however was for the option of a wireless charging shell. So far I cant find any for sale on the internet at all or even any auction sites. Has anyone been able to obtain one yet and if so where from? Thanks
The 820 and Ativ S have AMOLED screens, which are generally more vibrant. In the case of Samsung, they boost saturation to unnatural levels in order to entice customers, so that's a poor point of comparison.

Nokia's own site doesn't seem to have a product page for them yet, so I'm guessing they simply aren't available yet.
Accessories - Nokia
Ive had the Lumia 720 for a week now and generally very pleased with it, the major negative for me is the screen resolution. Held against the Lumia 820 and Ativ S the colours really look washed out. One of the reasons for getting this phone however was for the option of a wireless charging shell. So far I cant find any for sale on the internet at all or even any auction sites. Has anyone been able to obtain one yet and if so where from? Thanks

they are listed for sale at expansys-USA 720&page=3#listing
I have not heard of anyone owning the wireless charging shell for the 720 - it's not in stock anywhere and hasn't been. Amazon UK seems to expects a 1-3 month delivery time.

Sometimes it seems hard to believe that Nokia is trying the least to be a serious company, even remotely. The 720 has not even been released in Scandinavia yet (not available before the end of this month - maybe). This is a mid-range phone. Yes, there's demand, but the demand is still completely dwarfed compared to the HTC One series (V, X, etc.) alone combined.

So until now, it has taken them 4 months from presentation to release of a mid range device. Approximately the same was true for the 620. So the fact that the 720 wireless charging shell is not available yet is just the icing to the cake. It's no surprise that the market share of WP8 can't possibly sky-rocket when the turds at Nokia has lost their ability to produce and introduce phones like in the old days.
It is quite high, but only option on ebay as of now. Really weird that Nokia won't make these more readily available. But it's not like I'm getting one anyway; to me wireless charging is not that useful because you can't use your phone while charging it wirelessly and it also charges more slowly so...
I've got the Wireless Charging shell with my cellphone aswell as with the wireless charger kit (South Africa)
why does the original nokia shell not have the speaker hole cut out ? is it going to decrease the sound drastically ???
well, i know the 925's shell has a channel for sound

but you know, the 820 has Qi charging built into the back right?
i was talking about the 720 as its a 720 thread and the 720's shell doesn't seem to have a channel as its cuved from the sides as well.......can anyone who uses it tell me about the loudspeaker issue ??
OK, this is driving me nuts. Has anyone in the US found a reasonably priced charging shell? Where? How much?
Contrary to everyone here I've actually found the wireless charging shell aplenty over here in Singapore...both Nokia stores and external mobile shops have quite a bit of these white wireless charging shells for the 720 stocked up...just not sure about other colors. Sad that I don't actually want a wireless charging cover, though.
Contrary to everyone here I've actually found the wireless charging shell aplenty over here in Singapore...both Nokia stores and external mobile shops have quite a bit of these white wireless charging shells for the 720 stocked up...just not sure about other colors. Sad that I don't actually want a wireless charging cover, though.

maybe there's money to be made in that, not much but hey :winktongue:

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