Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Mine was working fine with occasional issues for two years. However, for the last couple of days the batter has been draining very fast even when the phone is not being used. The battery saver shows as if some apps running in the background like Metrotube use 100%, which is weird and not very informative.
After around a year and a half now, I'm finding the battery life pretty poor now. FB messenger absolutley eats the battery to the point I'm finding myself charging 3-4 times a day. Even picked up a portable battery pack because of this.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My mom had a 920 that would eat up a full charge in 2 hours or less. I put a new battery in it and upgraded to 8.1 DP, but to no avail. She got fed up and bought an iPhone, and so I reset her Lumia back to factory so that she could sell it. Since doing that, the battery is fine. After 24 hours, it's still at 89%! Just something to try if you're having battery issues. Of course there are no apps running on it now, but that just goes to show it wasn't the hardware.
Haven't had any problems ever since I started using battery saver - Time since last charge: 2 days 6 hours. 32% left.

Its not my very old Nokia which I didn't have to charge for 2 weeks straight, but it's something :)
My battery seems to have taken a turn for the worse since the start of February. I could go without charging for 2 days generally, now it's dropped to half that. Still waiting to see if Denim helps at all but I doubt it will. Only thing that seems to be using more power is MSN Weather. But the whole % thing in Battery Saver doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Depending on the age of you phone and other things, like number of deep discharge/recharge cycles, etc., that have occurred on your phone, the battery could simply have lost capacity now. All lithium's do.
Battery replacement is simple, three little screws, maybe 10 mins.


My battery seems to have taken a turn for the worse since the start of February. I could go without charging for 2 days generally, now it's dropped to half that. Still waiting to see if Denim helps at all but I doubt it will. Only thing that seems to be using more power is MSN Weather. But the whole % thing in Battery Saver doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Hey folks,
I recently revived my old NL920 (had a water damage, finally managed to repair it) and so I got rid of my Sony Xperia Z1 Compact. The only thing I'm pretty disappointed with is the battery. I remember it was better the last time I used it and additionally, the battery sense app is showing some really strange behaviour......wp_ss_20150301_0001.png
Does anyone of you have an advice for me? I installed Denim as soon as it was available (the official one, no PfD) and factory-resetted it afterwards. Average battery rate is 3%/h, could be a lot better coming from the Z1 Compact....
i've installed denim in my 920 spain CV.... gosh... the battery life SUCKS! from 100 to 80 in les than an hour.
1% - 1 minute ratio on web browsing... at times even 2%-1minute
just REALLY BAD. don't know what to do.
Anyone with this FW having the same issues?
Yea I did think that, it's just come up to a year and one month old though. The thing that made me not think it was just general battery age is that it seems to have happened recently in one go. I don't remember noticing any issues over christmas or january. I may end up doing a battery swap - depends how annoyed I get with it! I've removed MSN Weather too replacing it with a different weather app and blocked Skypes background privileges - even though it still has some background usage according to Battery Saver.
I just ordered a new battery and will see how that goes. I'm getting annoyed always thinking about whether to take a look at my phone or not because that would cost a lot of battery so I ended up not using it the way I used to
I ordered a battery 6 weeks ago and after putting the new one I got double battery life for a week an a half then it went back to the old pattern in which it last about 12 hours of light use and 18 hours in stand by.
I think the problem is a combination of software and hardware because with the old battery once the phone got hot it never cold down until I turned it off, wait a few minutes and turn it on again. The new battery doesn't require the shutdown and wait for the phone to cool off.
Since my battery is going down quickly regardless of what I do with the phone, I have been using it like there is no tomorrow. Around 2 pm I put the phone to charge and by the time my shift is over it has enough charge to heavy use it until it is time to go to bed.
One thing that I want to mention is that my old battery was always charged with the wireless charger. This new one is done via USB cable.

At somepoint I will disable bluetooth just to make sure it isn't a problem for me. I have it on always on all my phones... always.
Glad I read this thread before I pulled the trigger on the purchase. Had someone about to sell me a 920 for a really cheap price, but I'll stick to my 635 for now.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Mine is having great battery life though I doubt the battery indicator is telling the truth. It charges very fast, but drains slowly according to the batt indicator. This has been since black, cyan and now denim. Lol...😄
Yes.The Denim update ruined my phone.Its buggy and the camera sometimes just shows all black.Battery life is also ruined.M$,better fix it in Windows 10...
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Battery life still the same for me. Enough to get me through the day with around 15-35% left. Still on Cyan.
Hello I bought Lumia 920 yellow 4 days before my battery is terrible It gives me only 6 hours if I charge it fully can anyone tell me how to improve my battery and I was thinking to do a hard reset will it improve the battery as I want my phone to work for min one day and everything is off such as location wifi sense Bluetooth and also vibration of navigation keys how to improve my battery plz help me and will it improve after some days ?

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