Lumia 830 Bugs + Defects

Glad I could help.

Don't mind questions at all, but I think I will not be able to give you an adequate answer on this one. First of all, because I have always my battery saver on, which automatically disables notifications from apps. Second of all, when I'm on messenger apps I'm usually not using my phone for anything else, so the app isn't running in the background.
All in all I have rarely anything turned on, my mobile data/wifi is only on if I'm needing it in the moment. I also never really tracked my battery drain per hour, but I do keep a close eye on the battery life. Usually it lasts between 1-2 days, my longest reading was 3 days 14 hours (discharging it mostly to 5% left, which I know isn't good for the Lithium-Ion battery, but I never had problems with it regarding which phone it was).

Maybe my overnight battery drain is of more use to you, since this is the only time the phone is for sure on standby. At this point I mostly lose about 5-8% through my sleeping cycle, which is 8 hours long. Using simple math, this equals 0,63-1% per hour (note that this is with everything turned off, glance screen on and alarm on).
Your drain should be bigger than mine hence messaging apps that's for sure, but it's up to you to find it out. I'm guessing it shouldn't be too critical, but maybe someone else closer to your seetings will stop by and give you the answer you're looking for.
Lumia 830 - recorded video has bugs / lags / glitches

Hello there,
I am unable to make proper nice videos with my Lumia 830.
As soon as a video is longer than, say, 30 seconds, glitches appear: frames are skipped, sound interrupts for very short moments. This annoys me, since I am a musician and I want to record some basic practice videos, etc ...
It seems as if the Lumia's hardware / CPU or RAM is not strong enough to record the video properly.
How can this be?
I have installed a 32 GB SanDisk SD card and am recording to SD card. But the problem also occurs when recording to phone's storage.
I already tried different FPS settings, no success.

Thank you for your help! :love:
Re: Lumia 830 - recorded video has bugs / lags / glitches

add: the glitch does not appear while recording. I realize it when I watch the video afterwards...
Lumia 830 display turn off for sec sometimes after updating to windows 10 mobile . what can i do ?!

Maybe give a hard reset a try if you haven't already, it's not something that I think should be a perquisites yet appears to have become the norm w/W10M for many, you've got a 50/50 chance it'll resolve your problem... Hopefully :)
I had the same issue, i tried multiple firmware, on one it started working again,
but after a month same issue. tried software reset. in short i tried every possible way. but issue was still there.

at the end i ordered camera module. After changing it works perfectly. Bingoooo

but my happiness was short as after sometime same thing pops up again. something went wrong.

Well i contacted the seller he agreed to send an other module.

Let see.
I want to know if any one DIY changed the camera module himself?
is it possible some short circuit?
same as mine, My display winks when I use Instagram and Telegram apps and these turning on and off will go on faster than before.
please let me know how to end this suffering experience.
Hey guys I have this problem with my 830. Ever since i started using 4g, people tell me they call me and can't get through. It always rings as if out of servicve. I called my mobile operator and they told me it's not their network problem. I got a new sim card still the problem persists. Anyone else had the same problem?
Hi people!
I haven't read all the comments on this section, but I must ask you something.
My 830 recognizes headphones (headphones work, I have tested them on other devices) but the sound is coming out only from a left channel. Has anybody faced a similar problem? I have just bought this device and haven't tested it on W8.1. Maybe it is a software related issue?
Please help
hmm... it could be maybe some weird hardware issue.

here is my problem with mine (i bought my 830 off ebay a few weeks age when my 820's screen broke): my headphone jack recognizes 4 diff types (out of 5) of headphones i own (Nokia earpieces, and 3 generic crappy ones). My favorite headset (Nokia Purity by Monster) isn't even recognized at all. Mind you it is running WP 8.1 Update 2. I have no clue why nor can i find answers on the web.
One big issue of Lumia 830 is it's GPS; since the Here maps got canceled I had to use the Maps app and the most of the time my mobile doesn't find my location or it can not receive the GPS signal which is very very disappointing :/
Last week my screen started acting weird. Double tap no longer works, after answering or starting a call the screen turns off, screen no longer comes on when pulling the phone away from my ear. I didn't change any settings and have checked to see that all are still activated. I have done a factory reset and that didn't seem to fix anything. Any suggestions?
Hey there! My 830 is often rebooting when I put it down on a table. If I place it very carfeully it's not an issue, but if I put it down from like half an inch, it's rebooting. I can absolutely reproduce it, but I dont understand why it is happening. Battery and SIM card both sit very firmly in place.

Any ideas on that?
I've had my 830 for over a year now, and the screen was broken maybe 6 months in because I have a terrible case. This has never been an issue, but now in the last week my 'Back' button is acting almost as if it's stuck. I can't stay on one page or program long enough to do anything before it takes me out of it, or to my tabs screen. Very annoying. Anybody else had this, or is it just my screen?
My 830 was exhibiting the same random reboot issue. It seems to have gone away after the latest update. Haven't had the issue since installing OS build 10.0.14393.189. I still do get the occasional screen flash. However, now my wifi connection is acting up. It won't reconnect to a wifi network after it has gone out of range unless I do a reboot. Annoying. I think it has something to do with the dynamic ip address getting cached and not being able to accept a new dynamic ip. Anyone else seen this behavior?
Just to let you know: I got a new battery and it's fixed :-O I have no idea why. The old one does neither look used nor was in bad condition...

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