Lumia 830 Bugs + Defects

I got a issue with my lovely lumia 830. Battery charge is never reach 100% although it is plugged all day. It is always below 80%.
I have tried soft and hard reset but it still not ok.
I dont know my phone or battery is error.
Do anyone know how to fix this problem :(
I got a issue with my lovely lumia 830. Battery charge is never reach 100% although it is plugged all day. It is always below 80%.
I have tried soft and hard reset but it still not ok.
I dont know my phone or battery is error.
Do anyone know how to fix this problem :(

Sorry but haven't any worthy suggestions on my end, I've had some instability/inconsistencies with the battery on mine as well (power up 20 min after fully charging and already down 4-8%, some instances of slow charging), throughout all its updates, restores and resets it has not changed (gotten better), the L830 is the only phone out of all the ones that I have owned that exhibited such sporadic battery behaviour. Did a brief search for a new battery because I'm suspecting that could be my problem, seems they aren't so readily available as I was hoping for and the ones found were a bit pricy, not sure it'll solve anything either, won't be too hasty about replacing as we might just opt for a different phone and might not be a WP.
So, after taking my phone from service (i had troubles with constant reboots, they changed motherboard) now I cant get celular network....

It's weird because it can read sim card (it registers it totally normal, 3 simcards from 3 different operators) but it just wont connect to cellular network, 2g, 3g, LTE...

Anyone experienced same problems? How can I fix this? Or I need to send again to service?
Me and my family have been a steadfast Nokia mobile phone users for 15 years, we purchased a dozen of different models. Unfortunately, I have to say that Lumia 830 is going to be my last Nokia/Microsoft phone. Lumia 830 is my first and VERY LAST Windows phone. Just one bug: I understand that Here Drive+ is a very basic free navigation program, however, it should work flawlessly. Not at all, it crashes very often, even the latest version, for example every time when I select a new favorite. It always crashes, too, when the program comes back from the background, etc.
Me and my family have been a steadfast Nokia mobile phone users for 15 years, we purchased a dozen of different models. Unfortunately, I have to say that Lumia 830 is going to be my last Nokia/Microsoft phone. Lumia 830 is my first and VERY LAST Windows phone. Just one bug: I understand that Here Drive+ is a very basic free navigation program, however, it should work flawlessly. Not at all, it crashes very often, even the latest version, for example every time when I select a new favorite. It always crashes, too, when the program comes back from the background, etc.

Well if that is the only issue(s) with your L830 I'd consider yourself lucky, I got many (phone isn't unusable) that keeps reminding me daily of its shortcomings, assume you tried uninstalling/reinstalling the app and that didn't help or a hard reset of the phone?
I have the same issue with the back cover of my 830. Along the side with no buttons the case just will not click shut. It doesn't work with other cases either i tried :(
You're welcome, glad it worked out 😊

In your previous post said that Lumia camera can install on lumia 830. I am using an 830 with wp8.1.2 update. I can't find the app in store. Also tried using the link in windowscentral, but it shows this app isn't available for your device. How can i install it on 830.
After upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile, my Lumia 830 has camera error. Every time I open any camera app it just close with message that it currently use. Please tell me now I have to do what? Return to 8.1 or reset?
In few days I will be saying bye bye to my Lumia 830. Really started encountering issues of lag from past 3 months specially when whatsapp usage has increased it is not able to coup up with. Also recently upgraded to windows 10 official, look is very good but the phone has become terribly slow many times any app it keep saying resuming or loading. Really the processor and 1GB RAM is not able to handle the things. Many times many places no signal where all your fellow mates keep working on phone peacefully, this is really annoying thing for sure. Finally decided to bid bye to the phone and will buy Redmi note 3 very soon..
Yeah tried yesterday and phone is back on track now. Thank you.

Did you do a hard reset initially after upgrading to W10 or is this the first? Just curious as to whether W10M still deteriorates (becomes more sluggish/problematic) over time as it did when I tried earlier builds on my 830, expecting it to be much better now or at least hope it is.
Did you do a hard reset initially after upgrading to W10 or is this the first? Just curious as to whether W10M still deteriorates (becomes more sluggish/problematic) over time as it did when I tried earlier builds on my 830, expecting it to be much better now or at least hope it is.
Its hard reset in the form of "switch off, volume down, power on , volume up and down, power on and leave it for hard reset"
Its hard reset in the form of "switch off, volume down, power on , volume up and down, power on and leave it for hard reset"

Thanks got that, but was wondering if you performed a hard reset right after upgrading to W10M or only after these problems you were experiencing became apparent?
Thanks got that, but was wondering if you performed a hard reset right after upgrading to W10M or only after these problems you were experiencing became apparent?

Yeah i did it after the problems appeared. I got to know about this process from one of our member in a thread. Thanks to him
I bought my brand new lumia 830 in less than 3 weeks ago, it was amazing everything worked fine not a single glitch in phone and i just loved it.
but just 7 days ago i updated my phone (it was about 618 MB) to which it says now is windows phone 8.1 update 2. i have not updated afterwards. after that update i slowly noticed my batter is draining super fast even when its locked. like i leave my phone locked with 100% battery in room for 3 hours and come back and see its 77% with wifi and couple of notifications on.

but recently i've tried turning off eveything including celluar data connection, wifi ,... and this is all when battery saver is on. i always turn it on and screen brightness is mostly always at auto, so i was checking last night i charged my phone from 0, it took almost 3 hours for it to be fully charged then when my phone was at 100% i picked it up and whilst listening to music i played some games and used some apps for a little more than hour and the batter went from 100% to 89% and that kind of usage seemed legit to me. then i left my phone locked with nothing but alarm running in background and in morning after 10 hours i wake up and find it with 2% of battery charge. im literally shocked that my phones battery almost completely runs out during a night that i dont use it and its not even connected to internet.

One strange thing is also when i check batter usage of past 24 hours today it literally showed no usage of any apps while i've used a couple of apps last night and listened to some music im not sure if it requires internet to show usages because as i've said i have turned internet access off for like 2 days.
any ideas how can i get this fixed?
I havent hard reseted my phone yet but i've tried soft reseting twice. turned every single thing off in my phone and removing batter out and putting it back out of desperateness like it would help. also i dont know if its necessary to mention or not but when im charging my phone it gets a little hot. i dont know if this is normal or not i've asked some people they say their phone gets unbarebly hot but mine is not that kind of hot.
Hello there.
From what you're saying it seems you bought a phone with a bad battery. I would try doing a hard reset if I were you, as it can change many failures, including your insane battery drain. If it still wouldn't change anything, then I would request a new battery from your dealer while the phone is in warranty (at least it should be since it is brand new).
For charging this phone from 0-100% the three hour period is quite normal, as mine also needs approximately 2h 15min-3h to fully charge, depending if I'm using it in the process or not. The heating of the phone while charging is also normal if it isn't really excessively hot. If you use a case on the phone it will get even hotter, so it's maybe better to remove the case untill it's charged, so the phone can cool off a bit.
Hey skategrizzly thanks for the reply, i was so afraid if the battery was fake but i did the hard reset and as you said it fixed it, now my phone drains even less battery than before even when battery saver is off. (like 1% per hour) probably because all my messaging and notifying apps are gone.....i was so nervous for if the battery was fake..... well i can take a breath now phewwww.....Thanks.
But if you don't mind i have one last question, how much is considered a normal battery usage (when the phone is locked) for a phone with a couple of messenger apps and necessary stuff that use battery in background?

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