Lumia 830 Bugs + Defects

That's strange, I have BT on constantly syncing my FitBit, I always have NFC on (cause can't be bothered to turn off), my brightness is on auto, motion data is always on and syncing and location is always on. I run my business and personal life via my 830 with constant emails (via ActiveSync), calls and texts and at least 30mins to 1hr of gaming and I still have around 1/2 battery remaining at the end of day.

When I say I need to charge my phone once every night, it doesn't mean that the battery loses all of its charge at the end of the day. My 830 has more than 50% of its battery remaining at night by 10 PM. But as I am almost outdoors for most of the day time, I need to ensure that the battery has sufficient amount of charge left. Hence, the regular need for charging.
I must have got a defective 830 because I have not had ANY issues with it, in use for 3 months... I feel left out...
Don't feel left out because, 3 months ago, I purchased 3, 1 for myself, my wife and my oldest grand son, and none of them has an issue. I might have been lucky, but I just thought that they were great phones.
I don't know if my L830 started having this bug since the screen has been repaired or since the last update (those two happened around the same time, a week ago). A very odd bug if you ask me. The camera shutter button now has a double function: it focuses the camera AND it is a 'volume up' control. Same thing for the volume up button: it's also a camera focus button. So whenever I try to make a photo, I raise the volume. When I'm in the camera app and try to raise the volume, it also focuses the camera.

Does anyone know how to fix this bug? A soft and hard reset didn't work. Would be awesome if anyone could help me.
guys, I've noticed two things and would like to know whether everyone experience approximately the same problem:

1) pressing the screen a tad more causes the screen to "float" or "distort", especially around the edges
2) pressing the screen on the right edge next to where the volume buttons are seems to flex a lot more than on the left side, sometimes it creaks as well
3) volume and power buttons are not as poking out as the camera shutter button?
4) pressing the camera button while the phone is locked doesnt always wake it up, but I have to tap it twice... occasionally it works on the first press... I'd say it's 50-50

or do I have a buggy one ? Otherwise I'm quite happy with the phone
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3) mine's the same, I thought it was intentional!
4) agreed, I've now unchecked 'prevent accidental camera launch...' in settings and it's better, if now rather too sensitive. I use LC Classic if it's relevant
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3) volume and power buttons are not as poking out as the camera shutter button?
4) pressing the camera button while the phone is locked doesnt always wake it up, but I have to tap it twice... occasionally it works on the first press... I'd say it's 50-50

3. That's because it has a half-press to focus.
4. As above you need to turn off the accidental launch option; if you like photos of the inside of your pocket.
Had my first random reboot this morning since I installed Update 2.
Hopeful it's a one-off as she's been fine for weeks, whereas it was several times daily before!

Exactly, I have the exact same problem, and with main camera too, the living image have vibrant colors, but the final result very grayish colors
My first ever "bug/anomaly" encountered ... the vibration went berserk..
Didn't know what to do. So I just pull out the battery and restart....
Anyone faced this problem in lumia 830
when i press camera button or camera apps on my lumia 830 its show this message "Something went wrong"and close the camera. i will try to reset phone and also update phone software but nothing happened. now i am using windows phone 8.1 update 2.
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Anyone faced this problem in lumia 830
when i press camera button or camera apps on my lumia 830 its show this message "Something went wrong"and close the camera. i will try to reset phone and also update phone software but nothing happened. now i am using windows phone 8.1 update 2.
Take it to a Nokia care store asap. It's your phone's fault. Me too had the same issue. They fixed it under warranty. I too had tried hard resetting my phone and even flashing it but the camera didn't work. But after repair it's working as it should.
Thanks for reply. Can you tell me its hardware problem or software. My phone warranty not valid that's why.
I am also facing the same problem after updating it to update 2. "Something went wrong". Please help to resolve the situation. I did soft and hard reset.
As I mentioned previously I'm only had one un-commanded reboot since installing Update 2. However I went to the cinema the other day, left the phone in my pocket with Flight Mode ON and it rebooted at least four times!
Not sure why leaving the phone in my pocket would cause an issue as I don't wear tight clothes so it's not due to accidental button presses.

Anyone else having similar issues, even with Update 2?

Anyone else having a problem with their L830s data/WiFi in that when both are turned on and the WiFi fizzles or becomes iffy, you have troubles connecting through apps (none specific) or browser, turning off my WiFi at that time usually resolves. What I'm getting at is that if I encounter a problem say in Twitter loading recent content, we may see something along the lines such as "Sorry we cannot connect at this time", if I shut off my WiFi it'll connect/update normally, it is as if phone can't think for itself at times when switching from WiFi to cellular.
Under 'Settings/mobile+SIM/For limited WiFi connectivity' does it show 'don't use mobile data'?

Thanks but no, mine has always been set to "use mobile data", same issues from day one and after all it's hard resets etc so have to assume it is a trait of my handset or the L830 in general, just curious if others were/are experiencing same.

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