Lumia 730 purple tint as well as flickers at the edge of the UI

I can't say for sure, I visited Priority Store and looked at the demo unit and it had little hazing as it was set to high brightness. I'm thinking it's hardware issue.
I am using this phone from past two weeks. I did not see any purple tint. Maybe its an issue with you device..
Hey guys I got my Lumia 730 a week back and its screen is misbehaving like if you press one letter in keypad it randomly types on its own..this problems occurs only when I charging..any solution ?
it must be when you operate phone with single hand...I mean since the glass is little curved it will touch your palm in that case it might be happening, same happened to me.
dude the purple tint is dude to hardware and software update will not fix it (That looks like a hardware issue. No update will fix that.

Contact the place you purchased the phone from) this is the reply i got from Microsoft Community
Does this purple tint and flickering is a major drawback? This phone will come to my country soon, is it worth the wait or should I just buy a secondhand 920/925 instead, for the same price range? Things are always more expensive here, and the price doesn't change that much, most store here are still selling brand new Lumia 920 for $500-$550! Of course nobody gonna buy it, but they don't want to lower the price, which is sucks.
Dude the purple tint issue you will see only when your screen is in low brightness else you wont even notice it! And that is not a big issue not to buy phone! So go for 730! Even m using it, I used to get worried about the issue but as days gone..i forgotten the issue as well! :)
It's the 3rd day of my new Lumia 730 & I'm facing screen flickering/blinking problem in my lumia 730 screen and aslo my screen gets blurred for 2 sec when i minimize any app...
My all songs are copying twice thrice times when i listen it on XBOX Music / Mix Radio....App....My lumia 730 hangs & flickers most of the times when i listen songs in Mix Radio... Double Tap to wake is not working at all when my phone is connected to charging. 've searched for the solution of these above problems on google and its very surprising to find that most of the #Lumia_730 owners are going through these issues.... !!
've tried all things Soft reset, Hard reset, Disabled Auto brightness, Disabled Sun Readable mode etc. etc. On 1st day of my purchase it worked great smooth and fast but after updating preinstalled application [ Like - Skype, facebook, flipkart, sports, XBOX Music, Mix Radio, Maps and Gps apps & all Lumia editing and camera apps etc etc ], as a suggestion in Windows Store app this above listed problem started to occur.
Any solution to fix my problems ??
It's the 3rd day of my new Lumia 730 & I'm facing screen flickering/blinking problem in my lumia 730 screen and aslo my screen gets blurred for 2 sec when i minimize any app...
My all songs are copying twice thrice times when i listen it on XBOX Music / Mix Radio....App....My lumia 730 hangs & flickers most of the times when i listen songs in Mix Radio... Double Tap to wake is not working at all when my phone is connected to charging. 've searched for the solution of these above problems on google and its very surprising to find that most of the #Lumia_730 owners are going through these issues.... !!
've tried all things Soft reset, Hard reset, Disabled Auto brightness, Disabled Sun Readable mode etc. etc. On 1st day of my purchase it worked great smooth and fast but after updating preinstalled application [ Like - Skype, facebook, flipkart, sports, XBOX Music, Mix Radio, Maps and Gps apps & all Lumia editing and camera apps etc etc ], as a suggestion in Windows Store app this above listed problem started to occur.
Any solution to fix my problems ??

[1] Flicker/Blur is more or less a hardware issue to me (many say, its software issue too). I don't see such issues on my 730. You may also wait for next software update that could address the issue.

[2] Duplication of songs could be an issue with MixRadio/XBM, though I have never observed such issues. You may try installing Files app and cross check if those songs are present in multiple folders other than Music.

[3] Double tap to wake is buggy in almost every Lumia where this feature is available. I have 525 and it sometimes does not work just like my 730. It requires a software update which MS needs to fix. However, it wakes up on double tap while charging, just verified.
Its my 3rd day with lumia 730
Now with 100% charging it shows 12 hours left... Is it same with others also..??
You're using ur phone heavily so that battery saver app is showing you only 12 hours for 100%! For me its always between 21 hours to 1 day 1 hour! Battery time depends on your usage! :)
The purple haze/ghosting/trailing is a known thing on amoled screens, this is a hardware issue, this is not going away. Galaxy S4, 930, 925, etc. all have this.
I am also having the same problem with my Lumia 730. First it was prominent in People's Hub but I can also notice it in Music app, drop down options for volumes and most three dot menus of the OS. Microsoft is fixing this for 930 soon and I hope they do it for 730 as well
Its been almost a month with L730.
The purple tint is in every piece so you can expect a future update for it.
Moreover it doesnt bothers me much as it is not visible at medium and high brightness.
You can use light theme to remove it.
There's one more method:
Go to settings -> ease of access-> switch on high contrast
Thats it..!!!
And yes double tap is buggy (dont tap very fast.. Two slow and soft touches works for me most of the times)
Battery app shows the time according to your usage.
The phone is problems at all..
Loving my lumia 730.
PS: Waiting for windows 10 :)
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its software problem.i complained to the care center and they informed me that it may get fixed by future updates.i think all of you should raise a complain about it .because the Microsoft personal said that i am the only one complaining about the tint issue .kindly all the people having this problem raise a complaint so that the problem can be brought to notice of microsoft and they can fix it
Hi guys. I just bought a Lumia 730 for my mother. And the purple screen bug is just horrible. I had to return it to the shop.

I have made a video. Search on youtube for "Nokia Lumia 730 - Defeito da Tela Roxa" (I still cannot post links here).

Is that what you've meant by purple tint?

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