Lumia 730 purple tint as well as flickers at the edge of the UI

really? I thought Lumia 730 & 830 came with official WP 8.1 with cyan too. It's ok. :)

Those are pre-loaded with Denim and commercial version of 8.1.1[which will (most probably) be released with Denim firmware update for existing users] which is not equal to 14176.243 which was released for DP users few weeks back. Hope this clarifies:-)
Well, I have noticed that purple tint will only come when you set your phone brightness to low>automatic! Then you will notice purple tint and shading in grey texts while switching apps or in tiles !
How?? Updated the apps w8 which u suffered flickering??

Posted via the Windows Phone Central App for Android

Few Lumia Apps were updated automatically. For a couple of days the tint (Purple tint) & Flickering was der.. But somehow its disappeared with tweaking brightness and saturation level.
Few Lumia Apps were updated automatically. For a couple of days the tint (Purple tint) & Flickering was der.. But somehow its disappeared with tweaking brightness and saturation level.

WHAT did u tweak exactly..i never saw any purple tint, but yeah flickering is there, while opening apps., So what did u do in detail ?
Tint is only visible in low brightness its a calibration bug

Posted via the Windows Phone Central App for Android
Yes purple tint is only visible in low light! Microsoft should push an update for this issue!
Yes purple tint is only visible in low light! Microsoft should push an update for this issue!

Today i used one of the demo set it was in grey i didn't noticed ne purple tint or fluctuations the display was great n grand prime looked all dead in front of lumia
But the price was 15450 omg i decided to buy after diwali final!!

Posted via the Windows Phone Central App for Android
I'm still having the purple tint even with high brightness. However there's no flickering and I didn't even have this issue from the start. Hope that tint while scrolling is just a software issue and not a hardware one.
I alrdy postd an soln for it is a calibrtn bug

Posted via the Windows Phone Central App for Android
I too don't have a purple tint. I'm using Orange color phone. Just update all the required system apps and see if it fixes. I updated all the apps as soon as I got the phone, so never noticed anything before that.
^Try this:
Set the brightness to low. Use dark theme if you are on light theme. Go to People hub, while doing back and forth swipes check if you can see purple haze on grey blocks next to your contact names.
I can clearly see that purple haze on grey blocks in my phone! Hardware issue? Or software?
Using 730.
Hey I have purchased this phone 3 days back even i am facing this issue and even there is a network problem in my device. May i know what can be done.

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