Lumia 730: No service / not connected to network: What should I do?

Sean Venter

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Sep 2, 2015
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Lumia 730: No service / not connected to network

At the moment, my Lumia 730 Dual-Sim is running OS version 8.10.14234.375 with firmware revision 02040.00021.15063.02004

Ever since this weekend, when I did a phone update, my phone is unable to connect to my cellular service provider (Cell C - South Africa). My network selection is on automatic, but it says no Network Found, though if I do a manual network search, it shows all the available networks including Cell C, so I think this shows that the phones antenna is fine. I am unable to connect to this manually-found Cell C . I have removed the battery, swopped the sim from the Sim 1 slot to Sim 2, tested, moved it back, tested, to no avail. I even did a hard reset to factory settings, and this did not resolve the matter. Another software update (to current version) also did nothing. Data doesn't work, but the phone connects perfectly to wi-fi. I have also tried the 'Airplane Mode' trick.

This might be a bit TL;DR, but I've tried giving as much details as possible. I am at wits end with this. As a last resort I'll take the phone in to Cell C, but here in South Africa a visit to your network provider is a lengthy nightmare.

Would it work if I tried the Phone Software Recovery Tool? Or is this the same as a reset to factory defaults?
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