Small update from my experience with the phone till now:
The lag every 20 seconds while taking a video was finally fixed with the last lumia camera update. I'm very glad they took care of that. :excited:
Otherwise I did not have any bigger glitches or failures with the phone, even since the last upgrade, that has caused some problems to other users.
Maybe the minor failure that I wanted to mention is with the toolbar, where we have the wi-fi, plane mode, bluetooth and screen rotation lock button. Well, as u already know, you can choose for yourself which buttons do you want there. I changed the screen rotation lock with the mobile data button and i'm experiencing problems with it. When I slide down to open the toolbar, it sometimes makes the mobile data button turn on, without even touching it (I have it turned off all the time and turn it on just when I need it). With other buttons there is no problem, for now. It doesn't bother me so much, but its still a bit annoying as I have to always check if it is really turned off, because the mobile data can quickly be gone. I really don't want to change the button back, cause I don't need the rotation lock button. To be clear, the problem is not due to the last upgrade, but was there before, at the moment when I changed the button.
So, as I said, otherwise, the phone performs well, but then there are some applications that just don't work as they should... Sometimes the push notifications don't work on messenger or viber; messenger also starts lagging a bit if I use it for long and if I dont delete older notifications (and I have no other apps running in the background). If I close it and open it again, then it works smooth for a while. Don't know if it's because the system is overloaded with notifications or something else..
And with workout scheduler application, i'm sometimes experiencing some display stutter or something like that.
Thats about it with my experience with the 830 in the past 3 months. Even if the phone is not perfect, I enjoy every second with it :grin: