Lumia 830 Bugs + Defects

My 830 arrived yesterday morning, but the main camera doesn't work at all :( Starting any camera app usually just crashes back to Start screen. sometimes the MS Camera app stays running with black screen and you can select front cam. Returning for replacement. Pity.

Other than that ... it's great. Clear display, fast enough, light in hand. Wife has a 930 and I found it a bit too heavy and thick for comfort. Unlike her I don't carry a bag.
My 830 arrived yesterday morning, but the main camera doesn't work at all :( Starting any camera app usually just crashes back to Start screen. sometimes the MS Camera app stays running with black screen and you can select front cam. Returning for replacement. Pity.

Other than that ... it's great. Clear display, fast enough, light in hand. Wife has a 930 and I found it a bit too heavy and thick for comfort. Unlike her I don't carry a bag.

Perhaps you already tried, but I would recommend trying one or two soft resets before you send it back. Could be just a software hickup and sometimes that can be helped by soft resetting. You do that by holding the power + volume down buttons until the phone vibrates and restarts.
My 830 arrived yesterday morning, but the main camera doesn't work at all :( Starting any camera app usually just crashes back to Start screen. sometimes the MS Camera app stays running with black screen and you can select front cam. Returning for replacement. Pity.

Other than that ... it's great. Clear display, fast enough, light in hand. Wife has a 930 and I found it a bit too heavy and thick for comfort. Unlike her I don't carry a bag.

Might be a silly question on my part but did you try a hard reset? Settings > About > Reset Your Phone
I just noticed that I can see the glance screen information burned into the grey parts of the lock screen
It is slowly going away now, but I'm not sure if I should be worried about it.
Has anyone else had this problem?
The glance peek feature (Jedi hand wave) doesn't work very good with my 830.
Under the same light conditions the 1320 of my gf works fine ... Even in complete darkness.

If I'm the only one experiencing this I will get a new one ... :)

Next issue: Very bad connection compared to my 8X. I am at work and I'm only getting GPRS! Before I had minimum Edge.
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Perhaps you already tried, but I would recommend trying one or two soft resets before you send it back. Could be just a software hickup and sometimes that can be helped by soft resetting. You do that by holding the power + volume down buttons until the phone vibrates and restarts.
It's had multiple soft resets, hard resets (with and without restores) and finally Nokia Restore Tool. No dice. It's going back.
Next issue: Very bad connection compared to my 8X. I am at work and I'm only getting GPRS! Before I had minimum Edge.

Well, GPRS & Edge are usually the same frequency band, atleast here they are. As far as i know the only difference lies in the "language" of the communication. I would try a soft reset or even a hard one & see if the celltower & phone manages to establish a connection through Edge. And this might be a silly question, you are using the same carrier still? (have to ask...)
Yes. Same place in my office and everything the same except the new lumia :)
And GPRS is really not acceptable because it's not only that apps will run slowly but also don't run at all. E.g. Facebook says conn. issue because it's too slow.
It could be that the 830 deems the 3g as not good enough signal / skips it, you can however lock it to 3g & that might work better. There are some hidden menus on old lumias to do it but i dont know if the 830 has it visible in normal menus
Now it works again!
I was in the carrier SIM menu (don't know the exact name because my phone is set to German) where you can define the _highest_ connection.
I toggled between 4G, 3G and 2G and when I switched back to 4G (which was the original value) I had finally "H(+)" again :)
Is anyone experiencing lag when unlocking the phone when glance is turned off?

It takes like one full second to wake the phone up.
It takes like one full second to wake the phone up.
Thought this was normal, I'm seeing the same thing, doesn't bother me at all though.

I just noticed that I can see the glance screen information burned into the grey parts of the lock screen
Do you have glance "always on"? IPS displays don't burn-in, but they have something called "image persistance" which is only temporary and can be fixed by leaving the display off for a longer period of time or by flashing a bunch of colors on the display for a while. I wouldn't recommend having the Glance on 830 always on because it doesn't have an AMOLED display and it needs to be constantly backlit for Glance to work. This of course drains battery too. Still, it's a bit strange this would happen since the text on the screen is slightly moved every now and then.

The glance peek feature (Jedi hand wave) doesn't work very good with my 830.
Working fine for me, however I cannot compare it to other phones, maybe the responsiveness is different on 1320.
So now after 2 days a first list of bugs I saw. Had a 920 before.
- doubletap to wake takes multiple trys to work...
- if vibrate for the capacitive is enabled, it sometimes just stops working. Restart fixes. Dont know if OS or FW Issue
- some Apps (WhatsApp, Tapatalk as an example) seem to have Problems with the screen Resolution. At the Bottom there is a black bar few pixels high where the app doesnt render anything. Best seen in multitaskview. The Keyboard on the lockscreen sometime has a similar issue where part of it gets pushed up a few pixels.
- The only hardwarebug for me: Some light coming through a tiny gap between the glass and the metal frame at the bottom.

All in all I'm happy with the phone as most of the bugs are software side and should be easy fixable. And since the phone runs on DP, I am not 100% sure all these bugs happen on the regular OS too.
I can see the light coming out from that seam on the bottom as well. There doesn't appear to be a gap, looks more like the black coating is missing at the very edge of the glass.

Additionally I noticed that returning to the home screen animation is laggy when Cortana is pinned to it. Unpin and it's perfectly fine.
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The glance peek feature (Jedi hand wave) doesn't work very good with my 830.
Under the same light conditions the 1320 of my gf works fine ... Even in complete darkness.

If I'm the only one experiencing this I will get a new one ... :)
Me too, sometimes takes two or three attempts. It's far less responsive than my previous 820.
Additionally I noticed that returning to the home screen animation is laggy when Cortana is pinned to it. Unpin and it's perfectly fine.

Yeah, this is true of just about every Lumia right now, not exclusive to the 830.
I can also see the light coming out from a small seam on the bottom of my Lumia 830. I already changed my device twice because of this bug, but the each of my new devices have this small gap. It seems not to be an individual case.
Apart from this the Lumia 830 is a fantastic smartphone!

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